1 |
Abundant Maw |
Gueule d'abondance |
Creature - Eldrazi Leech |
2 |
Decimator of the Provinces |
Décimateur des provinces |
Creature - Eldrazi Boar |
3 |
Distended Mindbender |
Plieur d'esprit turgide |
Creature - Eldrazi Insect |
4 |
Drownyard Behemoth |
Béhémoth du cimetière marin |
Creature - Eldrazi Crab |
5 |
Elder Deep-Fiend |
Ancêtre fielleux des profondeurs |
Creature - Eldrazi Octopus |
6 |
Emrakul, the Promised End |
Emrakul, la Fin promise |
Legendary Creature - Eldrazi |
7 |
Eternal Scourge |
Fléau éternel |
Creature - Eldrazi Horror |
8 |
It of the Horrid Swarm |
La chose de l'horrible essaim |
Creature - Eldrazi Insect |
9 |
Lashweed Lurker |
Guetteur cinglherbe |
Creature - Eldrazi Horror |
10 |
Mockery of Nature |
Moquerie de la nature |
Creature - Eldrazi Beast |
11 |
Vexing Scuttler |
Coursier vexatoire |
Creature - Eldrazi Crab |
12 |
Wretched Gryff |
Gryff misérable |
Creature - Eldrazi Hippogriff |
13 |
Blessed Alliance |
Alliance bénie |
Instant |
14 |
Borrowed Grace |
Grâce empruntée |
Instant |
15 |
Bruna, the Fading Light -> Brisela, Voice of Nightmares |
Bruna, la lumière pâlissante -> Brisela, voix des cauchemars |
Legendary Creature - Angel Horror -> Legendary ... |
16 |
Choking Restraints |
Restrictions étouffantes |
Enchantment - Aura |
17 |
Collective Effort |
Effort collectif |
Sorcery |
18 |
Courageous Outrider |
Cavalière courageuse |
Creature - Human Scout |
19 |
Dawn Gryff |
Gryff de l'aube |
Creature - Hippogriff |
20 |
Deploy the Gatewatch |
Déploiement des Sentinelles |
Sorcery |
21 |
Desperate Sentry |
Sentinelle désespérée |
Creature - Human Soldier |
22 |
Drogskol Shieldmate |
Compagnon bouclier du drogskol |
Creature - Spirit Soldier |
23 |
Extricator of Sin -> Extricator of Flesh |
Extirpateur de péché -> Extirpateur de chair |
Creature - Human Cleric -> Creature - Eldrazi H... |
24 |
Faith Unbroken |
Foi intacte |
Enchantment - Aura |
25 |
Faithbearer Paladin |
Paladin portefoi |
Creature - Human Knight |
26 |
Fiend Binder |
Entraveuse de fielleux |
Creature - Human Soldier |
27 |
Geist of the Lonely Vigil |
Geist de la veille solitaire |
Creature - Spirit Cleric |
28 |
Gisela, the Broken Blade -> Brisela, Voice of Nightmares |
Gisela, la lame brisée -> Brisela, voix des cauchemars |
Legendary Creature - Angel Horror -> Legendary ... |
29 |
Give No Ground |
Ne cédez pas de terrain ! |
Instant |
30 |
Guardian of Pilgrims |
Gardienne des pèlerins |
Creature - Spirit Cleric |
31 |
Ironclad Slayer |
Tueur cuirassé |
Creature - Human Warrior |
32 |
Ironwright's Cleansing |
Purification du forgefer |
Sorcery |
33 |
Lone Rider -> It That Rides as One |
Cavalier solitaire -> La chose chevauchante |
Creature - Human Knight -> Creature - Eldrazi H... |
34 |
Long Road Home |
Long retour au foyer |
Instant |
35 |
Lunarch Mantle |
Manteau du lunarque |
Enchantment - Aura |
36 |
Peace of Mind |
Paix de l'esprit |
Enchantment |
37 |
Providence |
Providence |
Sorcery |
38 |
Repel the Abominable |
Repousser l'abominable |
Instant |
39 |
Sanctifier of Souls |
Sanctificateur d'âmes |
Creature - Human Cleric |
40 |
Selfless Spirit |
Esprit dévoué |
Creature - Spirit Cleric |
41 |
Sigarda's Aid |
Aide de Sigarda |
Enchantment |
42 |
Sigardian Priest |
Prêtresse sigardienne |
Creature - Human Cleric |
43 |
Spectral Reserves |
Réserves spectrales |
Sorcery |
44 |
Steadfast Cathar |
Cathare inébranlable |
Creature - Human Soldier |
45 |
Subjugator Angel |
Ange subjugateur |
Creature - Angel |
46 |
Thalia, Heretic Cathar |
Thalia, cathare hérétique |
Legendary Creature - Human Soldier |
47 |
Thalia's Lancers |
Lanciers de Thalia |
Creature - Human Knight |
48 |
Thraben Standard Bearer |
Porte-étendard de Thraben |
Creature - Human Soldier |
49 |
Advanced Stitchwing |
Évolution aux ailes suturées |
Creature - Zombie Horror |
50 |
Chilling Grasp |
Emprise glaçante |
Instant |
51 |
Coax from the Blind Eternities |
Rappel des Éternités aveugles |
Sorcery |
52 |
Contingency Plan |
Plan de contingence |
Sorcery |
53 |
Convolute |
Circonvolution |
Instant |
54 |
Curious Homunculus -> Voracious Reader |
Homoncule curieux -> Lecteur vorace |
Creature - Homunculus -> Creature - Eldrazi Hom... |
55 |
Displace |
Déplacement |
Instant |
56 |
Docent of Perfection -> Final Iteration |
Guide de perfection -> Itération finale |
Creature - Insect Horror -> Creature - Eldrazi ... |
57 |
Drag Under |
Engloutir |
Sorcery |
58 |
Enlightened Maniac |
Maniaque éclairé |
Creature - Human |
59 |
Exultant Cultist |
Cultiste exultante |
Creature - Human Wizard |
60 |
Fogwalker |
Marcheur des brumes |
Creature - Spirit |
61 |
Fortune's Favor |
Faveur de la fortune |
Instant |
62 |
Geist of the Archives |
Geist des archives |
Creature - Spirit |
63 |
Grizzled Angler -> Grisly Anglerfish |
Pêcheur grison -> Baudroie sinistre |
Creature - Human -> Creature - Eldrazi Fish |
64 |
Identity Thief |
Voleur d'identité |
Creature - Shapeshifter |
65 |
Imprisoned in the Moon |
Prisonnier de la lune |
Enchantment - Aura |
66 |
Ingenious Skaab |
Skaab ingénieux |
Creature - Zombie Horror |
67 |
Laboratory Brute |
Brute de laboratoire |
Creature - Zombie Horror |
68 |
Lunar Force |
Force lunaire |
Enchantment |
69 |
Mausoleum Wanderer |
Vagabond des mausolées |
Creature - Spirit |
70 |
Mind's Dilation |
Dilatation de l'esprit |
Enchantment |
71 |
Nebelgast Herald |
Héraut de Nebelgast |
Creature - Spirit |
72 |
Niblis of Frost |
Niblis de gel |
Creature - Spirit |
73 |
Scour the Laboratory |
Écurage de laboratoire |
Instant |
74 |
Spontaneous Mutation |
Mutation spontanée |
Enchantment - Aura |
75 |
Summary Dismissal |
Rejet sommaire |
Instant |
76 |
Take Inventory |
Faire l'inventaire |
Sorcery |
77 |
Tattered Haunter |
Hanteur en haillons |
Creature - Spirit |
78 |
Turn Aside |
Déviation |
Instant |
79 |
Unsubstantiate |
Abolir |
Instant |
80 |
Wharf Infiltrator |
Infiltratrice des quais |
Creature - Human Horror |
81 |
Boon of Emrakul |
Faveur d'Emrakul |
Enchantment - Aura |
82 |
Borrowed Malevolence |
Malveillance empruntée |
Instant |
83 |
Cemetery Recruitment |
Recrutement au cimetière |
Sorcery |
84 |
Certain Death |
Une mort certaine |
Sorcery |
85 |
Collective Brutality |
Brutalité collective |
Sorcery |
86 |
Cryptbreaker |
Libérateur des cryptes |
Creature - Zombie |
87 |
Dark Salvation |
Obscur salut |
Sorcery |
88 |
Dusk Feaster |
Festoyeuse du crépuscule |
Creature - Vampire |
89 |
Gavony Unhallowed |
Anathème de Gavonie |
Creature - Zombie |
90 |
Graf Harvest |
Moisson au graf |
Enchantment |
91 |
Graf Rats -> Chittering Host |
Rats du graf -> Hôte bruyant |
Creature - Rat -> Creature - Eldrazi Horror |
92 |
Haunted Dead |
Dépouille hantée |
Creature - Zombie |
93 |
Liliana, the Last Hope |
Liliana, dernier espoir |
Planeswalker - Liliana |
94 |
Liliana's Elite |
Élite de Liliana |
Creature - Zombie |
95 |
Markov Crusader |
Croisé de Markov |
Creature - Vampire Knight |
96 |
Midnight Scavengers -> Chittering Host |
Charognards de minuit -> Hôte bruyant |
Creature - Human Rogue -> Creature - Eldrazi Ho... |
97 |
Murder |
Homicide |
Instant |
98 |
Noosegraf Mob |
Foule du galgengraf |
Creature - Zombie |
99 |
Oath of Liliana |
Serment de Liliana |
Legendary Enchantment |
100 |
Olivia's Dragoon |
Grognarde d'Olivia |
Creature - Vampire Berserker |
101 |
Prying Questions |
Questions indiscrètes |
Sorcery |
102 |
Rise from the Grave |
Reviviscence |
Sorcery |
103 |
Ruthless Disposal |
Disposition impitoyable |
Sorcery |
104 |
Skirsdag Supplicant |
Supplicatrice de Skirsdag |
Creature - Human Cleric |
105 |
Strange Augmentation |
Étrange augmentation |
Enchantment - Aura |
106 |
Stromkirk Condemned |
Condamnée de Stromkirk |
Creature - Vampire Horror |
107 |
Succumb to Temptation |
Succomber à la tentation |
Instant |
108 |
Thraben Foulbloods |
Pue-sangs de Thraben |
Creature - Zombie Hound |
109 |
Tree of Perdition |
Arbre de la perdition |
Creature - Plant |
110 |
Vampire Cutthroat |
Surineuse vampire |
Creature - Vampire Rogue |
111 |
Voldaren Pariah -> Abolisher of Bloodlines |
Paria Voldaren -> Abolisseuse des lignées de sang |
Creature - Vampire Horror -> Creature - Eldrazi... |
112 |
Wailing Ghoul |
Goule geignarde |
Creature - Zombie |
113 |
Weirded Vampire |
Vampire truculente |
Creature - Vampire Horror |
114 |
Whispers of Emrakul |
Chuchotements d'Emrakul |
Sorcery |
115 |
Abandon Reason |
Abandonner toute raison |
Instant |
116 |
Alchemist's Greeting |
Salutation de l'alchimiste |
Sorcery |
117 |
Assembled Alphas |
Alphas rassemblés |
Creature - Wolf |
118 |
Bedlam Reveler |
Fêtard du hourvari |
Creature - Devil Horror |
119 |
Blood Mist |
Brume de sang |
Enchantment |
120 |
Bold Impaler |
Empaleur audacieux |
Creature - Vampire Knight |
121 |
Borrowed Hostility |
Hostilité empruntée |
Instant |
122 |
Brazen Wolves |
Loups intrépides |
Creature - Wolf |
123 |
Collective Defiance |
Défiance collective |
Sorcery |
124 |
Conduit of Storms -> Conduit of Emrakul |
Conduit des tempêtes -> Conduit d'Emrakul |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
125 |
Deranged Whelp |
Louveteau dément |
Creature - Wolf |
126 |
Distemper of the Blood |
Fièvre virulente du sang |
Sorcery |
127 |
Falkenrath Reaver |
Pillarde Falkenrath |
Creature - Vampire |
128 |
Furyblade Vampire |
Vampire furilame |
Creature - Vampire Berserker |
129 |
Galvanic Bombardment |
Bombardement galvanique |
Instant |
130 |
Hanweir Garrison -> Hanweir, the Writhing Township |
Garnison de Hanweir -> Hanweir, le comté grouillant |
Creature - Human Soldier -> Legendary Creature ... |
131 |
Harmless Offering |
Offrande inoffensive |
Sorcery |
132 |
Impetuous Devils |
Diables impétueux |
Creature - Devil |
133 |
Incendiary Flow |
Flot incendiaire |
Sorcery |
134 |
Insatiable Gorgers |
Avaleurs insatiables |
Creature - Vampire Berserker |
135 |
Make Mischief |
Jeux de malice |
Sorcery |
136 |
Mirrorwing Dragon |
Dragon aux ailes-miroir |
Creature - Dragon |
137 |
Nahiri's Wrath |
Colère de Nahiri |
Sorcery |
138 |
Otherworldly Outburst |
Surgissement fantasmagorique |
Instant |
139 |
Prophetic Ravings |
Divagations prophétiques |
Enchantment - Aura |
140 |
Savage Alliance |
Alliance sauvage |
Instant |
141 |
Shreds of Sanity |
Lambeaux de lucidité |
Sorcery |
142 |
Smoldering Werewolf -> Erupting Dreadwolf |
Loup-garou fumant -> Loup de l'effroi en éruption |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
143 |
Spreading Flames |
Flammes envahissantes |
Instant |
144 |
Stensia Banquet |
Banquet stensien |
Sorcery |
145 |
Stensia Innkeeper |
Aubergiste de Stensie |
Creature - Vampire |
146 |
Stromkirk Occultist |
Occultiste de Stromkirk |
Creature - Vampire Horror |
147 |
Thermo-Alchemist |
Thermo-alchimiste |
Creature - Human Shaman |
148 |
Vildin-Pack Outcast -> Dronepack Kindred |
Proscrit de la meute Vildin -> Frère de la meute de drones |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
149 |
Weaver of Lightning |
Tisseur de foudre |
Creature - Human Shaman |
150 |
Backwoods Survivalists |
Survivalistes de la forêt sauvage |
Creature - Human Warrior |
151 |
Bloodbriar |
Sangbruyère |
Creature - Plant Elemental |
152 |
Clear Shot |
Tir dégagé |
Instant |
153 |
Crop Sigil |
Sigille de culture |
Enchantment |
154 |
Crossroads Consecrator |
Consécrateur de la croisée |
Creature - Human Cleric |
155 |
Eldritch Evolution |
Évolution hermétique |
Sorcery |
156 |
Emrakul's Evangel |
Prédicateur d'Emrakul |
Creature - Human Horror |
157 |
Emrakul's Influence |
Influence d'Emrakul |
Enchantment |
158 |
Foul Emissary |
Émissaire infâme |
Creature - Human Horror |
159 |
Gnarlwood Dryad |
Dryade de bois noueux |
Creature - Dryad Horror |
160 |
Grapple with the Past |
Lutter contre le passé |
Instant |
161 |
Hamlet Captain |
Capitaine du hameau |
Creature - Human Warrior |
162 |
Ishkanah, Grafwidow |
Ishkhana, veuve de graf |
Legendary Creature - Spider |
163 |
Kessig Prowler -> Sinuous Predator |
Rôdeur de Kessig -> Prédateur sinueux |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
164 |
Noose Constrictor |
Constricteur de potence |
Creature - Snake |
165 |
Permeating Mass |
Masse infiltratrice |
Creature - Spirit |
166 |
Prey Upon |
Chasseur chassé |
Sorcery |
167 |
Primal Druid |
Druidesse primordiale |
Creature - Human Druid |
168 |
Shrill Howler -> Howling Chorus |
Hurleur strident -> Chœur hurlant |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
169 |
Somberwald Stag |
Cerf de Somberwald |
Creature - Elk |
170 |
Spirit of the Hunt |
Esprit de la chasse |
Creature - Wolf Spirit |
171 |
Splendid Reclamation |
Splendide restauration |
Sorcery |
172 |
Springsage Ritual |
Rituel du sage du printemps |
Instant |
173 |
Swift Spinner |
Tisseuse expéditive |
Creature - Spider |
174 |
Tangleclaw Werewolf -> Fibrous Entangler |
Loup-garou aux griffes effilées -> Enchevêtreur fibreux |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
175 |
Ulvenwald Captive -> Ulvenwald Abomination |
Captif de l'Ulvenwald -> Abomination de l'Ulvenwald |
Creature - Werewolf Horror -> Creature - Eldraz... |
176 |
Ulvenwald Observer |
Observateur de l'Ulvenwald |
Creature - Treefolk |
177 |
Waxing Moon |
Lune croissante |
Instant |
178 |
Wolfkin Bond |
Lien lupeux |
Enchantment - Aura |
179 |
Woodcutter's Grit |
Hargne du bûcheron |
Instant |
180 |
Woodland Patrol |
Patrouille des sylves |
Creature - Human Scout |
181 |
Bloodhall Priest |
Prêtresse du hall de sang |
Creature - Vampire Cleric |
182 |
Campaign of Vengeance |
Campagne de vengeance |
Enchantment |
183 |
Gisa and Geralf |
Gisa et Geralf |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
184 |
Grim Flayer |
Sinistre écorcheur |
Creature - Human Warrior |
185 |
Heron's Grace Champion |
Champion de la Grâce du héron |
Creature - Human Knight |
186 |
Mercurial Geists |
Geist mercuriels |
Creature - Spirit |
187 |
Mournwillow |
Saule geigneur |
Creature - Plant Skeleton |
188 |
Ride Down |
Piétiner |
Instant |
189 |
Spell Queller |
Foudroyeur de sorts |
Creature - Spirit |
190 |
Tamiyo, Field Researcher |
Tamiyo, chercheuse sur le terrain |
Planeswalker - Tamiyo |
191 |
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde -> Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha |
Ulrich de la Krallenhorde -> Ulrich, alpha incontesté |
Legendary Creature - Human Werewolf -> Legendar... |
192 |
Cathar's Shield |
Bouclier cathare |
Artifact - Equipment |
193 |
Cryptolith Fragment -> Aurora of Emrakul |
Fragment de cryptolithe -> Aurore d'Emrakul |
Artifact -> Creature - Eldrazi Reflection |
194 |
Cultist's Staff |
Bâton de cultiste |
Artifact - Equipment |
195 |
Field Creeper |
Fureteur des champs |
Artifact Creature - Scarecrow |
196 |
Geist-Fueled Scarecrow |
Épouvantail à geists |
Artifact Creature - Scarecrow |
197 |
Lupine Prototype |
Prototype lupin |
Artifact Creature - Wolf Construct |
198 |
Slayer's Cleaver |
Hachoir de tueur |
Artifact - Equipment |
199 |
Soul Separator |
Séparateur d'âme |
Artifact |
200 |
Stitcher's Graft |
Greffe du raccommodeur |
Artifact - Equipment |
201 |
Terrarion |
Terrarion |
Artifact |
202 |
Thirsting Axe |
Hache assoiffée |
Artifact - Equipment |
203 |
Geier Reach Sanitarium |
Asile de la Chaîne de Geier |
Legendary Land |
204 |
Hanweir Battlements -> Hanweir, the Writhing Township |
Remparts de Hanweir -> Hanweir, le comté grouillant |
Land -> Legendary Creature - Eldrazi Ooze |
205 |
Nephalia Academy |
Académie de Néphalie |
Land |