1 |
Akron Legionnaire |
Légionnaire d'Akron |
Creature - Giant Soldier |
2 |
Alabaster Potion |
Potion d'albâtre |
Instant |
3 |
Amrou Kithkin |
Amrou sangami |
Creature - Kithkin |
4 |
Angelic Voices |
Enchantment |
5 |
Cleanse |
Sorcery |
6 |
Clergy of the Holy Nimbus |
Creature - Human Cleric |
7 |
D'Avenant Archer |
Archère d'Avenant |
Creature - Human Soldier Archer |
8 |
Divine Intervention |
Enchantment |
9 |
Divine Offering |
Offrande divine |
Instant |
10 |
Divine Transformation |
Transformation divine |
Enchantment - Aura |
11 |
Elder Land Wurm |
Guivre terrestre ancestrale |
Creature - Dragon Wurm |
12 |
Enchanted Being |
Creature - Human |
13 |
Equinox |
Enchantment - Aura |
14 |
Fortified Area |
Aire fortifiée |
Enchantment |
15 |
Glyph of Life |
Instant |
16 |
Great Defender |
Instant |
17 |
Great Wall |
Enchantment |
18 |
Greater Realm of Preservation |
Royaume de la préservation |
Enchantment |
19 |
Heaven's Gate |
Instant |
20 |
Holy Day |
Jour saint |
Instant |
21 |
Indestructible Aura |
Instant |
22 |
Infinite Authority |
Enchantment - Aura |
23 |
Ivory Guardians |
Vigiles d'ivoire |
Creature - Giant Cleric |
24 |
Keepers of the Faith |
Creature - Human Cleric |
25 |
Kismet |
Destinée |
Enchantment |
26 |
Land Tax |
Contribution foncière |
Enchantment |
27 |
Lifeblood |
Enchantment |
28 |
Moat |
Enchantment |
29 |
Osai Vultures |
Vautours d'Osaï |
Creature - Bird |
30 |
Petra Sphinx |
Creature - Sphinx |
31 |
Presence of the Master |
Présence du Mentor |
Enchantment |
32 |
Rapid Fire |
Instant |
33 |
Remove Enchantments |
Instant |
34 |
Righteous Avengers |
Creature - Human Soldier |
35 |
Seeker |
Chercheur |
Enchantment - Aura |
36 |
Shield Wall |
Front de boucliers |
Instant |
37 |
Spirit Link |
Liaison psychique |
Enchantment - Aura |
38 |
Spiritual Sanctuary |
Enchantment |
39 |
Thunder Spirit |
Creature - Elemental Spirit |
40 |
Tundra Wolves |
Loups de la toundra |
Creature - Wolf |
41 |
Visions |
Visions |
Sorcery |
42 |
Wall of Caltrops |
Creature - Wall |
43 |
Wall of Light |
Creature - Wall |
44 |
Acid Rain |
Sorcery |
45 |
Anti-Magic Aura |
Aura d'antimagie |
Enchantment - Aura |
46 |
Azure Drake |
Drakôn d'azur |
Creature - Drake |
47 |
Backfire |
Retour de flamme |
Enchantment - Aura |
48 |
Boomerang |
Boomerang |
Instant |
49 |
Brine Hag |
Creature - Hag |
50 |
Devouring Deep |
Creature - Fish |
51 |
Dream Coat |
Enchantment - Aura |
52 |
Elder Spawn |
Creature - Elemental |
53 |
Enchantment Alteration |
Passation d'enchantement |
Instant |
54 |
Energy Tap |
Engagement énergétique |
Sorcery |
55 |
Field of Dreams |
World Enchantment |
56 |
Flash Counter |
Contresort immédiat |
Instant |
57 |
Flash Flood |
Instant |
58 |
Force Spike |
Chiquenaude de force |
Instant |
59 |
Gaseous Form |
Forme gazeuse |
Enchantment - Aura |
60 |
Glyph of Delusion |
Instant |
61 |
In the Eye of Chaos |
World Enchantment |
62 |
Invoke Prejudice |
Enchantment |
63 |
Juxtapose |
Juxtaposition |
Sorcery |
64 |
Land Equilibrium |
Enchantment |
65 |
Mana Drain |
Drain de mana |
Instant |
66 |
Part Water |
Sorcery |
67 |
Psionic Entity |
Entité psionique |
Creature - Illusion |
68 |
Psychic Purge |
Sorcery |
69 |
Puppet Master |
Enchantment - Aura |
70 |
Recall |
Rappel |
Sorcery |
71 |
Relic Bind |
Ligature de relique |
Enchantment - Aura |
72 |
Remove Soul |
Retrait d'âme |
Instant |
73 |
Reset |
Instant |
74 |
Reverberation |
Instant |
75 |
Sea Kings' Blessing |
Instant |
76 |
Segovian Leviathan |
Léviathan ségovois |
Creature - Leviathan |
77 |
Silhouette |
Instant |
78 |
Spectral Cloak |
Enchantment - Aura |
79 |
Telekinesis |
Instant |
80 |
Teleport |
Instant |
81 |
Time Elemental |
Élémental du temps |
Creature - Elemental |
82 |
Undertow |
Enchantment |
83 |
Venarian Gold |
Enchantment - Aura |
84 |
Wall of Vapor |
Creature - Wall |
85 |
Wall of Wonder |
Mur des merveilles |
Creature - Wall |
86 |
Zephyr Falcon |
Faucon du zéphyr |
Creature - Bird |
87 |
Abomination |
Abomination |
Creature - Horror |
88 |
All Hallow's Eve |
Sorcery |
89 |
Blight |
Flétrissement |
Enchantment - Aura |
90 |
Carrion Ants |
Fourmis charognardes |
Creature - Insect |
91 |
Chains of Mephistopheles |
Enchantment |
92 |
Cosmic Horror |
Horreur cosmique |
Creature - Horror |
93 |
Cyclopean Mummy |
Momie cyclopéenne |
Creature - Zombie |
94 |
Darkness |
Obscurité |
Instant |
95 |
Demonic Torment |
Enchantment - Aura |
96 |
Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore |
Œil maléfique d'Orms-par-Gore |
Creature - Eye |
97 |
Fallen Angel |
Ange déchu |
Creature - Angel |
98 |
Ghosts of the Damned |
Creature - Spirit |
99 |
Giant Slug |
Creature - Slug |
100 |
Glyph of Doom |
Instant |
101 |
Greed |
Avidité |
Enchantment |
102 |
Headless Horseman |
Creature - Zombie Knight |
103 |
Hell Swarm |
Instant |
104 |
Hell's Caretaker |
Concierge de l'enfer |
Creature - Horror |
105 |
Hellfire |
Sorcery |
106 |
Horror of Horrors |
Horreur des horreurs |
Enchantment |
107 |
Imprison |
Enchantment - Aura |
108 |
Infernal Medusa |
Creature - Gorgon |
109 |
Jovial Evil |
Sorcery |
110 |
Lesser Werewolf |
Creature - Human Wolf |
111 |
Lost Soul |
Âme en peine |
Creature - Spirit Minion |
112 |
Mold Demon |
Creature - Fungus Demon |
113 |
Nether Void |
World Enchantment |
114 |
Pit Scorpion |
Scorpion de l'Abîme |
Creature - Scorpion |
115 |
Quagmire |
Enchantment |
116 |
Shimian Night Stalker |
Creature - Nightstalker |
117 |
Spirit Shackle |
Fers psychiques |
Enchantment - Aura |
118 |
Syphon Soul |
Siphonner l'âme |
Sorcery |
119 |
Takklemaggot |
Enchantment - Aura |
120 |
The Abyss |
World Enchantment |
121 |
The Wretched |
Le misérable |
Creature - Demon |
122 |
Touch of Darkness |
Instant |
123 |
Transmutation |
Instant |
124 |
Underworld Dreams |
Rêves du monde souterrain |
Enchantment |
125 |
Vampire Bats |
Chauves-souris vampires |
Creature - Bat |
126 |
Walking Dead |
Creature - Zombie |
127 |
Wall of Putrid Flesh |
Creature - Wall |
128 |
Wall of Shadows |
Creature - Wall |
129 |
Wall of Tombstones |
Creature - Wall |
130 |
Active Volcano |
Instant |
131 |
Backdraft |
Instant |
132 |
Beasts of Bogardan |
Creature - Beast |
133 |
Blazing Effigy |
Creature - Elemental |
134 |
Blood Lust |
Soif de sang |
Instant |
135 |
Caverns of Despair |
World Enchantment |
136 |
Chain Lightning |
Chaîne d'éclairs |
Sorcery |
137 |
Crevasse |
Enchantment |
138 |
Crimson Kobolds |
Creature - Kobold |
139 |
Crimson Manticore |
Manticore pourpre |
Creature - Manticore |
140 |
Crookshank Kobolds |
Creature - Kobold |
141 |
Disharmony |
Instant |
142 |
Dwarven Song |
Instant |
143 |
Eternal Warrior |
Guerrier éternel |
Enchantment - Aura |
144 |
Falling Star |
Sorcery |
145 |
Feint |
Instant |
146 |
Firestorm Phoenix |
Creature - Phoenix |
147 |
Frost Giant |
Creature - Giant |
148 |
Giant Strength |
Force de géant |
Enchantment - Aura |
149 |
Glyph of Destruction |
Instant |
150 |
Gravity Sphere |
World Enchantment |
151 |
Hyperion Blacksmith |
Creature - Human Artificer |
152 |
Immolation |
Immolation |
Enchantment - Aura |
153 |
Kobold Drill Sergeant |
Creature - Kobold Soldier |
154 |
Kobold Overlord |
Creature - Kobold |
155 |
Kobold Taskmaster |
Surveillant kobold |
Creature - Kobold |
156 |
Kobolds of Kher Keep |
Creature - Kobold |
157 |
Land's Edge |
World Enchantment |
158 |
Mountain Yeti |
Creature - Yeti |
159 |
Primordial Ooze |
Limon primordial |
Creature - Ooze |
160 |
Pyrotechnics |
Pyrotechnie |
Sorcery |
161 |
Quarum Trench Gnomes |
Creature - Gnome |
162 |
Raging Bull |
Creature - Ox |
163 |
Spinal Villain |
Creature - Beast |
164 |
Storm World |
World Enchantment |
165 |
Tempest Efreet |
Éfrit de la tourmente |
Creature - Efreet |
166 |
The Brute |
La brute |
Enchantment - Aura |
167 |
Wall of Dust |
Mur de poussière |
Creature - Wall |
168 |
Wall of Earth |
Creature - Wall |
169 |
Wall of Heat |
Creature - Wall |
170 |
Wall of Opposition |
Creature - Wall |
171 |
Winds of Change |
Vents du changement |
Sorcery |
172 |
Aerathi Berserker |
Creature - Human Berserker |
173 |
Aisling Leprechaun |
Creature - Faerie |
174 |
Arboria |
Lierre noir |
World Enchantment |
175 |
Avoid Fate |
Esquive du destin |
Instant |
176 |
Barbary Apes |
Creature - Ape |
177 |
Cat Warriors |
Guerriers chats |
Creature - Cat Warrior |
178 |
Cocoon |
Enchantment - Aura |
179 |
Concordant Crossroads |
Croisée harmonieuse |
World Enchantment |
180 |
Craw Giant |
Géant vorace |
Creature - Giant |
181 |
Deadfall |
Enchantment |
182 |
Durkwood Boars |
Sangliers de Boissambre |
Creature - Boar |
183 |
Elven Riders |
Cavaliers elfes |
Creature - Elf |
184 |
Emerald Dragonfly |
Creature - Insect |
185 |
Eureka |
Sorcery |
186 |
Fire Sprites |
Creature - Faerie |
187 |
Floral Spuzzem |
Creature - Elemental |
188 |
Giant Turtle |
Creature - Turtle |
189 |
Glyph of Reincarnation |
Instant |
190 |
Hornet Cobra |
Creature - Snake |
191 |
Ichneumon Druid |
Creature - Human Druid |
192 |
Killer Bees |
Abeilles tueuses |
Creature - Insect |
193 |
Living Plane |
World Enchantment |
194 |
Master of the Hunt |
Creature - Human |
195 |
Moss Monster |
Monstre de Mousse |
Creature - Elemental |
196 |
Pixie Queen |
Creature - Faerie |
197 |
Pradesh Gypsies |
Bohémiens pradeshi |
Creature - Human Nomad |
198 |
Rabid Wombat |
Wombat enragé |
Creature - Wombat |
199 |
Radjan Spirit |
Esprit radjane |
Creature - Spirit |
200 |
Rebirth |
Renouveau |
Sorcery |
201 |
Reincarnation |
Réincarnation |
Instant |
202 |
Revelation |
World Enchantment |
203 |
Rust |
Instant |
204 |
Shelkin Brownie |
Creature - Ouphe |
205 |
Storm Seeker |
Instant |
206 |
Subdue |
Instant |
207 |
Sylvan Library |
Bibliothèque sylvestre |
Enchantment |
208 |
Sylvan Paradise |
Instant |
209 |
Typhoon |
Sorcery |
210 |
Untamed Wilds |
Étendues sauvages |
Sorcery |
211 |
Whirling Dervish |
Derviche tourneur |
Creature - Human Monk |
212 |
Willow Satyr |
Creature - Satyr |
213 |
Winter Blast |
Rafale hivernale |
Sorcery |
214 |
Wolverine Pack |
Harde de gloutons |
Creature - Wolverine |
215 |
Wood Elemental |
Creature - Elemental |
216 |
Adun Oakenshield |
Legendary Creature - Human Knight |
217 |
Angus Mackenzie |
Legendary Creature - Human Cleric |
218 |
Arcades Sabboth |
Arcades Sabboth |
Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon |
219 |
Axelrod Gunnarson |
Legendary Creature - Giant |
220 |
Ayesha Tanaka |
Legendary Creature - Human Artificer |
221 |
Barktooth Warbeard |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
222 |
Bartel Runeaxe |
Legendary Creature - Giant Warrior |
223 |
Boris Devilboon |
Legendary Creature - Zombie Wizard |
224 |
Chromium |
Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon |
225 |
Dakkon Blackblade |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
226 |
Gabriel Angelfire |
Legendary Creature - Angel |
227 |
Gosta Dirk |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
228 |
Gwendlyn Di Corci |
Legendary Creature - Human Rogue |
229 |
Halfdane |
Legendary Creature - Shapeshifter |
230 |
Hazezon Tamar |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
231 |
Hunding Gjornersen |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
232 |
Jacques le Vert |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
233 |
Jasmine Boreal |
Jasmine Boreal |
Legendary Creature - Human |
234 |
Jedit Ojanen |
Legendary Creature - Cat Warrior |
235 |
Jerrard of the Closed Fist |
Legendary Creature - Human Knight |
236 |
Johan |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
237 |
Kasimir the Lone Wolf |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
238 |
Kei Takahashi |
Legendary Creature - Human Cleric |
239 |
Lady Caleria |
Legendary Creature - Human Archer |
240 |
Lady Evangela |
Legendary Creature - Human Cleric |
241 |
Lady Orca |
Legendary Creature - Demon |
242 |
Livonya Silone |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
243 |
Lord Magnus |
Legendary Creature - Human Druid |
244 |
Marhault Elsdragon |
Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior |
245 |
Nebuchadnezzar |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
246 |
Nicol Bolas |
Nicol Bolas |
Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon |
247 |
Palladia-Mors |
Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon |
248 |
Pavel Maliki |
Legendary Creature - Human |
249 |
Princess Lucrezia |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
250 |
Ragnar |
Legendary Creature - Human Cleric |
251 |
Ramirez DePietro |
Legendary Creature - Human Pirate |
252 |
Ramses Overdark |
Legendary Creature - Human Assassin |
253 |
Rasputin Dreamweaver |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
254 |
Riven Turnbull |
Legendary Creature - Human Advisor |
255 |
Rohgahh of Kher Keep |
Legendary Creature - Kobold |
256 |
Rubinia Soulsinger |
Rubinia Chantelâme |
Legendary Creature - Faerie |
257 |
Sir Shandlar of Eberyn |
Legendary Creature - Human Knight |
258 |
Sivitri Scarzam |
Legendary Creature - Human |
259 |
Sol'kanar the Swamp King |
Sol'kanar le roi des marais |
Legendary Creature - Demon |
260 |
Stangg |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
261 |
Sunastian Falconer |
Legendary Creature - Human Shaman |
262 |
Tetsuo Umezawa |
Legendary Creature - Human Archer |
263 |
The Lady of the Mountain |
Legendary Creature - Giant |
264 |
Tobias Andrion |
Legendary Creature - Human Advisor |
265 |
Tor Wauki |
Legendary Creature - Human Archer |
266 |
Torsten Von Ursus |
Legendary Creature - Human Soldier |
267 |
Tuknir Deathlock |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
268 |
Ur-Drago |
Legendary Creature - Elemental |
269 |
Vaevictis Asmadi |
Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon |
270 |
Xira Arien |
Xira Arien |
Legendary Creature - Insect Wizard |
271 |
Al-abara's Carpet |
Artifact |
272 |
Alchor's Tomb |
Artifact |
273 |
Arena of the Ancients |
Artifact |
274 |
Black Mana Battery |
Accumulateur de mana noir |
Artifact |
275 |
Blue Mana Battery |
Accumulateur de mana bleu |
Artifact |
276 |
Bronze Horse |
Artifact Creature - Horse |
277 |
Forethought Amulet |
Artifact |
278 |
Gauntlets of Chaos |
Gantelets de Chaos |
Artifact |
279 |
Green Mana Battery |
Accumulateur de mana vert |
Artifact |
280 |
Horn of Deafening |
Artifact |
281 |
Knowledge Vault |
Artifact |
282 |
Kry Shield |
Artifact |
283 |
Life Chisel |
Artifact |
284 |
Life Matrix |
Artifact |
285 |
Mana Matrix |
Artifact |
286 |
Marble Priest |
Artifact Creature - Cleric |
287 |
Mirror Universe |
Artifact |
288 |
North Star |
Artifact |
289 |
Nova Pentacle |
Artifact |
290 |
Planar Gate |
Artifact |
291 |
Red Mana Battery |
Accumulateur de mana rouge |
Artifact |
292 |
Relic Barrier |
Très ancienne barrière |
Artifact |
293 |
Ring of Immortals |
Artifact |
294 |
Sentinel |
Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter |
295 |
Serpent Generator |
Générateur de serpents |
Artifact |
296 |
Sword of the Ages |
Artifact |
297 |
Triassic Egg |
Artifact |
298 |
Voodoo Doll |
Artifact |
299 |
White Mana Battery |
Accumulateur de mana blanc |
Artifact |
300 |
Adventurers' Guildhouse |
Land |
301 |
Cathedral of Serra |
Land |
302 |
Hammerheim |
Legendary Land |
303 |
Karakas |
Legendary Land |
304 |
Mountain Stronghold |
Land |
305 |
Pendelhaven |
Pendelhavre |
Legendary Land |
306 |
Seafarer's Quay |
Land |
307 |
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale |
Legendary Land |
308 |
Tolaria |
Legendary Land |
309 |
Unholy Citadel |
Land |
310 |
Urborg |
Legendary Land |