1 |
Bane of Bala Ged |
Fléau de Bala Ged |
Creature - Eldrazi |
2 |
Blight Herder |
Berger du fléau |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
3 |
Breaker of Armies |
Briseur d'armées |
Creature - Eldrazi |
4 |
Conduit of Ruin |
Conduit de ruine |
Creature - Eldrazi |
5 |
Deathless Behemoth |
Béhémoth impérissable |
Creature - Eldrazi |
6 |
Desolation Twin |
Jumeau de désolation |
Creature - Eldrazi |
7 |
Eldrazi Devastator |
Dévastateur eldrazi |
Creature - Eldrazi |
8 |
Endless One |
Interminable |
Creature - Eldrazi |
9 |
Gruesome Slaughter |
Horrible massacre |
Sorcery |
10 |
Kozilek's Channeler |
Canaliseur de Kozilek |
Creature - Eldrazi |
11 |
Oblivion Sower |
Semeur de l'oubli |
Creature - Eldrazi |
12 |
Ruin Processor |
Convertisseur de ruine |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
13 |
Scour from Existence |
Abolition de l'existence |
Instant |
14 |
Titan's Presence |
Présence du titan |
Instant |
15 |
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger |
Ulamog, la Voracité insatiable |
Legendary Creature - Eldrazi |
16 |
Ulamog's Despoiler |
Spoliateur d'Ulamog |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
17 |
Void Winnower |
Vanneur du vide |
Creature - Eldrazi |
18 |
Angel of Renewal |
Ange du renouveau |
Creature - Angel Ally |
19 |
Angelic Gift |
Don angélique |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Cliffside Lookout |
Vigie à flanc de falaise |
Creature - Kor Scout Ally |
21 |
Courier Griffin |
Griffon messager |
Creature - Griffin |
22 |
Emeria Shepherd |
Bergère d'Éméria |
Creature - Angel |
23 |
Encircling Fissure |
Fissure encercleuse |
Instant |
24 |
Expedition Envoy |
Représentante d'expédition |
Creature - Human Scout Ally |
25 |
Felidar Cub |
Jeune félidar |
Creature - Cat Beast |
26 |
Felidar Sovereign |
Souverain félidar |
Creature - Cat Beast |
27 |
Fortified Rampart |
Rempart fortifié |
Creature - Wall |
28 |
Ghostly Sentinel |
Sentinelle fantomale |
Creature - Kor Spirit |
29 |
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar |
Gideon, allié de Zendikar |
Planeswalker - Gideon |
30 |
Gideon's Reproach |
Reproche de Gideon |
Instant |
31 |
Hero of Goma Fada |
Héros de Goma Fada |
Creature - Human Knight Ally |
32 |
Inspired Charge |
Charge inspirée |
Instant |
33 |
Kitesail Scout |
Éclaireur à voile volante |
Creature - Kor Scout |
34 |
Kor Bladewhirl |
Virelame kor |
Creature - Kor Soldier Ally |
35 |
Kor Castigator |
Châtieur kor |
Creature - Kor Wizard Ally |
36 |
Kor Entanglers |
Enchevêtreurs kor |
Creature - Kor Soldier Ally |
37 |
Lantern Scout |
Éclaireuse à la lanterne |
Creature - Human Scout Ally |
38 |
Lithomancer's Focus |
Focus du lithomancien |
Instant |
39 |
Makindi Patrol |
Patrouille des Makindi |
Creature - Human Knight Ally |
40 |
Ondu Greathorn |
Grandcorne du Ondou |
Creature - Beast |
41 |
Ondu Rising |
Éveil du Ondou |
Sorcery |
42 |
Planar Outburst |
Surgissement planaire |
Sorcery |
43 |
Quarantine Field |
Champ de quarantaine |
Enchantment |
44 |
Retreat to Emeria |
Repli vers Éméria |
Enchantment |
45 |
Roil's Retribution |
Châtiment du Roulis |
Instant |
46 |
Serene Steward |
Intendante sereine |
Creature - Human Cleric Ally |
47 |
Shadow Glider |
Planeuse de l'ombre |
Creature - Kor Soldier |
48 |
Sheer Drop |
Chute à pic |
Sorcery |
49 |
Smite the Monstrous |
Pourfendre le monstrueux |
Instant |
50 |
Stasis Snare |
Collet de stase |
Enchantment |
51 |
Stone Haven Medic |
Carabin du Refuge de pierre |
Creature - Kor Cleric |
52 |
Tandem Tactics |
Tactiques en tandem |
Instant |
53 |
Unified Front |
Front unifié |
Sorcery |
54 |
Adverse Conditions |
Conditions défavorables |
Instant |
55 |
Benthic Infiltrator |
Infiltrateur benthique |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
56 |
Cryptic Cruiser |
Croiseur cryptique |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
57 |
Drowner of Hope |
Noyeur d'espoir |
Creature - Eldrazi |
58 |
Eldrazi Skyspawner |
Engendreur céleste eldrazi |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
59 |
Horribly Awry |
Mauvaise posture |
Instant |
60 |
Incubator Drone |
Drone incubateur |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
61 |
Mist Intruder |
Intrus des brumes |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
62 |
Murk Strider |
Enjambeur des eaux troubles |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
63 |
Oracle of Dust |
Oracle de poussière |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
64 |
Ruination Guide |
Guide de ruine |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
65 |
Salvage Drone |
Drone de récupération |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
66 |
Spell Shrivel |
Dessiccation de sort |
Instant |
67 |
Tide Drifter |
Dériveur du ressac |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
68 |
Ulamog's Reclaimer |
Recouvreur d'Ulamog |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
69 |
Anticipate |
Anticipation |
Instant |
70 |
Brilliant Spectrum |
Spectre brillant |
Sorcery |
71 |
Cloud Manta |
Raie manta des nuées |
Creature - Fish |
72 |
Clutch of Currents |
Emprise des courants |
Sorcery |
73 |
Coastal Discovery |
Découverte côtière |
Sorcery |
74 |
Coralhelm Guide |
Guide de Casque de corail |
Creature - Merfolk Scout Ally |
75 |
Dampening Pulse |
Pulsation débilitante |
Enchantment |
76 |
Dispel |
Dispersement |
Instant |
77 |
Exert Influence |
Exercice d'influence |
Sorcery |
78 |
Guardian of Tazeem |
Vigile de Tazeem |
Creature - Sphinx |
79 |
Halimar Tidecaller |
Meneuse de vague de Halimar |
Creature - Human Wizard Ally |
80 |
Part the Waterveil |
Ouvrir le Voile d'Eau |
Sorcery |
81 |
Prism Array |
Déploiement prismatique |
Enchantment |
82 |
Retreat to Coralhelm |
Repli vers Casque de corail |
Enchantment |
83 |
Roilmage's Trick |
Ruse du mage du Roulis |
Instant |
84 |
Rush of Ice |
Déferlante de glace |
Sorcery |
85 |
Scatter to the Winds |
Disperser aux quatre vents |
Instant |
86 |
Tightening Coils |
Annelures constrictives |
Enchantment - Aura |
87 |
Ugin's Insight |
Perspicacité d'Ugin |
Sorcery |
88 |
Wave-Wing Elemental |
Élémental d'ailevague |
Creature - Elemental |
89 |
Windrider Patrol |
Patrouille des vents |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
90 |
Complete Disregard |
Mépris absolu |
Instant |
91 |
Culling Drone |
Drone du sacrifice |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
92 |
Dominator Drone |
Drone dominateur |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
93 |
Grave Birthing |
Gestation de la tombe |
Instant |
94 |
Grip of Desolation |
Poigne de la désolation |
Instant |
95 |
Mind Raker |
Ratisseur d'esprit |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
96 |
Silent Skimmer |
Écumeur silencieux |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
97 |
Skitterskin |
Sourdrepeau |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
98 |
Sludge Crawler |
Rampeur de vase |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
99 |
Smothering Abomination |
Abomination étouffante |
Creature - Eldrazi |
100 |
Swarm Surge |
Déferlement de l'essaim |
Sorcery |
101 |
Transgress the Mind |
Transgression de l'esprit |
Sorcery |
102 |
Wasteland Strangler |
Étrangleur des terres dévastées |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
103 |
Altar's Reap |
Fenaison de l'autel |
Instant |
104 |
Bloodbond Vampire |
Vampire bridesang |
Creature - Vampire Shaman Ally |
105 |
Bone Splinters |
Fragments d'os |
Sorcery |
106 |
Carrier Thrall |
Serviteur propagateur |
Creature - Vampire |
107 |
Defiant Bloodlord |
Seigneur de sang provocateur |
Creature - Vampire |
108 |
Demon's Grasp |
Emprise du démon |
Sorcery |
109 |
Drana, Liberator of Malakir |
Drana, libératrice de Malakir |
Legendary Creature - Vampire Ally |
110 |
Dutiful Return |
Retour obéissant |
Sorcery |
111 |
Geyserfield Stalker |
Pisteur du champ de geysers |
Creature - Elemental |
112 |
Guul Draz Overseer |
Brigadière de Guul Draz |
Creature - Vampire |
113 |
Hagra Sharpshooter |
Franc-tireuse d'Hagra |
Creature - Human Assassin Ally |
114 |
Kalastria Healer |
Guérisseur des Kalastria |
Creature - Vampire Cleric Ally |
115 |
Kalastria Nightwatch |
Garde de nuit des Kalastria |
Creature - Vampire Warrior Ally |
116 |
Malakir Familiar |
Familier de Malakir |
Creature - Bat |
117 |
Mire's Malice |
Malice des fondrières |
Sorcery |
118 |
Nirkana Assassin |
Assassin des Nirkana |
Creature - Vampire Assassin Ally |
119 |
Ob Nixilis Reignited |
Ob Nixilis ravivé |
Planeswalker - Nixilis |
120 |
Painful Truths |
Vérités douloureuses |
Sorcery |
121 |
Retreat to Hagra |
Repli vers Hagra |
Enchantment |
122 |
Rising Miasma |
Miasmes ascendants |
Sorcery |
123 |
Ruinous Path |
Chemin désastreux |
Sorcery |
124 |
Vampiric Rites |
Sacres vampiriques |
Enchantment |
125 |
Voracious Null |
Infécond vorace |
Creature - Zombie |
126 |
Zulaport Cutthroat |
Surineur de Zulaport |
Creature - Human Rogue Ally |
127 |
Barrage Tyrant |
Tyran du barrage |
Creature - Eldrazi |
128 |
Crumble to Dust |
Tomber en poussière |
Sorcery |
129 |
Kozilek's Sentinel |
Sentinelle de Kozilek |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
130 |
Molten Nursery |
Pépinière en fusion |
Enchantment |
131 |
Nettle Drone |
Drone lamier |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
132 |
Processor Assault |
Assaut du convertisseur |
Sorcery |
133 |
Serpentine Spike |
Pointe serpentine |
Sorcery |
134 |
Touch of the Void |
Toucher du vide |
Sorcery |
135 |
Turn Against |
Reniement |
Instant |
136 |
Vestige of Emrakul |
Vestige d'Emrakul |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
137 |
Vile Aggregate |
Agrégat abject |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
138 |
Akoum Firebird |
Oiseau de feu d'Akoum |
Creature - Phoenix |
139 |
Akoum Hellkite |
Escouflenfer d'Akoum |
Creature - Dragon |
140 |
Akoum Stonewaker |
Éveilroc d'Akoum |
Creature - Human Shaman |
141 |
Belligerent Whiptail |
Queue en fouet belligérant |
Creature - Wurm |
142 |
Boiling Earth |
Terre bouillonnante |
Sorcery |
143 |
Chasm Guide |
Guide des gouffres |
Creature - Goblin Scout Ally |
144 |
Dragonmaster Outcast |
Proscrite maître-dragon |
Creature - Human Shaman |
145 |
Firemantle Mage |
Mage ganguefeu |
Creature - Human Shaman Ally |
146 |
Goblin War Paint |
Peinture de guerre gobeline |
Enchantment - Aura |
147 |
Lavastep Raider |
Pillard lavemarche |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
148 |
Makindi Sliderunner |
Coureur d'avalanche des Makindi |
Creature - Beast |
149 |
Ondu Champion |
Champion du Ondou |
Creature - Minotaur Warrior Ally |
150 |
Outnumber |
Surnombre |
Instant |
151 |
Radiant Flames |
Flammes radieuses |
Sorcery |
152 |
Reckless Cohort |
Cohorte téméraire |
Creature - Human Warrior Ally |
153 |
Retreat to Valakut |
Repli vers Valakut |
Enchantment |
154 |
Rolling Thunder |
Roulement de tonnerre |
Sorcery |
155 |
Shatterskull Recruit |
Recrue de Fracassecrâne |
Creature - Giant Warrior Ally |
156 |
Stonefury |
Fureur de pierre |
Instant |
157 |
Sure Strike |
Frappe assurée |
Instant |
158 |
Tunneling Geopede |
Géopède tunnelier |
Creature - Insect |
159 |
Valakut Invoker |
Invocateur de Valakut |
Creature - Human Shaman |
160 |
Valakut Predator |
Prédateur de Valakut |
Creature - Elemental |
161 |
Volcanic Upheaval |
Bouleversement volcanique |
Instant |
162 |
Zada, Hedron Grinder |
Zada, broyeuse d'hèdron |
Legendary Creature - Goblin Ally |
163 |
Blisterpod |
Phlyctocosse |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
164 |
Brood Monitor |
Surveillant de progéniture |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
165 |
Call the Scions |
Appel des scions |
Sorcery |
166 |
Eyeless Watcher |
Gardien anophtalme |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
167 |
From Beyond |
Aux portes de l'au-delà |
Enchantment |
168 |
Unnatural Aggression |
Agressivité surnaturelle |
Instant |
169 |
Void Attendant |
Suivant du vide |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
170 |
Beastcaller Savant |
Savant meneur des bêtes |
Creature - Elf Shaman Ally |
171 |
Broodhunter Wurm |
Guivre traque-progéniture |
Creature - Wurm |
172 |
Earthen Arms |
Bras de terre |
Sorcery |
173 |
Giant Mantis |
Mante géante |
Creature - Insect |
174 |
Greenwarden of Murasa |
Gardien vert de Murasa |
Creature - Elemental |
175 |
Infuse with the Elements |
Imprégnation élémentaire |
Instant |
176 |
Jaddi Offshoot |
Rejeton jaddi |
Creature - Plant |
177 |
Lifespring Druid |
Druidesse de la sourcevie |
Creature - Elf Druid |
178 |
Murasa Ranger |
Ranger de Murasa |
Creature - Human Warrior |
179 |
Natural Connection |
Connexion naturelle |
Instant |
180 |
Nissa's Renewal |
Renouveau de Nissa |
Sorcery |
181 |
Oran-Rief Hydra |
Hydre d'Oran-Rief |
Creature - Hydra |
182 |
Oran-Rief Invoker |
Invocatrice d'Oran-Rief |
Creature - Human Shaman |
183 |
Plated Crusher |
Écrabouilleur à plaques |
Creature - Beast |
184 |
Plummet |
Tomber à pic |
Instant |
185 |
Reclaiming Vines |
Vignes assainissantes |
Sorcery |
186 |
Retreat to Kazandu |
Repli vers le Kazandou |
Enchantment |
187 |
Rot Shambler |
Escogriffe putride |
Creature - Fungus |
188 |
Scythe Leopard |
Léopard à ergots faucheurs |
Creature - Cat |
189 |
Seek the Wilds |
À la recherche des étendues sauvages |
Sorcery |
190 |
Snapping Gnarlid |
Gnarlide happeur |
Creature - Beast |
191 |
Swell of Growth |
Houle de croissance |
Instant |
192 |
Sylvan Scrying |
Regard sylvestre |
Sorcery |
193 |
Tajuru Beastmaster |
Maîtresse des bêtes de Tajuru |
Creature - Elf Warrior Ally |
194 |
Tajuru Stalwart |
Vaillante de Tajuru |
Creature - Elf Scout Ally |
195 |
Tajuru Warcaller |
Meneuse de guerre de Tajuru |
Creature - Elf Warrior Ally |
196 |
Territorial Baloth |
Baloth territorial |
Creature - Beast |
197 |
Undergrowth Champion |
Champion du sous-bois |
Creature - Elemental |
198 |
Woodland Wanderer |
Vagabond des sylves |
Creature - Elemental |
199 |
Brood Butcher |
Boucher de progéniture |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
200 |
Brutal Expulsion |
Expulsion brutale |
Instant |
201 |
Catacomb Sifter |
Épurateur de catacombes |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
202 |
Dust Stalker |
Pisteur de poussière |
Creature - Eldrazi |
203 |
Fathom Feeder |
Charognard des fonds marins |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
204 |
Forerunner of Slaughter |
Précurseur du massacre |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
205 |
Herald of Kozilek |
Héraut de Kozilek |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
206 |
Sire of Stagnation |
Père de la stagnation |
Creature - Eldrazi |
207 |
Ulamog's Nullifier |
Annulateur d'Ulamog |
Creature - Eldrazi Processor |
208 |
Angelic Captain |
Capitaine angélique |
Creature - Angel Ally |
209 |
Bring to Light |
Éclater au grand jour |
Sorcery |
210 |
Drana's Emissary |
Émissaire de Drana |
Creature - Vampire Cleric Ally |
211 |
Grove Rumbler |
Grondeur du bosquet |
Creature - Elemental |
212 |
Grovetender Druids |
Druides couvebosquets |
Creature - Elf Druid Ally |
213 |
Kiora, Master of the Depths |
Kiora, maîtresse des profondeurs |
Planeswalker - Kiora |
214 |
March from the Tomb |
Marche sépulcrale |
Sorcery |
215 |
Munda, Ambush Leader |
Munda, chef d'embuscade |
Legendary Creature - Kor Ally |
216 |
Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper |
Noyan Dar, forgeur du Roulis |
Legendary Creature - Merfolk Ally |
217 |
Omnath, Locus of Rage |
Omnath, Locus de rage |
Legendary Creature - Elemental |
218 |
Resolute Blademaster |
Maître d'épée déterminé |
Creature - Human Soldier Ally |
219 |
Roil Spout |
Jaillissement du Roulis |
Sorcery |
220 |
Skyrider Elf |
Cavalière céleste elfe |
Creature - Elf Warrior Ally |
221 |
Veteran Warleader |
Chef de guerre vétérane |
Creature - Human Soldier Ally |
222 |
Aligned Hedron Network |
Réseau ordonné d'hèdrons |
Artifact |
223 |
Hedron Archive |
Archive hèdron |
Artifact |
224 |
Hedron Blade |
Lame d'hèdron |
Artifact - Equipment |
225 |
Pathway Arrows |
Flèches de passage |
Artifact - Equipment |
226 |
Pilgrim's Eye |
Œil du pèlerin |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
227 |
Slab Hammer |
Marteau monolithique |
Artifact - Equipment |
228 |
Ally Encampment |
Campement allié |
Land |
229 |
Blighted Cataract |
Cataracte gangrenée |
Land |
230 |
Blighted Fen |
Maremme gangrenée |
Land |
231 |
Blighted Gorge |
Gorge gangrenée |
Land |
232 |
Blighted Steppe |
Steppes gangrenées |
Land |
233 |
Blighted Woodland |
Sylves gangrenées |
Land |
234 |
Canopy Vista |
Vue de la canopée |
Land - Forest Plains |
235 |
Cinder Glade |
Clairière de scories |
Land - Mountain Forest |
236 |
Evolving Wilds |
Étendues sauvages en évolution |
Land |
237 |
Fertile Thicket |
Halliers fertiles |
Land |
238 |
Looming Spires |
Cimes surgissantes |
Land |
239 |
Lumbering Falls |
Chutes mugissantes |
Land |
240 |
Mortuary Mire |
Fondrière mortuaire |
Land |
241 |
Prairie Stream |
Prairie ruisselante |
Land - Plains Island |
242 |
Sanctum of Ugin |
Sanctuaire d'Ugin |
Land |
243 |
Sandstone Bridge |
Pont de grès |
Land |
244 |
Shambling Vent |
Fumerolles titubantes |
Land |
245 |
Shrine of the Forsaken Gods |
Reliquaire des Dieux abandonnés |
Land |
246 |
Skyline Cascade |
Cascade d'horizon |
Land |
247 |
Smoldering Marsh |
Marécage fumant |
Land - Swamp Mountain |
248 |
Spawning Bed |
Lieu de prolifération |
Land |
249 |
Sunken Hollow |
Dépression engloutie |
Land - Island Swamp |
250 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
250 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
251 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
251 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
252 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
252 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
253 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
253 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
254 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
254 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
255 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
255 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
256 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
256 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
257 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
257 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
258 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
258 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
259 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
259 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
260 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
260 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
261 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
261 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
262 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
262 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
263 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
263 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
264 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
264 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
265 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
265 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
266 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
266 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
267 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
267 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
268 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
268 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
269 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
269 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
270 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
270 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
271 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
271 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
272 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
272 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
273 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
273 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
274 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
274 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |