1 |
+2 Mace |
Masse d'armes +2 |
Artifact — Equipment |
2 |
Arborea Pegasus |
Pégase d'Arborée |
Creature — Pegasus |
3 |
Blink Dog |
Chien esquiveur |
Creature — Dog |
4 |
The Book of Exalted Deeds |
Le livre d'exaltation suprême |
Legendary Artifact |
5 |
Celestial Unicorn |
Licorne céleste |
Creature — Unicorn |
6 |
Cleric Class |
Classe : clerc |
Enchantment — Class |
7 |
Cloister Gargoyle |
Gargouille du cloître |
Artifact Creature — Gargoyle |
8 |
Dancing Sword |
Épée dansante |
Artifact — Equipment |
9 |
Dawnbringer Cleric |
Clerc porteur de l'aube |
Creature — Human Cleric |
10 |
Delver's Torch |
Torche de fouilleur |
Artifact — Equipment |
11 |
Devoted Paladin |
Paladine dévouée |
Creature — Orc Knight |
12 |
Divine Smite |
Frappe divine |
Instant |
13 |
Dragon's Disciple |
Disciple du dragon |
Creature — Human Monk |
14 |
Dwarfhold Champion |
Championne de la forteresse naine |
Creature — Dwarf Warrior |
15 |
Flumph |
Flumph |
Creature — Jellyfish |
16 |
Gloom Stalker |
Pisteur des ténèbres |
Creature — Dwarf Ranger |
17 |
Grand Master of Flowers |
Grand maître des fleurs |
Legendary Planeswalker — Bahamut |
18 |
Guardian of Faith |
Gardien de la foi |
Creature — Spirit Knight |
19 |
Half-Elf Monk |
Moine demi-elfe |
Creature — Human Elf Monk |
20 |
Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant |
Glacemort, tyran des glaces |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
21 |
Ingenious Smith |
Forgeronne ingénieuse |
Creature — Human Artificer |
22 |
Keen-Eared Sentry |
Sentinelle à l'ouïe fine |
Creature — Human Soldier |
23 |
Loyal Warhound |
Chien de guerre loyal |
Creature — Dog |
24 |
Minimus Containment |
Confinement minimal |
Enchantment — Aura |
25 |
Monk of the Open Hand |
Moine de la main ouverte |
Creature — Elf Monk |
26 |
Moon-Blessed Cleric |
Clerc bénie par la lune |
Creature — Human Elf Cleric |
27 |
Nadaar, Selfless Paladin |
Nadaar, paladin dévoué |
Legendary Creature — Dragon Knight |
28 |
Oswald Fiddlebender |
Oswald Tordviolon |
Legendary Creature — Gnome Artificer |
29 |
Paladin Class |
Classe : paladin |
Enchantment — Class |
30 |
Paladin's Shield |
Bouclier de paladin |
Artifact — Equipment |
31 |
Planar Ally |
Alliée planaire |
Creature — Angel |
32 |
Plate Armor |
Armure de plates |
Artifact — Equipment |
33 |
Portable Hole |
Puits portable |
Artifact |
34 |
Potion of Healing |
Potion de guérison |
Artifact |
35 |
Priest of Ancient Lore |
Prêtre de la sapience ancestrale |
Creature — Dwarf Cleric |
36 |
Rally Maneuver |
Manœuvre de ralliement |
Instant |
37 |
Ranger's Hawk |
Faucon du rôdeur |
Creature — Bird |
38 |
Steadfast Paladin |
Paladine inébranlable |
Creature — Dwarf Knight |
39 |
Teleportation Circle |
Cercle de téléportation |
Enchantment |
40 |
Veteran Dungeoneer |
Exploratrice de donjon vétérane |
Creature — Human Warrior |
41 |
White Dragon |
Dragon blanc |
Creature — Dragon |
42 |
You Hear Something on Watch |
Vous entendez quelque chose |
Instant |
43 |
You're Ambushed on the Road |
Vous tombez dans une embuscade |
Instant |
44 |
Aberrant Mind Sorcerer |
Ensorceleuse à l'esprit aberrant |
Creature — Human Elf Shaman |
45 |
Air-Cult Elemental |
Élémental du culte de l'Air |
Creature — Elemental |
46 |
Arcane Investigator |
Enquêteur arcanique |
Creature — Elf Wizard |
47 |
Bar the Gate |
Bloquez le portail ! |
Instant |
48 |
The Blackstaff of Waterdeep |
Le Bâton Noir d'Eauprofonde |
Legendary Artifact |
49 |
Blue Dragon |
Dragon bleu |
Creature — Dragon |
50 |
Charmed Sleep |
Sommeil enchanté |
Enchantment — Aura |
51 |
Clever Conjurer |
Invocateur malin |
Creature — Gnome Wizard |
52 |
Contact Other Plane |
Contact avec un autre plan |
Instant |
53 |
Demilich |
Demi-liche |
Creature — Skeleton Wizard |
54 |
Displacer Beast |
Bête éclipsante |
Creature — Cat Beast |
55 |
Djinni Windseer |
Djinn prophètevent |
Creature — Djinn |
56 |
Dragon Turtle |
Dragon-tortue |
Creature — Dragon Turtle |
57 |
Eccentric Apprentice |
Apprentie excentrique |
Creature — Tiefling Wizard |
58 |
Feywild Trickster |
Escroc de la Féerie sauvage |
Creature — Gnome Warlock |
59 |
Fly |
Envol |
Enchantment — Aura |
60 |
Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar |
Grazilaxx, érudit illithid |
Legendary Creature — Horror |
61 |
Guild Thief |
Voleuse de guilde |
Creature — Orc Rogue |
62 |
Iymrith, Desert Doom |
Iymrith, Fléau du Désert |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
63 |
Mind Flayer |
Flagelleur mental |
Creature — Horror |
64 |
Mordenkainen |
Mordenkainen |
Legendary Planeswalker — Mordenkainen |
65 |
Mordenkainen's Polymorph |
Polymorphe de Mordenkainen |
Instant |
66 |
Pixie Guide |
Guide pixie |
Creature — Faerie |
67 |
Power of Persuasion |
Pouvoir de persuasion |
Sorcery |
68 |
Ray of Frost |
Rayon de givre |
Enchantment — Aura |
69 |
Rimeshield Frost Giant |
Géante du givre protégel |
Creature — Giant Warrior |
70 |
Scion of Stygia |
Rejeton de la Stygie |
Creature — Tiefling Shaman |
71 |
Secret Door |
Passage secret |
Artifact Creature — Wall |
72 |
Shocking Grasp |
Poigne électrique |
Instant |
73 |
Shortcut Seeker |
Chercheur de raccourcis |
Creature — Human Rogue |
74 |
Silver Raven |
Corbeau d'argent |
Artifact Creature — Bird |
75 |
Soulknife Spy |
Espionne coutelâme |
Creature — Elf Rogue |
76 |
Split the Party |
Séparation du groupe |
Sorcery |
77 |
Sudden Insight |
Révélation soudaine |
Instant |
78 |
Tasha's Hideous Laughter |
Fou rire de Tasha |
Sorcery |
79 |
Trickster's Talisman |
Talisman du farceur |
Artifact — Equipment |
80 |
True Polymorph |
Métamorphose suprême |
Instant |
81 |
Wizard Class |
Classe : magicien |
Enchantment — Class |
82 |
Wizard's Spellbook |
Grimoire de magicien |
Artifact |
83 |
You Come to a River |
Vous arrivez à une rivière |
Instant |
84 |
You Find the Villains' Lair |
Vous trouvez le repaire des ennemis |
Instant |
85 |
You See a Guard Approach |
Vous voyez un garde approcher |
Instant |
86 |
Yuan-Ti Malison |
Malison yuan-ti |
Creature — Snake Rogue |
87 |
Acererak the Archlich |
Acérérak l'archiliche |
Legendary Creature — Zombie Wizard |
88 |
Asmodeus the Archfiend |
Asmodée l'archifiélon |
Legendary Creature — Devil God |
89 |
Baleful Beholder |
Tyrannœil sinistre |
Creature — Beholder |
90 |
Black Dragon |
Dragon noir |
Creature — Dragon |
91 |
The Book of Vile Darkness |
Le livre de noire vilénie |
Legendary Artifact |
92 |
Check for Traps |
Déceler les pièges |
Sorcery |
93 |
Clattering Skeletons |
Squelettes cliquetants |
Creature — Skeleton |
94 |
Deadly Dispute |
Dispute mortelle |
Instant |
95 |
Death-Priest of Myrkul |
Nécroprêtresse de Myrkul |
Creature — Tiefling Cleric |
96 |
Demogorgon's Clutches |
Emprise de Démogorgon |
Sorcery |
97 |
Devour Intellect |
Dévorer l'intelligence |
Sorcery |
98 |
Drider |
Drider |
Creature — Elf Spider |
99 |
Dungeon Crawler |
Trimardeur du donjon |
Creature — Zombie |
100 |
Ebondeath, Dracolich |
Noiremort, dracoliche |
Legendary Creature — Zombie Dragon |
101 |
Eyes of the Beholder |
Regard du tyrannœil |
Instant |
102 |
Fates' Reversal |
Intervention des Parques |
Sorcery |
103 |
Feign Death |
État cadavérique |
Instant |
104 |
Forsworn Paladin |
Paladine parjure |
Creature — Human Knight |
105 |
Gelatinous Cube |
Cube gélatineux |
Creature — Ooze |
106 |
Grim Bounty |
Don sinistre |
Sorcery |
107 |
Grim Wanderer |
Vagabond sinistre |
Creature — Goblin Warlock |
108 |
Herald of Hadar |
Héraut de Hadar |
Creature — Human Warlock |
109 |
Hired Hexblade |
Tourmenteur à gages |
Creature — Elf Warlock |
110 |
Hoard Robber |
Voleuse de magot |
Creature — Tiefling Rogue |
111 |
Lightfoot Rogue |
Roublard pied-léger |
Creature — Halfling Rogue |
112 |
Lolth, Spider Queen |
Lolth, Reine Araignée |
Legendary Planeswalker — Lolth |
113 |
Manticore |
Manticore |
Creature — Manticore |
114 |
Power Word Kill |
Mot de pouvoir mortel |
Instant |
115 |
Precipitous Drop |
Chute abrupte |
Enchantment — Aura |
116 |
Ray of Enfeeblement |
Rayon affaiblissant |
Instant |
117 |
Reaper's Talisman |
Talisman du faucheur |
Artifact — Equipment |
118 |
Sepulcher Ghoul |
Goule du sépulcre |
Creature — Zombie |
119 |
Shambling Ghast |
Blême titubante |
Creature — Zombie |
120 |
Skullport Merchant |
Marchande de Port-Crâne |
Creature — Dwarf Citizen |
121 |
Sphere of Annihilation |
Sphère d'annihilation |
Artifact |
122 |
Thieves' Tools |
Outils de voleur |
Artifact — Equipment |
123 |
Vampire Spawn |
Vampirien |
Creature — Vampire |
124 |
Vorpal Sword |
Épée vorpale |
Artifact — Equipment |
125 |
Warlock Class |
Classe : sorcier |
Enchantment — Class |
126 |
Westgate Regent |
Régent de Port-Ponant |
Creature — Vampire |
127 |
Wight |
Nécrophage |
Creature — Zombie Soldier |
128 |
Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade |
Lame-croc yuan-ti |
Creature — Snake Rogue |
129 |
Zombie Ogre |
Ogre zombie |
Creature — Zombie Ogre |
130 |
Armory Veteran |
Vétérane d'armurerie |
Creature — Orc Warrior |
131 |
Barbarian Class |
Classe : barbare |
Enchantment — Class |
132 |
Battle Cry Goblin |
Gobelin au cri de guerre |
Creature — Goblin |
133 |
Boots of Speed |
Bottes de rapidité |
Artifact — Equipment |
134 |
Brazen Dwarf |
Nain d'airain |
Creature — Dwarf Shaman |
135 |
Burning Hands |
Mains brûlantes |
Instant |
136 |
Chaos Channeler |
Canaliseur de chaos |
Creature — Human Shaman |
137 |
Critical Hit |
Coup critique |
Instant |
138 |
Delina, Wild Mage |
Délina, mage sauvage |
Legendary Creature — Elf Shaman |
139 |
Dragon's Fire |
Feu du dragon |
Instant |
140 |
Dueling Rapier |
Rapière de duel |
Artifact — Equipment |
141 |
Earth-Cult Elemental |
Élémental du culte de la Terre |
Creature — Elemental |
142 |
Farideh's Fireball |
Boule de feu de Farideh |
Instant |
143 |
Flameskull |
Crânefeu |
Creature — Skeleton |
144 |
Goblin Javelineer |
Javelinière gobeline |
Creature — Goblin Warrior |
145 |
Goblin Morningstar |
Morgenstern de gobelin |
Artifact — Equipment |
146 |
Hoarding Ogre |
Ogresse entasseuse |
Creature — Ogre |
147 |
Hobgoblin Bandit Lord |
Seigneur bandit hobgobelin |
Creature — Goblin Rogue |
148 |
Hobgoblin Captain |
Capitaine hobgobeline |
Creature — Goblin Barbarian |
149 |
Hulking Bugbear |
Gobelours lourdaud |
Creature — Goblin |
150 |
Improvised Weaponry |
Arsenal improvisé |
Sorcery |
151 |
Inferno of the Star Mounts |
Fournaise des Monts Étoilés |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
152 |
Jaded Sell-Sword |
Épée à louer désabusée |
Creature — Dragon Warrior |
153 |
Kick in the Door |
Enfoncer la porte |
Sorcery |
154 |
Magic Missile |
Projectile magique |
Sorcery |
155 |
Meteor Swarm |
Nuée de météores |
Sorcery |
156 |
Minion of the Mighty |
Mignon des puissants |
Creature — Kobold |
157 |
Orb of Dragonkind |
Orbe des dragons |
Artifact |
158 |
Plundering Barbarian |
Barbare saccageur |
Creature — Dwarf Barbarian |
159 |
Price of Loyalty |
Prix de la loyauté |
Sorcery |
160 |
Red Dragon |
Dragon rouge |
Creature — Dragon |
161 |
Rust Monster |
Oxydeur |
Creature — Beast |
162 |
Swarming Goblins |
Nuée de gobelins |
Creature — Goblin |
163 |
Tiger-Tribe Hunter |
Chasseresse de la tribu du Tigre |
Creature — Human Barbarian |
164 |
Unexpected Windfall |
Aubaine inattendue |
Instant |
165 |
Valor Singer |
Chanteur de vaillance |
Creature — Tiefling Bard |
166 |
Wish |
Souhait |
Sorcery |
167 |
Xorn |
Xorn |
Creature — Elemental |
168 |
You Come to the Gnoll Camp |
Vous arrivez au camp des gnolls |
Instant |
169 |
You Find Some Prisoners |
Vous trouvez des prisonniers |
Instant |
170 |
You See a Pair of Goblins |
Vous voyez deux gobelins |
Instant |
171 |
Zalto, Fire Giant Duke |
Zalto, duc des géants du feu |
Legendary Creature — Giant Barbarian |
172 |
Zariel, Archduke of Avernus |
Zariel, archiduchesse d'Averne |
Legendary Planeswalker — Zariel |
173 |
Bulette |
Bulette |
Creature — Beast |
174 |
Bull's Strength |
Force du taureau |
Instant |
175 |
Choose Your Weapon |
Choisissez votre arme |
Instant |
176 |
Circle of Dreams Druid |
Druide du cercle des rêves |
Creature — Elf Druid |
177 |
Circle of the Moon Druid |
Druide du cercle de la lune |
Creature — Human Elf Druid |
178 |
Compelled Duel |
Duel forcé |
Sorcery |
179 |
Dire Wolf Prowler |
Rôdeur loup sanguinaire |
Creature — Wolf |
180 |
Druid Class |
Classe : druide |
Enchantment — Class |
181 |
Ellywick Tumblestrum |
Ellywick Grattechambard |
Legendary Planeswalker — Ellywick |
182 |
Elturgard Ranger |
Rôdeuse de l'Elturgard |
Creature — Human Elf Ranger |
183 |
Find the Path |
Trouver un chemin |
Enchantment — Aura |
184 |
Froghemoth |
Craphémoth |
Creature — Frog Horror |
185 |
Gnoll Hunter |
Chasseur gnoll |
Creature — Gnoll |
186 |
Green Dragon |
Dragon vert |
Creature — Dragon |
187 |
Hill Giant Herdgorger |
Avaleur de bétail géant des collines |
Creature — Giant |
188 |
Hunter's Mark |
Marque du chasseur |
Instant |
189 |
Inspiring Bard |
Barde inspirateur |
Creature — Elf Bard |
190 |
Instrument of the Bards |
Instrument des bardes |
Legendary Artifact |
191 |
Intrepid Outlander |
Pérégrine intrépide |
Creature — Orc Ranger |
192 |
Loathsome Troll |
Troll répugnant |
Creature — Troll |
193 |
Long Rest |
Repos long |
Sorcery |
194 |
Lurking Roper |
Enlaceur sournois |
Creature — Horror |
195 |
Neverwinter Dryad |
Dryade de Padhiver |
Creature — Dryad |
196 |
Ochre Jelly |
Gelée ocre |
Creature — Ooze |
197 |
Old Gnawbone |
La Vieille Ronge-os |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
198 |
Owlbear |
Ours-hibou |
Creature — Bird Bear |
199 |
Plummet |
Tomber à pic |
Instant |
200 |
Prosperous Innkeeper |
Aubergiste prospère |
Creature — Halfling Citizen |
201 |
Purple Worm |
Ver pourpre |
Creature — Worm |
202 |
Ranger Class |
Classe : rôdeur |
Enchantment — Class |
203 |
Ranger's Longbow |
Arc long du rôdeur |
Artifact — Equipment |
204 |
Scaled Herbalist |
Herboriste écailleuse |
Creature — Lizard Druid |
205 |
Spoils of the Hunt |
Butin de la chasse |
Instant |
206 |
Sylvan Shepherd |
Bergère sylvestre |
Creature — Human Druid |
207 |
The Tarrasque |
La tarasque |
Legendary Creature — Dinosaur |
208 |
Underdark Basilisk |
Basilic d'Outreterre |
Creature — Basilisk |
209 |
Varis, Silverymoon Ranger |
Varis, rôdeur de Lunargent |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Ranger |
210 |
Wandering Troubadour |
Troubadouresse errante |
Creature — Dragon Bard |
211 |
Werewolf Pack Leader |
Chef de meute de loups-garous |
Creature — Human Werewolf |
212 |
Wild Shape |
Forme sauvage |
Instant |
213 |
You Find a Cursed Idol |
Vous trouvez une idole maudite |
Sorcery |
214 |
You Happen On a Glade |
Vous débouchez sur une clairière |
Instant |
215 |
You Meet in a Tavern |
Vous vous retrouvez à la taverne |
Sorcery |
216 |
Adult Gold Dragon |
Dragon d'or adulte |
Creature — Dragon |
217 |
Bard Class |
Classe : barde |
Enchantment — Class |
218 |
Barrowin of Clan Undurr |
Barrowin du clan Undurr |
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Cleric |
219 |
Bruenor Battlehammer |
Bruenor Marteaudeguerre |
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Warrior |
220 |
Drizzt Do'Urden |
Drizzt Do'Urden |
Legendary Creature — Elf Ranger |
221 |
Farideh, Devil's Chosen |
Farideh, élue du Diable |
Legendary Creature — Tiefling Warlock |
222 |
Fighter Class |
Classe : guerrier |
Enchantment — Class |
223 |
Gretchen Titchwillow |
Gretchen Saulemouflet |
Legendary Creature — Halfling Druid |
224 |
Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker |
Hama Pashar, chercheuse de ruines |
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard |
225 |
Kalain, Reclusive Painter |
Kalain, peintre solitaire |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Bard |
226 |
Krydle of Baldur's Gate |
Krydle de la Porte de Baldur |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Rogue |
227 |
Minsc, Beloved Ranger |
Minsc, rôdeur apprécié |
Legendary Creature — Human Ranger |
228 |
Monk Class |
Classe : moine |
Enchantment — Class |
229 |
Orcus, Prince of Undeath |
Orcus, prince de la Non-Vie |
Legendary Creature — Demon |
230 |
Rogue Class |
Classe : roublard |
Enchantment — Class |
231 |
Shessra, Death's Whisper |
Shessra, murmure de la mort |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Warlock |
232 |
Skeletal Swarming |
Nuée squelettique |
Enchantment |
233 |
Sorcerer Class |
Classe : ensorceleur |
Enchantment — Class |
234 |
Targ Nar, Demon-Fang Gnoll |
Targ Nar, gnoll croc-démon |
Legendary Creature — Gnoll |
235 |
Tiamat |
Tiamat |
Legendary Creature — Dragon God |
236 |
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer |
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer |
Legendary Creature — Elf Cleric |
237 |
Triumphant Adventurer |
Aventurier triomphant |
Creature — Human Knight |
238 |
Volo, Guide to Monsters |
Volo, guide des monstres |
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard |
239 |
Xanathar, Guild Kingpin |
Xanathar, baron de la guilde |
Legendary Creature — Beholder |
240 |
Bag of Holding |
Sac sans fond |
Artifact |
241 |
The Deck of Many Things |
Les cartes merveilleuses |
Legendary Artifact |
242 |
Dungeon Map |
Carte du donjon |
Artifact |
243 |
Eye of Vecna |
Œil de Vecna |
Legendary Artifact |
244 |
Fifty Feet of Rope |
Quinze mètres de corde |
Artifact |
245 |
Greataxe |
Hache à deux mains |
Artifact — Equipment |
246 |
Hand of Vecna |
Main de Vecna |
Legendary Artifact — Equipment |
247 |
Iron Golem |
Golem de fer |
Artifact Creature — Golem |
248 |
Leather Armor |
Armure de cuir |
Artifact — Equipment |
249 |
Mimic |
Mimique |
Artifact — Treasure |
250 |
Spare Dagger |
Dague de rechange |
Artifact — Equipment |
251 |
Spiked Pit Trap |
Fosse hérissée de pieux |
Artifact |
252 |
Treasure Chest |
Coffre au trésor |
Artifact |
253 |
Cave of the Frost Dragon |
Grotte du dragon de givre |
Land |
254 |
Den of the Bugbear |
Tanière du gobelours |
Land |
255 |
Dungeon Descent |
Descente dans le donjon |
Land |
256 |
Evolving Wilds |
Étendues sauvages en évolution |
Land |
257 |
Hall of Storm Giants |
Halle des géants des tempêtes |
Land |
258 |
Hive of the Eye Tyrant |
Essaim du despote tyrannœil |
Land |
259 |
Lair of the Hydra |
Repaire de l'hydre |
Land |
260 |
Temple of the Dragon Queen |
Temple de la Reine des Dragons |
Land |
261 |
Treasure Vault |
Salle au trésor |
Artifact Land |
262 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
263 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
264 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
265 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
266 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
267 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
268 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
269 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
270 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
271 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
272 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
273 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
274 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
275 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
276 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
277 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
278 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
279 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
280 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
281 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
282 |
Grand Master of Flowers |
Grand maître des fleurs |
Legendary Planeswalker — Bahamut |
283 |
Mordenkainen |
Mordenkainen |
Legendary Planeswalker — Mordenkainen |
284 |
Lolth, Spider Queen |
Lolth, Reine Araignée |
Legendary Planeswalker — Lolth |
285 |
Zariel, Archduke of Avernus |
Zariel, archiduchesse d'Averne |
Legendary Planeswalker — Zariel |
286 |
Ellywick Tumblestrum |
Ellywick Grattechambard |
Legendary Planeswalker — Ellywick |
287 |
Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant |
Glacemort, tyran des glaces |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
288 |
White Dragon |
Dragon blanc |
Creature — Dragon |
289 |
Blue Dragon |
Dragon bleu |
Creature — Dragon |
290 |
Iymrith, Desert Doom |
Iymrith, Fléau du Désert |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
291 |
Black Dragon |
Dragon noir |
Creature — Dragon |
292 |
Ebondeath, Dracolich |
Noiremort, dracoliche |
Legendary Creature — Zombie Dragon |
293 |
Inferno of the Star Mounts |
Fournaise des Monts Étoilés |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
294 |
Red Dragon |
Dragon rouge |
Creature — Dragon |
295 |
Green Dragon |
Dragon vert |
Creature — Dragon |
296 |
Old Gnawbone |
La Vieille Ronge-os |
Legendary Creature — Dragon |
297 |
Adult Gold Dragon |
Dragon d'or adulte |
Creature — Dragon |
298 |
Tiamat |
Tiamat |
Legendary Creature — Dragon God |
299 |
Arborea Pegasus |
Pégase d'Arborée |
Creature — Pegasus |
300 |
Blink Dog |
Chien esquiveur |
Creature — Dog |
301 |
Celestial Unicorn |
Licorne céleste |
Creature — Unicorn |
302 |
Cloister Gargoyle |
Gargouille du cloître |
Artifact Creature — Gargoyle |
303 |
Nadaar, Selfless Paladin |
Nadaar, paladin dévoué |
Legendary Creature — Dragon Knight |
304 |
Oswald Fiddlebender |
Oswald Tordviolon |
Legendary Creature — Gnome Artificer |
305 |
Displacer Beast |
Bête éclipsante |
Creature — Cat Beast |
306 |
Djinni Windseer |
Djinn prophètevent |
Creature — Djinn |
307 |
Dragon Turtle |
Dragon-tortue |
Creature — Dragon Turtle |
308 |
Mind Flayer |
Flagelleur mental |
Creature — Horror |
309 |
Pixie Guide |
Guide pixie |
Creature — Faerie |
310 |
Rimeshield Frost Giant |
Géante du givre protégel |
Creature — Giant Warrior |
311 |
Baleful Beholder |
Tyrannœil sinistre |
Creature — Beholder |
312 |
Clattering Skeletons |
Squelettes cliquetants |
Creature — Skeleton |
313 |
Gelatinous Cube |
Cube gélatineux |
Creature — Ooze |
314 |
Manticore |
Manticore |
Creature — Manticore |
315 |
Westgate Regent |
Régent de Port-Ponant |
Creature — Vampire |
316 |
Wight |
Nécrophage |
Creature — Zombie Soldier |
317 |
Delina, Wild Mage |
Délina, mage sauvage |
Legendary Creature — Elf Shaman |
318 |
Goblin Javelineer |
Javelinière gobeline |
Creature — Goblin Warrior |
319 |
Hulking Bugbear |
Gobelours lourdaud |
Creature — Goblin |
320 |
Minion of the Mighty |
Mignon des puissants |
Creature — Kobold |
321 |
Rust Monster |
Oxydeur |
Creature — Beast |
322 |
Xorn |
Xorn |
Creature — Elemental |
323 |
Zalto, Fire Giant Duke |
Zalto, duc des géants du feu |
Legendary Creature — Giant Barbarian |
324 |
Bulette |
Bulette |
Creature — Beast |
325 |
Dire Wolf Prowler |
Rôdeur loup sanguinaire |
Creature — Wolf |
326 |
Gnoll Hunter |
Chasseur gnoll |
Creature — Gnoll |
327 |
Loathsome Troll |
Troll répugnant |
Creature — Troll |
328 |
Lurking Roper |
Enlaceur sournois |
Creature — Horror |
329 |
Neverwinter Dryad |
Dryade de Padhiver |
Creature — Dryad |
330 |
Ochre Jelly |
Gelée ocre |
Creature — Ooze |
331 |
Owlbear |
Ours-hibou |
Creature — Bird Bear |
332 |
Purple Worm |
Ver pourpre |
Creature — Worm |
333 |
The Tarrasque |
La tarasque |
Legendary Creature — Dinosaur |
334 |
Underdark Basilisk |
Basilic d'Outreterre |
Creature — Basilisk |
335 |
Varis, Silverymoon Ranger |
Varis, rôdeur de Lunargent |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Ranger |
336 |
Barrowin of Clan Undurr |
Barrowin du clan Undurr |
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Cleric |
337 |
Bruenor Battlehammer |
Bruenor Marteaudeguerre |
Legendary Creature — Dwarf Warrior |
338 |
Drizzt Do'Urden |
Drizzt Do'Urden |
Legendary Creature — Elf Ranger |
339 |
Farideh, Devil's Chosen |
Farideh, élue du Diable |
Legendary Creature — Tiefling Warlock |
340 |
Gretchen Titchwillow |
Gretchen Saulemouflet |
Legendary Creature — Halfling Druid |
341 |
Hama Pashar, Ruin Seeker |
Hama Pashar, chercheuse de ruines |
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard |
342 |
Kalain, Reclusive Painter |
Kalain, peintre solitaire |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Bard |
343 |
Krydle of Baldur's Gate |
Krydle de la Porte de Baldur |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Rogue |
344 |
Minsc, Beloved Ranger |
Minsc, rôdeur apprécié |
Legendary Creature — Human Ranger |
345 |
Shessra, Death's Whisper |
Shessra, murmure de la mort |
Legendary Creature — Human Elf Warlock |
346 |
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer |
Trelasarra, Moon Dancer |
Legendary Creature — Elf Cleric |
347 |
Volo, Guide to Monsters |
Volo, guide des monstres |
Legendary Creature — Human Wizard |
348 |
Iron Golem |
Golem de fer |
Artifact Creature — Golem |
349 |
Mimic |
Mimique |
Artifact — Treasure |
350 |
Cave of the Frost Dragon |
Grotte du dragon de givre |
Land |
351 |
Den of the Bugbear |
Tanière du gobelours |
Land |
352 |
Dungeon Descent |
Descente dans le donjon |
Land |
353 |
Evolving Wilds |
Étendues sauvages en évolution |
Land |
354 |
Hall of Storm Giants |
Halle des géants des tempêtes |
Land |
355 |
Hive of the Eye Tyrant |
Essaim du despote tyrannœil |
Land |
356 |
Lair of the Hydra |
Repaire de l'hydre |
Land |
357 |
Temple of the Dragon Queen |
Temple de la Reine des Dragons |
Land |
358 |
Treasure Vault |
Salle au trésor |
Artifact Land |
359 |
The Book of Exalted Deeds |
Le livre d'exaltation suprême |
Legendary Artifact |
360 |
Dancing Sword |
Épée dansante |
Artifact — Equipment |
361 |
Flumph |
Flumph |
Creature — Jellyfish |
362 |
Guardian of Faith |
Gardien de la foi |
Creature — Spirit Knight |
363 |
Loyal Warhound |
Chien de guerre loyal |
Creature — Dog |
364 |
Teleportation Circle |
Cercle de téléportation |
Enchantment |
365 |
The Blackstaff of Waterdeep |
Le Bâton Noir d'Eauprofonde |
Legendary Artifact |
366 |
Demilich |
Demi-liche |
Creature — Skeleton Wizard |
367 |
Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar |
Grazilaxx, érudit illithid |
Legendary Creature — Horror |
368 |
Tasha's Hideous Laughter |
Fou rire de Tasha |
Sorcery |
369 |
True Polymorph |
Métamorphose suprême |
Instant |
370 |
Wizard's Spellbook |
Grimoire de magicien |
Artifact |
371 |
Yuan-Ti Malison |
Malison yuan-ti |
Creature — Snake Rogue |
372 |
Acererak the Archlich |
Acérérak l'archiliche |
Legendary Creature — Zombie Wizard |
373 |
Asmodeus the Archfiend |
Asmodée l'archifiélon |
Legendary Creature — Devil God |
374 |
The Book of Vile Darkness |
Le livre de noire vilénie |
Legendary Artifact |
375 |
Forsworn Paladin |
Paladine parjure |
Creature — Human Knight |
376 |
Sphere of Annihilation |
Sphère d'annihilation |
Artifact |
377 |
Vorpal Sword |
Épée vorpale |
Artifact — Equipment |
378 |
Flameskull |
Crânefeu |
Creature — Skeleton |
379 |
Hobgoblin Bandit Lord |
Seigneur bandit hobgobelin |
Creature — Goblin Rogue |
380 |
Meteor Swarm |
Nuée de météores |
Sorcery |
381 |
Orb of Dragonkind |
Orbe des dragons |
Artifact |
382 |
Wish |
Souhait |
Sorcery |
383 |
Circle of Dreams Druid |
Druide du cercle des rêves |
Creature — Elf Druid |
384 |
Froghemoth |
Craphémoth |
Creature — Frog Horror |
385 |
Instrument of the Bards |
Instrument des bardes |
Legendary Artifact |
386 |
Long Rest |
Repos long |
Sorcery |
387 |
Werewolf Pack Leader |
Chef de meute de loups-garous |
Creature — Human Werewolf |
388 |
Orcus, Prince of Undeath |
Orcus, prince de la Non-Vie |
Legendary Creature — Demon |
389 |
Skeletal Swarming |
Nuée squelettique |
Enchantment |
390 |
Triumphant Adventurer |
Aventurier triomphant |
Creature — Human Knight |
391 |
Xanathar, Guild Kingpin |
Xanathar, baron de la guilde |
Legendary Creature — Beholder |
392 |
The Deck of Many Things |
Les cartes merveilleuses |
Legendary Artifact |
393 |
Eye of Vecna |
Œil de Vecna |
Legendary Artifact |
394 |
Hand of Vecna |
Main de Vecna |
Legendary Artifact — Equipment |
395 |
Treasure Chest |
Coffre au trésor |
Artifact |
396 |
Vorpal Sword |
Épée vorpale |
Artifact — Equipment |
397 |
Treasure Chest |
Coffre au trésor |
Artifact |
398 |
Portable Hole |
Puits portable |
Artifact |
399 |
You Find the Villains' Lair |
Vous trouvez le repaire des ennemis |
Instant |
400 |
Power Word Kill |
Mot de pouvoir mortel |
Instant |
401 |
Magic Missile |
Projectile magique |
Sorcery |
402 |
Prosperous Innkeeper |
Aubergiste prospère |
Creature — Halfling Citizen |