1 |
Aerial Modification |
Modification aérienne |
Enchantment - Aura |
2 |
Aeronaut Admiral |
Amiral aéronaute |
Creature - Human Pilot |
3 |
Aether Inspector |
Inspecteur d'Éther |
Creature - Dwarf Artificer |
4 |
Aethergeode Miner |
Mineuse de géodes d'Éther |
Creature - Dwarf Scout |
5 |
Airdrop Aeronauts |
Aéronautes de largage |
Creature - Dwarf Scout |
6 |
Alley Evasion |
Évasion des ruelles |
Instant |
7 |
Audacious Infiltrator |
Infiltrateur audacieux |
Creature - Dwarf Rogue |
8 |
Bastion Enforcer |
Argousin du bastion |
Creature - Dwarf Soldier |
9 |
Call for Unity |
Appel à l'unité |
Enchantment |
10 |
Caught in the Brights |
Pris dans la lumière |
Enchantment - Aura |
11 |
Consulate Crackdown |
Répression du Consulat |
Enchantment |
12 |
Conviction |
Conviction |
Enchantment - Aura |
13 |
Countless Gears Renegade |
Renégate aux machines innombrables |
Creature - Dwarf Artificer |
14 |
Dawnfeather Eagle |
Aigle aux plumes d'aube |
Creature - Bird |
15 |
Deadeye Harpooner |
Harponneuse d'élite |
Creature - Dwarf Warrior |
16 |
Decommission |
Mise hors service |
Instant |
17 |
Deft Dismissal |
Rejet adroit |
Instant |
18 |
Exquisite Archangel |
Archange admirable |
Creature - Angel |
19 |
Felidar Guardian |
Gardien félidar |
Creature - Cat Beast |
20 |
Ghirapur Osprey |
Balbuzard de Ghirapur |
Creature - Bird |
21 |
Restoration Specialist |
Spécialiste de la restauration |
Creature - Dwarf Artificer |
22 |
Solemn Recruit |
Recrue solennelle |
Creature - Dwarf Warrior |
23 |
Sram, Senior Edificer |
Sram, chef édificateur |
Legendary Creature - Dwarf Advisor |
24 |
Sram's Expertise |
Expertise de Sram |
Sorcery |
25 |
Thopter Arrest |
Arrestation par mécanoptère |
Enchantment |
26 |
Aether Swooper |
Voltigeuse de l'Éther |
Creature - Vedalken Artificer |
27 |
Aethertide Whale |
Baleine éthertidale |
Creature - Whale |
28 |
Baral, Chief of Compliance |
Baral, directeur de conformité |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
29 |
Baral's Expertise |
Expertise de Baral |
Sorcery |
30 |
Bastion Inventor |
Inventeur du bastion |
Creature - Vedalken Artificer |
31 |
Disallow |
Refus |
Instant |
32 |
Dispersal Technician |
Technicien de dispersion |
Creature - Vedalken Artificer |
33 |
Efficient Construction |
Construction efficace |
Enchantment |
34 |
Hinterland Drake |
Drakôn de l'arrière-pays |
Creature - Drake |
35 |
Ice Over |
Recouvrir de glace |
Enchantment - Aura |
36 |
Illusionist's Stratagem |
Stratagème de l'illusionniste |
Instant |
37 |
Leave in the Dust |
Départ poussiéreux |
Instant |
38 |
Mechanized Production |
Production mécanisée |
Enchantment - Aura |
39 |
Metallic Rebuke |
Blâme métallique |
Instant |
40 |
Negate |
Négation |
Instant |
41 |
Quicksmith Spy |
Espionne forgevif |
Creature - Human Artificer |
42 |
Reverse Engineer |
Rétro-ingénieur |
Sorcery |
43 |
Salvage Scuttler |
Crabe renfloueur |
Creature - Crab |
44 |
Shielded Aether Thief |
Voleur d'Éther protégé |
Creature - Vedalken Rogue |
45 |
Shipwreck Moray |
Murène des épaves |
Creature - Fish |
46 |
Skyship Plunderer |
Saccageur de vaisseau volant |
Creature - Human Pirate |
47 |
Take into Custody |
Mise en état d'arrestation |
Instant |
48 |
Trophy Mage |
Mage des trophées |
Creature - Human Wizard |
49 |
Whir of Invention |
Ronronnement de l'inventivité |
Instant |
50 |
Wind-Kin Raiders |
Pillards frères des vents |
Creature - Human Artificer |
51 |
Aether Poisoner |
Empoisonneuse d'Éther |
Creature - Human Artificer |
52 |
Alley Strangler |
Étrangleur des ruelles |
Creature - Aetherborn Rogue |
53 |
Battle at the Bridge |
Bataille du pont |
Sorcery |
54 |
Cruel Finality |
Fatalité cruelle |
Instant |
55 |
Daring Demolition |
Démolition audacieuse |
Sorcery |
56 |
Defiant Salvager |
Récupérateur provocateur |
Creature - Aetherborn Artificer |
57 |
Fatal Push |
Poussée fatale |
Instant |
58 |
Fen Hauler |
Transporteur des maremmes |
Creature - Insect |
59 |
Foundry Hornet |
Frelon de la fonderie |
Creature - Insect |
60 |
Fourth Bridge Prowler |
Rôdeuse du quatrième pont |
Creature - Human Rogue |
61 |
Gifted Aetherborn |
Éthérien doué |
Creature - Aetherborn Vampire |
62 |
Glint-Sleeve Siphoner |
Siphonneuse de la Manche étincelante |
Creature - Human Rogue |
63 |
Gonti's Machinations |
Machinations de Gonti |
Enchantment |
64 |
Herald of Anguish |
Héraut de l'angoisse |
Creature - Demon |
65 |
Ironclad Revolutionary |
Révolutionnaire cuirassé |
Creature - Aetherborn Artificer |
66 |
Midnight Entourage |
Entourage de minuit |
Creature - Aetherborn Rogue |
67 |
Night Market Aeronaut |
Aéronaute du marché nocturne |
Creature - Aetherborn Warrior |
68 |
Perilous Predicament |
Situation délicate |
Instant |
69 |
Renegade's Getaway |
Subterfuge du renégat |
Instant |
70 |
Resourceful Return |
Retour ingénieux |
Sorcery |
71 |
Secret Salvage |
Récupération secrète |
Sorcery |
72 |
Sly Requisitioner |
Réquisitionneuse sournoise |
Creature - Human Artificer |
73 |
Vengeful Rebel |
Rebelle vengeur |
Creature - Aetherborn Warrior |
74 |
Yahenni, Undying Partisan |
Yahenni, partisan immortel |
Legendary Creature - Aetherborn Vampire |
75 |
Yahenni's Expertise |
Expertise de Yahenni |
Sorcery |
76 |
Aether Chaser |
Chasseur d'Éther |
Creature - Human Artificer |
77 |
Chandra's Revolution |
Révolte de Chandra |
Sorcery |
78 |
Destructive Tampering |
Détraquement destructeur |
Sorcery |
79 |
Embraal Gear-Smasher |
Fracasseur d'équipement d'Embraal |
Creature - Human Warrior |
80 |
Enraged Giant |
Géant enragé |
Creature - Giant |
81 |
Freejam Regent |
Régent de Librefusion |
Creature - Dragon |
82 |
Frontline Rebel |
Rebelle du front |
Creature - Human Warrior |
83 |
Gremlin Infestation |
Infestation de gremlins |
Enchantment - Aura |
84 |
Hungry Flames |
Flammes voraces |
Instant |
85 |
Indomitable Creativity |
Créativité indomptable |
Sorcery |
86 |
Invigorated Rampage |
Sauvagerie revigorée |
Instant |
87 |
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider |
Kari Zev, pillarde de vaisseau volant |
Legendary Creature - Human Pirate |
88 |
Kari Zev's Expertise |
Expertise de Kari Zev |
Sorcery |
89 |
Lathnu Sailback |
Voiléchine de Lathnu |
Creature - Lizard |
90 |
Lightning Runner |
Coureuse d'éclairs |
Creature - Human Warrior |
91 |
Pia's Revolution |
Révolte de Pia |
Enchantment |
92 |
Precise Strike |
Frappe de précision |
Instant |
93 |
Quicksmith Rebel |
Rebelle forgevif |
Creature - Human Artificer |
94 |
Ravenous Intruder |
Intrus vorace |
Creature - Gremlin |
95 |
Reckless Racer |
Coureur téméraire |
Creature - Human Pilot |
96 |
Release the Gremlins |
Lâcher de gremlins |
Sorcery |
97 |
Scrapper Champion |
Championne ferrailleuse |
Creature - Human Artificer |
98 |
Shock |
Choc |
Instant |
99 |
Siege Modification |
Modification de siège |
Enchantment - Aura |
100 |
Sweatworks Brawler |
Bagarreuse de la ferronnerie clandestine |
Creature - Human Artificer |
101 |
Wrangle |
Dompter |
Sorcery |
102 |
Aether Herder |
Berger de l'Éther |
Creature - Elf Artificer Druid |
103 |
Aetherstream Leopard |
Léopard des ruisseaux d'Éther |
Creature - Cat |
104 |
Aetherwind Basker |
Lézard des vents éthériques |
Creature - Lizard |
105 |
Aid from the Cowl |
Aide de l'Auvent |
Enchantment |
106 |
Druid of the Cowl |
Druidesse de l'Auvent |
Creature - Elf Druid |
107 |
Greenbelt Rampager |
Saccageur de la ceinture de verdure |
Creature - Elephant |
108 |
Greenwheel Liberator |
Libératrice de la Roue Verdoyante |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
109 |
Heroic Intervention |
Intervention héroïque |
Instant |
110 |
Hidden Herbalists |
Herboristes cachés |
Creature - Human Druid |
111 |
Highspire Infusion |
Infusion de hautecime |
Instant |
112 |
Lifecraft Awakening |
Éveil du façonneur de vie |
Instant |
113 |
Lifecraft Cavalry |
Cavalière façonneuse de vie |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
114 |
Lifecrafter's Gift |
Don de la façonneuse de vie |
Instant |
115 |
Maulfist Revolutionary |
Révolutionnaire de Massepoing |
Creature - Human Warrior |
116 |
Monstrous Onslaught |
Carnage monstrueux |
Sorcery |
117 |
Narnam Renegade |
Renégat de Narnam |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
118 |
Natural Obsolescence |
Obsolescence naturelle |
Instant |
119 |
Peema Aether-Seer |
Voyante éthérique de Peema |
Creature - Elf Druid |
120 |
Prey Upon |
Chasseur chassé |
Sorcery |
121 |
Ridgescale Tusker |
Terrocorne à écailles striées |
Creature - Beast |
122 |
Rishkar, Peema Renegade |
Rishkar, renégat de Peema |
Legendary Creature - Elf Druid |
123 |
Rishkar's Expertise |
Expertise de Rishkar |
Sorcery |
124 |
Scrounging Bandar |
Bandar fouineur |
Creature - Cat Monkey |
125 |
Silkweaver Elite |
Élite tissesoie |
Creature - Elf Archer |
126 |
Unbridled Growth |
Croissance déchaînée |
Enchantment - Aura |
127 |
Ajani Unyielding |
Ajani l'inflexible |
Planeswalker - Ajani |
128 |
Dark Intimations |
Obscures suggestions |
Sorcery |
129 |
Hidden Stockpile |
Réserve cachée |
Enchantment |
130 |
Maverick Thopterist |
Mécanoptériste dissident |
Creature - Human Artificer |
131 |
Oath of Ajani |
Serment d'Ajani |
Legendary Enchantment |
132 |
Outland Boar |
Sanglier de l'horizon |
Creature - Boar |
133 |
Renegade Rallier |
Rallieur renégat |
Creature - Human Warrior |
134 |
Renegade Wheelsmith |
Gyrocycliste renégat |
Creature - Dwarf Pilot |
135 |
Rogue Refiner |
Gredin raffineur |
Creature - Human Rogue |
136 |
Spire Patrol |
Patrouille des tours |
Creature - Human Soldier |
137 |
Tezzeret the Schemer |
Tezzeret le Conspirateur |
Planeswalker - Tezzeret |
138 |
Tezzeret's Touch |
Toucher de Tezzeret |
Enchantment - Aura |
139 |
Weldfast Engineer |
Ingénieur de Vive-Soudure |
Creature - Human Artificer |
140 |
Winding Constrictor |
Boa sinueux |
Creature - Snake |
141 |
Aegis Automaton |
Automate de l'égide |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
142 |
Aethersphere Harvester |
Moissonneur de l'Éthersphère |
Artifact - Vehicle |
143 |
Augmenting Automaton |
Automate progressif |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
144 |
Barricade Breaker |
Briseur de barricades |
Artifact Creature - Juggernaut |
145 |
Cogwork Assembler |
Assembleur mécanique |
Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker |
146 |
Consulate Dreadnought |
Cuirassé du Consulat |
Artifact - Vehicle |
147 |
Consulate Turret |
Tourelle du Consulat |
Artifact |
148 |
Crackdown Construct |
Construction répressive |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
149 |
Daredevil Dragster |
Dragster casse-cou |
Artifact - Vehicle |
150 |
Filigree Crawler |
Rampeur de filigrane |
Artifact Creature - Insect |
151 |
Foundry Assembler |
Assembleur de la fonderie |
Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker |
152 |
Gonti's Aether Heart |
Cœur éthérique de Gonti |
Legendary Artifact |
153 |
Heart of Kiran |
Cœur de Kiran |
Legendary Artifact - Vehicle |
154 |
Hope of Ghirapur |
Espoir de Ghirapur |
Legendary Artifact Creature - Thopter |
155 |
Implement of Combustion |
Outil de combustion |
Artifact |
156 |
Implement of Examination |
Outil d'observation |
Artifact |
157 |
Implement of Ferocity |
Outil de férocité |
Artifact |
158 |
Implement of Improvement |
Outil d'amélioration |
Artifact |
159 |
Implement of Malice |
Outil de malice |
Artifact |
160 |
Inspiring Statuary |
Statuaire inspiratrice |
Artifact |
161 |
Irontread Crusher |
Écrabouilleur roulefer |
Artifact - Vehicle |
162 |
Lifecrafter's Bestiary |
Bestiaire du façonneur de vie |
Artifact |
163 |
Merchant's Dockhand |
Débardeur du marchand |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
164 |
Metallic Mimic |
Mimique métallique |
Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter |
165 |
Mobile Garrison |
Garnison mobile |
Artifact - Vehicle |
166 |
Night Market Guard |
Garde du marché nocturne |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
167 |
Ornithopter |
Ornithoptère |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
168 |
Pacification Array |
Déploiement de pacification |
Artifact |
169 |
Paradox Engine |
Machine paradoxale |
Legendary Artifact |
170 |
Peacewalker Colossus |
Colosse marchepaix |
Artifact - Vehicle |
171 |
Planar Bridge |
Pont planaire |
Legendary Artifact |
172 |
Prizefighter Construct |
Construction pugiliste |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
173 |
Renegade Map |
Carte des renégats |
Artifact |
174 |
Reservoir Walker |
Marcheur réservoir |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
175 |
Scrap Trawler |
Charrieur de ferraille |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
176 |
Servo Schematic |
Schéma de servo |
Artifact |
177 |
Treasure Keeper |
Gardien du trésor |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
178 |
Universal Solvent |
Solvant universel |
Artifact |
179 |
Untethered Express |
Express incontrôlé |
Artifact - Vehicle |
180 |
Verdant Automaton |
Automate verdoyant |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
181 |
Walking Ballista |
Baliste ambulante |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
182 |
Watchful Automaton |
Automate alerte |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
183 |
Welder Automaton |
Automate soudeur |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
184 |
Spire of Industry |
Tour de l'industrie |
Land |
185 |
Ajani, Valiant Protector |
Ajani, protecteur valeureux |
Planeswalker - Ajani |
186 |
Inspiring Roar |
Rugissement inspirateur |
Sorcery |
187 |
Ajani's Comrade |
Camarade d'Ajani |
Creature - Elf Soldier |
188 |
Ajani's Aid |
Aide d'Ajani |
Enchantment |
189 |
Tranquil Expanse |
Immensité tranquille |
Land |
190 |
Tezzeret, Master of Metal |
Tezzeret, maître du métal |
Planeswalker - Tezzeret |
191 |
Tezzeret's Betrayal |
Trahison de Tezzeret |
Sorcery |
192 |
Pendulum of Patterns |
Pendule à motifs |
Artifact |
193 |
Tezzeret's Simulacrum |
Simulacre de Tezzeret |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
194 |
Submerged Boneyard |
Ossuaire submergé |
Land |