1 |
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon |
Ugin, le dragon-esprit |
Planeswalker - Ugin |
2 |
Alpine Watchdog |
Chien de garde alpin |
Creature — Dog |
3 |
Angelic Ascension |
Ascension angélique |
Instant |
4 |
Anointed Chorister |
Choriste consacré |
Creature — Human Cleric |
5 |
Aven Gagglemaster |
Maître du troupeau avemain |
Creature — Bird Warrior |
6 |
Baneslayer Angel |
Ange pourfendeur |
Creature - Angel |
7 |
Basri Ket |
Basri Ket |
Legendary Planeswalker — Basri |
8 |
Basri's Acolyte |
Acolyte de Basri |
Creature — Cat Cleric |
9 |
Basri's Lieutenant |
Lieutenant de Basri |
Creature — Human Knight |
10 |
Basri's Solidarity |
Solidarité de Basri |
Sorcery |
11 |
Celestial Enforcer |
Argousine céleste |
Creature — Human Cleric |
12 |
Concordia Pegasus |
Pégase de Concordia |
Creature - Pegasus |
13 |
Containment Priest |
Prêtresse du confinement |
Creature - Human Cleric |
14 |
Daybreak Charger |
Batailleur de l'aube |
Creature — Unicorn |
15 |
Defiant Strike |
Frappe provocatrice |
Instant |
16 |
Dub |
Adoubement |
Enchantment - Aura |
17 |
Faith's Fetters |
Fers de la foi |
Enchantment - Aura |
18 |
Falconer Adept |
Experte fauconnière |
Creature — Human Soldier |
19 |
Feat of Resistance |
Haut fait de résistance |
Instant |
20 |
Gale Swooper |
Voltigeur des bourrasques |
Creature — Griffin |
21 |
Glorious Anthem |
Antienne glorieuse |
Enchantment |
22 |
Griffin Aerie |
Aérain de griffons |
Enchantment |
23 |
Idol of Endurance |
Idole de l'endurance |
Artifact |
24 |
Legion's Judgment |
Jugement selon la Légion |
Sorcery |
25 |
Light of Promise |
Lumière de promesse |
Enchantment — Aura |
26 |
Makeshift Battalion |
Bataillon improvisé |
Creature — Human Soldier |
27 |
Mangara, the Diplomat |
Mangara, le diplomate |
Legendary Creature — Human Cleric |
28 |
Nine Lives |
Neuf vies |
Enchantment |
29 |
Pack Leader |
Chef de la meute |
Creature — Dog |
30 |
Rambunctious Mutt |
Cabot turbulent |
Creature — Dog |
31 |
Revitalize |
Revitaliser |
Instant |
32 |
Runed Halo |
Halo serti de runes |
Enchantment |
33 |
Sanctum of Tranquil Light |
Sanctuaire de la lumière paisible |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
34 |
Seasoned Hallowblade |
Sacrelame aguerri |
Creature — Human Warrior |
35 |
Secure the Scene |
Sécuriser les lieux |
Sorcery |
36 |
Selfless Savior |
Sauveur dévoué |
Creature — Dog |
37 |
Siege Striker |
Frappeur de siège |
Creature — Human Soldier |
38 |
Speaker of the Heavens |
Orateur des Cieux |
Creature — Human Cleric |
39 |
Staunch Shieldmate |
Compagnon bouclier inébranlable |
Creature — Dwarf Soldier |
40 |
Swift Response |
Réponse expéditive |
Instant |
41 |
Tempered Veteran |
Vétérane irascible |
Creature — Human Knight |
42 |
Valorous Steed |
Destrier valeureux |
Creature — Unicorn |
43 |
Vryn Wingmare |
Cheval ailé de Vryn |
Creature - Pegasus |
44 |
Warded Battlements |
Remparts aux runes de garde |
Creature — Wall |
45 |
Barrin, Tolarian Archmage |
Barrin, archimage tolarian |
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard |
46 |
Cancel |
Révocation |
Instant |
47 |
Capture Sphere |
Sphère de capture |
Enchantment - Aura |
48 |
Discontinuity |
Discontinuité |
Instant |
49 |
Enthralling Hold |
Mainmise charismatique |
Enchantment — Aura |
50 |
Frantic Inventory |
Inventaire effréné |
Instant |
51 |
Frost Breath |
Souffle de givre |
Instant |
52 |
Ghostly Pilferer |
Chapardeur fantomal |
Creature — Spirit Rogue |
53 |
Jeskai Elder |
Doyenne jeskaï |
Creature - Human Monk |
54 |
Keen Glidemaster |
Planachutiste passionné |
Creature — Human Soldier |
55 |
Library Larcenist |
Voleuse de bibliothèque |
Creature — Merfolk Rogue |
56 |
Lofty Denial |
Déni noble |
Instant |
57 |
Miscast |
Erreur de lancement |
Instant |
58 |
Mistral Singer |
Chanteuse de mistral |
Creature — Siren |
59 |
Opt |
Option |
Instant |
60 |
Pursued Whale |
Baleine pourchassée |
Creature — Whale |
61 |
Rain of Revelation |
Pluie de révélation |
Instant |
62 |
Read the Tides |
Déchiffrage des marées |
Sorcery |
63 |
Rewind |
Rembobinage |
Instant |
64 |
Riddleform |
Énigmomorphe |
Enchantment |
65 |
Roaming Ghostlight |
Luminesprit errant |
Creature — Spirit |
66 |
Rookie Mistake |
Erreur de débutant |
Instant |
67 |
Rousing Read |
Envolée lyrique |
Enchantment — Aura |
68 |
Sanctum of Calm Waters |
Sanctuaire des eaux calmes |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
69 |
See the Truth |
Voir la Vérité |
Sorcery |
70 |
Shacklegeist |
Geist ferré |
Creature — Spirit |
71 |
Shipwreck Dowser |
Sourcier des épaves |
Creature — Merfolk Wizard |
72 |
Spined Megalodon |
Mégalodon à piquants |
Creature — Shark |
73 |
Stormwing Entity |
Entité ailorage |
Creature — Elemental |
74 |
Sublime Epiphany |
Révélation sublime |
Instant |
75 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
76 |
Teferi's Ageless Insight |
Perspicacité sans âge de Téfeiri |
Legendary Enchantment |
77 |
Teferi's Protege |
Protégée de Téfeiri |
Creature — Human Wizard |
78 |
Teferi's Tutelage |
Tutelle de Téfeiri |
Enchantment |
79 |
Tide Skimmer |
Écumeur du ressac |
Creature — Drake |
80 |
Tolarian Kraken |
Kraken de Tolaria |
Creature — Kraken |
81 |
Tome Anima |
Anima de grimoire |
Creature — Spirit |
82 |
Unsubstantiate |
Abolir |
Instant |
83 |
Vodalian Arcanist |
Arcaniste vodalian |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
84 |
Waker of Waves |
Éveilleur des vagues |
Creature — Whale |
85 |
Wall of Runes |
Mur de runes |
Creature — Wall |
86 |
Wishcoin Crab |
Crabe piècevœu |
Creature - Crab |
87 |
Alchemist's Gift |
Don de l'alchimiste |
Instant |
88 |
Archfiend's Vessel |
Réceptacle de l'archifielleux |
Creature — Human Cleric |
89 |
Bad Deal |
Mauvais plan |
Sorcery |
90 |
Blood Glutton |
Goinfre de sang |
Creature — Vampire |
91 |
Caged Zombie |
Zombie emprisonné |
Creature — Zombie |
92 |
Carrion Grub |
Larve charognarde |
Creature — Insect |
93 |
Crypt Lurker |
Guetteur de la crypte |
Creature — Horror |
94 |
Deathbloom Thallid |
Thallidé à fleurs de mort |
Creature - Fungus |
95 |
Demonic Embrace |
Étreinte démoniaque |
Enchantment — Aura |
96 |
Duress |
Contrainte |
Sorcery |
97 |
Eliminate |
Éliminer |
Instant |
98 |
Fetid Imp |
Diablotin fétide |
Creature - Imp |
99 |
Finishing Blow |
Coup de grâce |
Instant |
100 |
Gloom Sower |
Semeur de ténèbres |
Creature — Horror |
101 |
Goremand |
Gourmet d'entrailles |
Creature — Demon |
102 |
Grasp of Darkness |
Emprise des ténèbres |
Instant |
103 |
Grim Tutor |
Précepteur sinistre |
Sorcery |
104 |
Hooded Blightfang |
Pestecroc cagoulard |
Creature — Snake |
105 |
Infernal Scarring |
Scarification infernale |
Enchantment - Aura |
106 |
Kaervek, the Spiteful |
Kærvek, le malveillant |
Legendary Creature — Human Warlock |
107 |
Kitesail Freebooter |
Flibustière à voile volante |
Creature - Human Pirate |
108 |
Liliana, Waker of the Dead |
Liliana, éveilleuse des morts |
Legendary Planeswalker — Liliana |
109 |
Liliana's Devotee |
Dévot de Liliana |
Creature — Human Warlock |
110 |
Liliana's Standard Bearer |
Porte-étendard de Liliana |
Creature — Zombie Knight |
111 |
Liliana's Steward |
Intendant de Liliana |
Creature — Zombie |
112 |
Malefic Scythe |
Faux maléfique |
Artifact — Equipment |
113 |
Masked Blackguard |
Garde noire masquée |
Creature — Human Rogue |
114 |
Massacre Wurm |
Guivre du massacre |
Creature - Wurm |
115 |
Mind Rot |
Pourrissement cérébral |
Sorcery |
116 |
Necromentia |
Nécrodémence |
Sorcery |
117 |
Peer into the Abyss |
Sonder l'abysse |
Sorcery |
118 |
Pestilent Haze |
Brume pestiférée |
Sorcery |
119 |
Rise Again |
Revenir des morts |
Sorcery |
120 |
Sanctum of Stone Fangs |
Sanctuaire des crocs de pierre |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
121 |
Sanguine Indulgence |
Assouvissement sanguin |
Sorcery |
122 |
Silversmote Ghoul |
Goule piquée à l'argent |
Creature — Zombie Vampire |
123 |
Skeleton Archer |
Archer squelette |
Creature - Skeleton Archer |
124 |
Tavern Swindler |
Filouteuse de taverne |
Creature - Human Rogue |
125 |
Thieves' Guild Enforcer |
Argousine de la guilde des voleurs |
Creature — Human Rogue |
126 |
Village Rites |
Rites du village |
Instant |
127 |
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose |
Vito, Épine de la Rose du crépuscule |
Legendary Creature — Vampire Cleric |
128 |
Walking Corpse |
Cadavre ambulant |
Creature - Zombie |
129 |
Witch's Cauldron |
Chaudron d'envoûteuse |
Artifact |
130 |
Battle-Rattle Shaman |
Shamane à crécelle de guerre |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
131 |
Bolt Hound |
Chien d'éclair |
Creature — Elemental Dog |
132 |
Bone Pit Brute |
Brute de la fosse aux ossements |
Creature — Cyclops |
133 |
Brash Taunter |
Taquineur effronté |
Creature — Goblin |
134 |
Burn Bright |
Pleins feux |
Instant |
135 |
Chandra, Heart of Fire |
Chandra, cœur de feu |
Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra |
136 |
Chandra's Incinerator |
Incinérateur de Chandra |
Creature — Elemental |
137 |
Chandra's Magmutt |
Molosse de magma de Chandra |
Creature — Elemental Dog |
138 |
Chandra's Pyreling |
Pyrolin de Chandra |
Creature — Elemental Lizard |
139 |
Conspicuous Snoop |
Fouineur flagrant |
Creature — Goblin Rogue |
140 |
Crash Through |
Passer à travers |
Sorcery |
141 |
Destructive Tampering |
Détraquement destructeur |
Sorcery |
142 |
Double Vision |
Double vision |
Enchantment |
143 |
Fiery Emancipation |
Émancipation ardente |
Enchantment |
144 |
Furious Rise |
Ascension furieuse |
Enchantment |
145 |
Furor of the Bitten |
Emportement des mordus |
Enchantment - Aura |
146 |
Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge |
Gadrak, le fléau des couronnes |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
147 |
Goblin Arsonist |
Incendiaire gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
148 |
Goblin Wizardry |
Sorcellerie gobeline |
Instant |
149 |
Havoc Jester |
Bouffon ravageur |
Creature — Devil |
150 |
Heartfire Immolator |
Immolateur pyrocœur |
Creature — Human Wizard |
151 |
Hellkite Punisher |
Châtieur escouflenfer |
Creature — Dragon |
152 |
Hobblefiend |
Fielleux croque pieds |
Creature — Devil |
153 |
Igneous Cur |
Cabot ignescent |
Creature — Elemental Dog |
154 |
Kinetic Augur |
Augure cinétique |
Creature — Human Shaman |
155 |
Onakke Ogre |
Ogre onakke |
Creature - Ogre Warrior |
156 |
Pitchburn Devils |
Diables brûlegoudron |
Creature - Devil |
157 |
Sanctum of Shattered Heights |
Sanctuaire des hauteurs fracassées |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
158 |
Scorching Dragonfire |
Feu du dragon dévastateur |
Instant |
159 |
Shock |
Choc |
Instant |
160 |
Soul Sear |
Calcination de l'âme |
Instant |
161 |
Spellgorger Weird |
Anomalie englousorts |
Creature — Weird |
162 |
Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner |
Soubira, caravanière des Tulzidi |
Legendary Creature — Human Shaman |
163 |
Sure Strike |
Frappe assurée |
Instant |
164 |
Terror of the Peaks |
Terreur des pics |
Creature — Dragon |
165 |
Thrill of Possibility |
Frisson de probabilité |
Instant |
166 |
Traitorous Greed |
Avidité perfide |
Sorcery |
167 |
Transmogrify |
Transfiguration |
Sorcery |
168 |
Turn to Slag |
Amalgame |
Sorcery |
169 |
Turret Ogre |
Ogre des tourelles |
Creature — Ogre Warrior |
170 |
Unleash Fury |
Déchaînement de fureur |
Instant |
171 |
Volcanic Geyser |
Geyser volcanique |
Instant |
172 |
Volcanic Salvo |
Salve volcanique |
Sorcery |
173 |
Azusa, Lost but Seeking |
Azusa, égarée mais en quête |
Legendary Creature - Human Monk |
174 |
Burlfist Oak |
Chêne aux poings noueux |
Creature — Treefolk |
175 |
Canopy Stalker |
Pisteur de la canopée |
Creature — Cat |
176 |
Colossal Dreadmaw |
Gueuleffroi colossal |
Creature - Dinosaur |
177 |
Cultivate |
Culture |
Sorcery |
178 |
Drowsing Tyrannodon |
Tyrannodon somnolant |
Creature — Dinosaur |
179 |
Elder Gargaroth |
Ancêtre gargaroth |
Creature — Beast |
180 |
Feline Sovereign |
Souverain félin |
Creature — Cat |
181 |
Fierce Empath |
Empathe farouche |
Creature - Elf |
182 |
Fungal Rebirth |
Renaissance fongoïde |
Instant |
183 |
Garruk, Unleashed |
Garruk, libéré |
Legendary Planeswalker — Garruk |
184 |
Garruk's Gorehorn |
Corneboyaux de Garruk |
Creature — Beast |
185 |
Garruk's Harbinger |
Annonciateur de Garruk |
Creature — Beast |
186 |
Garruk's Uprising |
Soulèvement de Garruk |
Enchantment |
187 |
Gnarled Sage |
Sage noueux |
Creature — Treefolk Druid |
188 |
Heroic Intervention |
Intervention héroïque |
Instant |
189 |
Hunter's Edge |
Avantage de la chasseresse |
Sorcery |
190 |
Invigorating Surge |
Déferlement revigorant |
Instant |
191 |
Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse |
Jolraël, recluse de la Mwônvouli |
Legendary Creature — Human Druid |
192 |
Life Goes On |
La vie continue |
Instant |
193 |
Llanowar Visionary |
Visionnaire de Llanowar |
Creature — Elf Druid |
194 |
Ornery Dilophosaur |
Dilophosaure hargneux |
Creature — Dinosaur |
195 |
Portcullis Vine |
Lierre de herse |
Creature - Plant Wall |
196 |
Pridemalkin |
Mitouard de la fierté |
Creature — Cat |
197 |
Primal Might |
Puissance primordiale |
Sorcery |
198 |
Quirion Dryad |
Dryade quirionaise |
Creature - Dryad |
199 |
Ranger's Guile |
Sagacité du ranger |
Instant |
200 |
Return to Nature |
Retour à la nature |
Instant |
201 |
Run Afoul |
Se battre bec et ongles |
Instant |
202 |
Sabertooth Mauler |
Meurtrisseur à dents de sabre |
Creature — Cat |
203 |
Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest |
Sanctuaire des récoltes abondantes |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
204 |
Scavenging Ooze |
Limon nécrophage |
Creature - Ooze |
205 |
Setessan Training |
Entraînement setessien |
Enchantment — Aura |
206 |
Skyway Sniper |
Franc-tireuse de Cielouvert |
Creature — Elf Archer |
207 |
Snarespinner |
Fileuse de collet |
Creature — Spider |
208 |
Sporeweb Weaver |
Tisseuse de sporetoile |
Creature — Spider |
209 |
Thrashing Brontodon |
Brontodonte farouche |
Creature - Dinosaur |
210 |
Titanic Growth |
Croissance titanesque |
Instant |
211 |
Track Down |
Traque |
Sorcery |
212 |
Trufflesnout |
Cochon truffier |
Creature — Boar |
213 |
Warden of the Woods |
Garde des bois |
Creature — Treefolk |
214 |
Wildwood Scourge |
Fléau de bois sauvage |
Creature — Hydra |
215 |
Alpine Houndmaster |
Maître-chien alpin |
Creature — Human Warrior |
216 |
Conclave Mentor |
Mentor du Conclave |
Creature — Centaur Cleric |
217 |
Dire Fleet Warmonger |
Belliciste de la Flotte implacable |
Creature — Orc Pirate |
218 |
Experimental Overload |
Surcharge expérimentale |
Sorcery |
219 |
Indulging Patrician |
Patricienne indulgente |
Creature — Vampire Noble |
220 |
Leafkin Avenger |
Vengeur sangfeuille |
Creature — Elemental Druid |
221 |
Lorescale Coatl |
Coatl aux écailles de sapience |
Creature - Snake |
222 |
Niambi, Esteemed Speaker |
Niambi, oratrice respectée |
Legendary Creature — Human Cleric |
223 |
Obsessive Stitcher |
Raccommodeuse obsessionnelle |
Creature — Human Wizard |
224 |
Radha, Heart of Keld |
Radha, cœur de Keld |
Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior |
225 |
Sanctum of All |
Sanctuaire du Grand Tout |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
226 |
Twinblade Assassins |
Assassins jumelames |
Creature — Elf Assassin |
227 |
Watcher of the Spheres |
Gardien des sphères |
Creature — Bird Wizard |
228 |
Chromatic Orrery |
Planétaire mécanique chromatique |
Legendary Artifact |
229 |
Chrome Replicator |
Réplicateur de chrome |
Artifact Creature — Construct |
230 |
Epitaph Golem |
Golem d'épitaphe |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
231 |
Forgotten Sentinel |
Sentinelle oubliée |
Artifact Creature — Golem |
232 |
Mazemind Tome |
Grimoire du dédale de l'esprit |
Artifact |
233 |
Meteorite |
Météorite |
Artifact |
234 |
Palladium Myr |
Myr de palladium |
Artifact Creature - Myr |
235 |
Prismite |
Prismite |
Artifact Creature — Golem |
236 |
Short Sword |
Épée courte |
Artifact - Equipment |
237 |
Silent Dart |
Fléchette silencieuse |
Artifact |
238 |
Skyscanner |
Scruteciel |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
239 |
Solemn Simulacrum |
Simulacre solennel |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
240 |
Sparkhunter Masticore |
Masticore traqueuse d'étincelle |
Artifact Creature — Masticore |
241 |
Tormod's Crypt |
Crypte de Tormod |
Artifact |
242 |
Animal Sanctuary |
Sanctuaire animalier |
Land |
243 |
Bloodfell Caves |
Cavernes du Sacrifice |
Land |
244 |
Blossoming Sands |
Sables verdoyants |
Land |
245 |
Dismal Backwater |
Marigot lugubre |
Land |
246 |
Fabled Passage |
Passage merveilleux |
Land |
247 |
Jungle Hollow |
Dépression de jungle |
Land |
248 |
Radiant Fountain |
Fontaine radieuse |
Land |
249 |
Rugged Highlands |
Hautes terres rocailleuses |
Land |
250 |
Scoured Barrens |
Landes érodées |
Land |
251 |
Swiftwater Cliffs |
Falaises des eaux vives |
Land |
252 |
Temple of Epiphany |
Temple de la révélation |
Land |
253 |
Temple of Malady |
Temple de la maladie |
Land |
254 |
Temple of Mystery |
Temple du mystère |
Land |
255 |
Temple of Silence |
Temple du silence |
Land |
256 |
Temple of Triumph |
Temple du triomphe |
Land |
257 |
Thornwood Falls |
Chutes de Boisépine |
Land |
258 |
Tranquil Cove |
Crique tranquille |
Land |
259 |
Wind-Scarred Crag |
Cordillère marquée par les vents |
Land |
260 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
261 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
262 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
263 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
264 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
265 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
266 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
267 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
268 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
269 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
270 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
271 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
272 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
273 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
274 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
275 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
276 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
277 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
278 |
Rin and Seri, Inseparable |
Rin et Seri, inséparables |
Legendary Creature — Dog Cat |
279 |
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon |
Ugin, le dragon-esprit |
Planeswalker - Ugin |
280 |
Basri Ket |
Basri Ket |
Legendary Planeswalker — Basri |
281 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
282 |
Liliana, Waker of the Dead |
Liliana, éveilleuse des morts |
Legendary Planeswalker — Liliana |
283 |
Chandra, Heart of Fire |
Chandra, cœur de feu |
Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra |
284 |
Garruk, Unleashed |
Garruk, libéré |
Legendary Planeswalker — Garruk |
285 |
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon |
Ugin, le dragon-esprit |
Planeswalker - Ugin |
286 |
Basri Ket |
Basri Ket |
Legendary Planeswalker — Basri |
287 |
Basri's Acolyte |
Acolyte de Basri |
Creature — Cat Cleric |
288 |
Basri's Lieutenant |
Lieutenant de Basri |
Creature — Human Knight |
289 |
Basri's Solidarity |
Solidarité de Basri |
Sorcery |
290 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
291 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
292 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
293 |
Teferi, Master of Time |
Téfeiri, maître du temps |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
294 |
Teferi's Ageless Insight |
Perspicacité sans âge de Téfeiri |
Legendary Enchantment |
295 |
Teferi's Protege |
Protégée de Téfeiri |
Creature — Human Wizard |
296 |
Teferi's Tutelage |
Tutelle de Téfeiri |
Enchantment |
297 |
Liliana, Waker of the Dead |
Liliana, éveilleuse des morts |
Legendary Planeswalker — Liliana |
298 |
Liliana's Devotee |
Dévot de Liliana |
Creature — Human Warlock |
299 |
Liliana's Standard Bearer |
Porte-étendard de Liliana |
Creature — Zombie Knight |
300 |
Liliana's Steward |
Intendant de Liliana |
Creature — Zombie |
301 |
Chandra, Heart of Fire |
Chandra, cœur de feu |
Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra |
302 |
Chandra's Incinerator |
Incinérateur de Chandra |
Creature — Elemental |
303 |
Chandra's Magmutt |
Molosse de magma de Chandra |
Creature — Elemental Dog |
304 |
Chandra's Pyreling |
Pyrolin de Chandra |
Creature — Elemental Lizard |
305 |
Garruk, Unleashed |
Garruk, libéré |
Legendary Planeswalker — Garruk |
306 |
Garruk's Gorehorn |
Corneboyaux de Garruk |
Creature — Beast |
307 |
Garruk's Harbinger |
Annonciateur de Garruk |
Creature — Beast |
308 |
Garruk's Uprising |
Soulèvement de Garruk |
Enchantment |
309 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
310 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
311 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
312 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
313 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
314 |
Containment Priest |
Prêtresse du confinement |
Creature - Human Cleric |
315 |
Grim Tutor |
Précepteur sinistre |
Sorcery |
316 |
Massacre Wurm |
Guivre du massacre |
Creature - Wurm |
317 |
Cultivate |
Culture |
Sorcery |
318 |
Scavenging Ooze |
Limon nécrophage |
Creature - Ooze |
319 |
Solemn Simulacrum |
Simulacre solennel |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
320 |
Basri, Devoted Paladin |
Basri, paladin dévoué |
Legendary Planeswalker — Basri |
321 |
Adherent of Hope |
Militante de l'espoir |
Creature — Human Soldier |
322 |
Basri's Aegis |
Égide de Basri |
Sorcery |
323 |
Sigiled Contender |
Concurrent sigillé |
Creature — Human Warrior |
324 |
Teferi, Timeless Voyager |
Téfeiri, voyageur intemporel |
Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi |
325 |
Historian of Zhalfir |
Historien de Zhalfir |
Creature — Human Wizard |
326 |
Mystic Skyfish |
Exocet volant mystique |
Creature — Fish |
327 |
Teferi's Wavecaster |
Lanceuse de vague de Téfeiri |
Creature — Merfolk Wizard |
328 |
Liliana, Death Mage |
Liliana, mage de mort |
Legendary Planeswalker — Liliana |
329 |
Liliana's Scorn |
Mépris selon Liliana |
Sorcery |
330 |
Liliana's Scrounger |
Fouineuse de Liliana |
Creature — Human Wizard |
331 |
Spirit of Malevolence |
Esprit de malveillance |
Creature — Spirit |
332 |
Chandra, Flame's Catalyst |
Chandra, catalyseuse de flammes |
Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra |
333 |
Chandra's Firemaw |
Gueuldefeu de Chandra |
Creature — Hellion |
334 |
Keral Keep Disciples |
Disciples de la Forteresse de Keral |
Creature — Human Monk |
335 |
Storm Caller |
Meneur d'orage |
Creature — Ogre Shaman |
336 |
Garruk, Savage Herald |
Garruk, héraut sauvage |
Legendary Planeswalker — Garruk |
337 |
Garruk's Warsteed |
Destrier de guerre de Garruk |
Creature — Rhino |
338 |
Predatory Wurm |
Guivre prédatrice |
Creature — Wurm |
339 |
Wildwood Patrol |
Patrouille du bois sauvage |
Creature — Centaur Scout |
340 |
Baneslayer Angel |
Ange pourfendeur |
Creature - Angel |
341 |
Glorious Anthem |
Antienne glorieuse |
Enchantment |
342 |
Idol of Endurance |
Idole de l'endurance |
Artifact |
343 |
Mangara, the Diplomat |
Mangara, le diplomate |
Legendary Creature — Human Cleric |
344 |
Nine Lives |
Neuf vies |
Enchantment |
345 |
Pack Leader |
Chef de la meute |
Creature — Dog |
346 |
Runed Halo |
Halo serti de runes |
Enchantment |
347 |
Speaker of the Heavens |
Orateur des Cieux |
Creature — Human Cleric |
348 |
Barrin, Tolarian Archmage |
Barrin, archimage tolarian |
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard |
349 |
Discontinuity |
Discontinuité |
Instant |
350 |
Ghostly Pilferer |
Chapardeur fantomal |
Creature — Spirit Rogue |
351 |
Pursued Whale |
Baleine pourchassée |
Creature — Whale |
352 |
See the Truth |
Voir la Vérité |
Sorcery |
353 |
Shacklegeist |
Geist ferré |
Creature — Spirit |
354 |
Stormwing Entity |
Entité ailorage |
Creature — Elemental |
355 |
Sublime Epiphany |
Révélation sublime |
Instant |
356 |
Demonic Embrace |
Étreinte démoniaque |
Enchantment — Aura |
357 |
Hooded Blightfang |
Pestecroc cagoulard |
Creature — Snake |
358 |
Kaervek, the Spiteful |
Kærvek, le malveillant |
Legendary Creature — Human Warlock |
359 |
Necromentia |
Nécrodémence |
Sorcery |
360 |
Peer into the Abyss |
Sonder l'abysse |
Sorcery |
361 |
Thieves' Guild Enforcer |
Argousine de la guilde des voleurs |
Creature — Human Rogue |
362 |
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose |
Vito, Épine de la Rose du crépuscule |
Legendary Creature — Vampire Cleric |
363 |
Brash Taunter |
Taquineur effronté |
Creature — Goblin |
364 |
Conspicuous Snoop |
Fouineur flagrant |
Creature — Goblin Rogue |
365 |
Double Vision |
Double vision |
Enchantment |
366 |
Fiery Emancipation |
Émancipation ardente |
Enchantment |
367 |
Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge |
Gadrak, le fléau des couronnes |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
368 |
Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner |
Soubira, caravanière des Tulzidi |
Legendary Creature — Human Shaman |
369 |
Terror of the Peaks |
Terreur des pics |
Creature — Dragon |
370 |
Transmogrify |
Transfiguration |
Sorcery |
371 |
Volcanic Salvo |
Salve volcanique |
Sorcery |
372 |
Azusa, Lost but Seeking |
Azusa, égarée mais en quête |
Legendary Creature - Human Monk |
373 |
Elder Gargaroth |
Ancêtre gargaroth |
Creature — Beast |
374 |
Feline Sovereign |
Souverain félin |
Creature — Cat |
375 |
Heroic Intervention |
Intervention héroïque |
Instant |
376 |
Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse |
Jolraël, recluse de la Mwônvouli |
Legendary Creature — Human Druid |
377 |
Primal Might |
Puissance primordiale |
Sorcery |
378 |
Sporeweb Weaver |
Tisseuse de sporetoile |
Creature — Spider |
379 |
Niambi, Esteemed Speaker |
Niambi, oratrice respectée |
Legendary Creature — Human Cleric |
380 |
Radha, Heart of Keld |
Radha, cœur de Keld |
Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior |
381 |
Sanctum of All |
Sanctuaire du Grand Tout |
Legendary Enchantment — Shrine |
382 |
Chromatic Orrery |
Planétaire mécanique chromatique |
Legendary Artifact |
383 |
Mazemind Tome |
Grimoire du dédale de l'esprit |
Artifact |
384 |
Sparkhunter Masticore |
Masticore traqueuse d'étincelle |
Artifact Creature — Masticore |
385 |
Animal Sanctuary |
Sanctuaire animalier |
Land |
386 |
Fabled Passage |
Passage merveilleux |
Land |
387 |
Temple of Epiphany |
Temple de la révélation |
Land |
388 |
Temple of Malady |
Temple de la maladie |
Land |
389 |
Temple of Mystery |
Temple du mystère |
Land |
390 |
Temple of Silence |
Temple du silence |
Land |
391 |
Temple of Triumph |
Temple du triomphe |
Land |
392 |
Pack Leader |
Chef de la meute |
Creature — Dog |
393 |
Selfless Savior |
Sauveur dévoué |
Creature — Dog |
394 |
Frantic Inventory |
Inventaire effréné |
Instant |
395 |
Eliminate |
Éliminer |
Instant |
396 |
Heartfire Immolator |
Immolateur pyrocœur |
Creature — Human Wizard |
397 |
Llanowar Visionary |
Visionnaire de Llanowar |
Creature — Elf Druid |