1 |
Auriok Glaivemaster |
Maîtresse de glaive aurioke |
Creature - Human Soldier |
2 |
Echoing Calm |
Calme résonnant |
Instant |
3 |
Emissary of Hope |
Émissaire de l'espoir |
Creature - Spirit |
4 |
Hallow |
Sanctification |
Instant |
5 |
Leonin Battlemage |
Mage de bataille léonin |
Creature - Cat Wizard |
6 |
Leonin Shikari |
Shikari léonine |
Creature - Cat Soldier |
7 |
Loxodon Mystic |
Mystique loxodon |
Creature - Elephant Cleric |
8 |
Metal Fatigue |
Fatigue du métal |
Instant |
9 |
Pristine Angel |
Ange immaculé |
Creature - Angel |
10 |
Pteron Ghost |
Ptéron fantôme |
Creature - Spirit |
11 |
Pulse of the Fields |
Pulsation des Champs |
Instant |
12 |
Purge |
Épuration |
Instant |
13 |
Ritual of Restoration |
Rituel de restauration |
Sorcery |
14 |
Soulscour |
Abolition de l'âme |
Sorcery |
15 |
Steelshaper Apprentice |
Apprenti forge-acier |
Creature - Human Soldier |
16 |
Stir the Pride |
Éveil de la bande |
Instant |
17 |
Test of Faith |
Test de foi |
Instant |
18 |
Turn the Tables |
Retournement de situation |
Instant |
19 |
Carry Away |
Dérobade |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Chromescale Drake |
Drakôn à écailles de chrome |
Creature - Drake |
21 |
Echoing Truth |
Vérité résonnante |
Instant |
22 |
Hoverguard Observer |
Observateur aérogarde |
Creature - Drone |
23 |
Last Word |
Dernier mot |
Instant |
24 |
Machinate |
Machination |
Instant |
25 |
Magnetic Flux |
Flux magnétique |
Instant |
26 |
Neurok Prodigy |
Prodige neuroke |
Creature - Human Wizard |
27 |
Neurok Transmuter |
Transmutateur neurok |
Creature - Human Wizard |
28 |
Psychic Overload |
Surcharge psychique |
Enchantment - Aura |
29 |
Pulse of the Grid |
Pulsation de la Grille |
Instant |
30 |
Quicksilver Behemoth |
Béhémoth de vif-argent |
Creature - Beast |
31 |
Reshape |
Refonte |
Sorcery |
32 |
Retract |
Rétraction |
Instant |
33 |
Second Sight |
Double vue |
Instant |
34 |
Synod Artificer |
Artificier du Synode |
Creature - Vedalken Artificer |
35 |
Vedalken Engineer |
Ingénieur vedalken |
Creature - Vedalken Artificer |
36 |
Vex |
Agacement |
Instant |
37 |
Aether Snap |
Coup d'Aether |
Sorcery |
38 |
Burden of Greed |
Fardeau d'avidité |
Instant |
39 |
Chittering Rats |
Rats bruyants |
Creature - Rat |
40 |
Death Cloud |
Nuage mortel |
Sorcery |
41 |
Echoing Decay |
Décomposition résonnante |
Instant |
42 |
Emissary of Despair |
Émissaire du désespoir |
Creature - Spirit |
43 |
Essence Drain |
Drain d'essence |
Sorcery |
44 |
Greater Harvester |
Grand moissonneur |
Creature - Horror |
45 |
Grimclaw Bats |
Chauves-souris sinistreserre |
Creature - Bat |
46 |
Hunger of the Nim |
Faim des nims |
Sorcery |
47 |
Mephitic Ooze |
Limon méphitique |
Creature - Ooze |
48 |
Murderous Spoils |
Butin meurtrier |
Instant |
49 |
Nim Abomination |
Abomination des nims |
Creature - Zombie |
50 |
Pulse of the Dross |
Pulsation de Mephidross |
Sorcery |
51 |
Scavenging Scarab |
Scarabée nécrophage |
Creature - Insect |
52 |
Screams from Within |
Hurlements du dedans |
Enchantment - Aura |
53 |
Scrounge |
Fouiner |
Sorcery |
54 |
Shriveling Rot |
Pourrissement ratatineur |
Instant |
55 |
Barbed Lightning |
Éclair barbelé |
Instant |
56 |
Crazed Goblin |
Gobelin affolé |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
57 |
Dismantle |
Démembrement |
Sorcery |
58 |
Drooling Ogre |
Ogre baveur |
Creature - Ogre |
59 |
Echoing Ruin |
Destruction résonnante |
Sorcery |
60 |
Fireball |
Boule de feu |
Sorcery |
61 |
Flamebreak |
Départ de flammes |
Sorcery |
62 |
Furnace Dragon |
Dragon du fourneau |
Creature - Dragon |
63 |
Goblin Archaeologist |
Archéologue gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Artificer |
64 |
Inflame |
Irritation |
Instant |
65 |
Krark-Clan Stoker |
Chauffeur du clan Krark |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
66 |
Pulse of the Forge |
Pulsation de la Forge |
Instant |
67 |
Savage Beating |
Attaque sauvage |
Instant |
68 |
Shunt |
Détournement |
Instant |
69 |
Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer |
Slobad, rétameur gobelin |
Legendary Creature - Goblin Artificer |
70 |
Tears of Rage |
Larmes de rage |
Instant |
71 |
Unforge |
Refonte |
Instant |
72 |
Vulshok War Boar |
Sanglier de guerre vulshok |
Creature - Boar Beast |
73 |
Ageless Entity |
Entité sans âge |
Creature - Elemental |
74 |
Echoing Courage |
Courage résonnant |
Instant |
75 |
Fangren Firstborn |
Aîné fangren |
Creature - Beast |
76 |
Infested Roothold |
Souches infestées |
Creature - Wall |
77 |
Karstoderm |
Karstoderme |
Creature - Beast |
78 |
Nourish |
Nourriture |
Instant |
79 |
Oxidize |
Oxydation |
Instant |
80 |
Pulse of the Tangle |
Pulsation de la Filandre |
Sorcery |
81 |
Reap and Sow |
Fenaison et semence |
Sorcery |
82 |
Rebuking Ceremony |
Cérémonie de la Réprimande |
Sorcery |
83 |
Roaring Slagwurm |
Guivre cendrée rugissante |
Creature - Wurm |
84 |
Stand Together |
Union |
Instant |
85 |
Tangle Spider |
Araignée de la Filandre |
Creature - Spider |
86 |
Tanglewalker |
Marcheuse de la Filandre |
Creature - Dryad |
87 |
Tel-Jilad Outrider |
Cavalier de Tel-Jilad |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
88 |
Tel-Jilad Wolf |
Loup de Tel-Jilad |
Creature - Wolf |
89 |
Viridian Acolyte |
Acolyte viridian |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
90 |
Viridian Zealot |
Zélateur viridian |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
91 |
Aether Vial |
Fiole d'Aether |
Artifact |
92 |
Angel's Feather |
Plume d'ange |
Artifact |
93 |
Arcane Spyglass |
Longue-vue des arcanes |
Artifact |
94 |
Arcbound Bruiser |
Cogneur entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
95 |
Arcbound Crusher |
Écrabouilleur entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Juggernaut |
96 |
Arcbound Fiend |
Fielleux entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Horror |
97 |
Arcbound Hybrid |
Hybride entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Beast |
98 |
Arcbound Lancer |
Lancier entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Beast |
99 |
Arcbound Overseer |
Brigadier entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
100 |
Arcbound Ravager |
Dévastateur entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Beast |
101 |
Arcbound Reclaimer |
Brocanteur entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
102 |
Arcbound Slith |
Slith entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Slith |
103 |
Arcbound Stinger |
Piqueur entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Insect |
104 |
Arcbound Worker |
Travailleur entravarc |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
105 |
Auriok Siege Sled |
Luge de siège aurioke |
Artifact Creature - Juggernaut |
106 |
Chimeric Egg |
Œuf chimérique |
Artifact |
107 |
Coretapper |
Noyaupompe |
Artifact Creature - Myr |
108 |
Darksteel Brute |
Brute de sombracier |
Artifact |
109 |
Darksteel Colossus |
Colosse de sombracier |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
110 |
Darksteel Forge |
Forge de sombracier |
Artifact |
111 |
Darksteel Gargoyle |
Gargouille de sombracier |
Artifact Creature - Gargoyle |
112 |
Darksteel Ingot |
Lingot de sombracier |
Artifact |
113 |
Darksteel Pendant |
Pendentif de sombracier |
Artifact |
114 |
Darksteel Reactor |
Réacteur de sombracier |
Artifact |
115 |
Death-Mask Duplicant |
Répliquant masque-mort |
Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter |
116 |
Demon's Horn |
Corne de démon |
Artifact |
117 |
Dragon's Claw |
Griffe du dragon |
Artifact |
118 |
Drill-Skimmer |
Rase-foreur |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
119 |
Dross Golem |
Golem de Mephidross |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
120 |
Eater of Days |
Dévoreur des jours |
Artifact Creature - Leviathan |
121 |
Gemini Engine |
Machine à gémeaux |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
122 |
Genesis Chamber |
Chambre de genèse |
Artifact |
123 |
Geth's Grimoire |
Grimoire de Geth |
Artifact |
124 |
Heartseeker |
Cherche-cœur |
Artifact - Equipment |
125 |
Juggernaut |
Djaggernaut |
Artifact Creature - Juggernaut |
126 |
Kraken's Eye |
Œil du kraken |
Artifact |
127 |
Leonin Bola |
Bolas léonins |
Artifact - Equipment |
128 |
Lich's Tomb |
Tombe de la liche |
Artifact |
129 |
Memnarch |
Memnarch |
Legendary Artifact Creature - Wizard |
130 |
Mycosynth Lattice |
Treille de mycosynthèse |
Artifact |
131 |
Myr Landshaper |
Terraforgeur myr |
Artifact Creature - Myr |
132 |
Myr Matrix |
Matrice à myrs |
Artifact |
133 |
Myr Moonvessel |
Nef lunaire myr |
Artifact Creature - Myr |
134 |
Nemesis Mask |
Masque de la némésis |
Artifact - Equipment |
135 |
Oxidda Golem |
Golem d'Oxidda |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
136 |
Panoptic Mirror |
Miroir panoptique |
Artifact |
137 |
Razor Golem |
Golem de rasoirs |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
138 |
Serum Powder |
Sérum en poudre |
Artifact |
139 |
Shield of Kaldra |
Bouclier de Kaldra |
Legendary Artifact - Equipment |
140 |
Skullclamp |
Pincecrâne |
Artifact - Equipment |
141 |
Spawning Pit |
Fosse de l'engeance |
Artifact |
142 |
Specter's Shroud |
Linceul du spectre |
Artifact - Equipment |
143 |
Spellbinder |
Entrave-sort |
Artifact - Equipment |
144 |
Spincrusher |
Écrabouilleur tourbillonneur |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
145 |
Spire Golem |
Golem des cimes |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
146 |
Sundering Titan |
Titan morceleur |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
147 |
Surestrike Trident |
Trident frappesure |
Artifact - Equipment |
148 |
Sword of Fire and Ice |
Épée d'Eau et de Feu |
Artifact - Equipment |
149 |
Sword of Light and Shadow |
Épée des Ténèbres et de la Lumière |
Artifact - Equipment |
150 |
Talon of Pain |
Ergot de souffrance |
Artifact |
151 |
Tangle Golem |
Golem de la Filandre |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
152 |
Thought Dissector |
Dissecteur de pensées |
Artifact |
153 |
Thunderstaff |
Bâton de tonnerre |
Artifact |
154 |
Trinisphere |
Trinisphère |
Artifact |
155 |
Ur-Golem's Eye |
Œil de l'Ur-Golem |
Artifact |
156 |
Voltaic Construct |
Construction voltaïque |
Artifact Creature - Golem Construct |
157 |
Vulshok Morningstar |
Morgenstern vulshok |
Artifact - Equipment |
158 |
Wand of the Elements |
Bâtonnet des éléments |
Artifact |
159 |
Well of Lost Dreams |
Puits des songes perdus |
Artifact |
160 |
Whispersilk Cloak |
Cape de frémisoie |
Artifact - Equipment |
161 |
Wirefly Hive |
Essaim de câblemouches |
Artifact |
162 |
Wurm's Tooth |
Dent de la guivre |
Artifact |
163 |
Blinkmoth Nexus |
Nexus des scintimites |
Land |
164 |
Darksteel Citadel |
Citadelle de sombracier |
Artifact Land |
165 |
Mirrodin's Core |
Noyau de Mirrodin |
Land |