1 |
Abbey Gargoyles |
Gargouilles de l'abbaye |
Creature - Gargoyle |
2 |
Abbey Matron |
Mère abbesse |
Creature - Human Cleric |
3 |
Abbey Matron |
Mère abbesse |
Creature - Human Cleric |
4 |
Aysen Bureaucrats |
Bureaucrates ayséniens |
Creature - Human Advisor |
5 |
Aysen Bureaucrats |
Bureaucrates ayséniens |
Creature - Human Advisor |
6 |
Aysen Crusader |
Croisé aysénien |
Creature - Human Knight |
7 |
Aysen Highway |
Grand route d'Aysen |
Enchantment |
8 |
Beast Walkers |
Homme-bêtes |
Creature - Human Beast Soldier |
9 |
Death Speakers |
Psychopompes |
Creature - Human Cleric |
10 |
Hazduhr the Abbot |
Abbé Hazduhr |
Legendary Creature - Human Cleric |
11 |
Leeches |
Sangsues |
Sorcery |
12 |
Mesa Falcon |
Faucon de Mesa |
Creature - Bird |
13 |
Mesa Falcon |
Faucon de Mesa |
Creature - Bird |
14 |
Prophecy |
Prophétie |
Sorcery |
15 |
Rashka the Slayer |
Rashka la tueuse |
Legendary Creature - Human Archer |
16 |
Samite Alchemist |
Alchimiste sanctif |
Creature - Human Cleric |
17 |
Samite Alchemist |
Alchimiste sanctif |
Creature - Human Cleric |
18 |
Serra Aviary |
La voliere serraîte |
World Enchantment |
19 |
Serra Bestiary |
Bestiaire serraïte |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Serra Inquisitors |
Inqusuteurs serraîtes |
Creature - Human Cleric |
21 |
Serra Paladin |
Paladin de Serra |
Creature - Human Knight |
22 |
Soraya the Falconer |
Soraya des faucons |
Legendary Creature - Human |
23 |
Trade Caravan |
Caravane marchande |
Creature - Human Nomad |
24 |
Trade Caravan |
Caravane marchande |
Creature - Human Nomad |
25 |
Truce |
Trêve |
Instant |
26 |
Baki's Curse |
Malédiction selon Baki |
Sorcery |
27 |
Chain Stasis |
Stase en série |
Instant |
28 |
Coral Reef |
Récif corallien |
Enchantment |
29 |
Dark Maze |
Obscur dédale |
Creature - Wall |
30 |
Dark Maze |
Obscur dédale |
Creature - Wall |
31 |
Forget |
Oubli |
Sorcery |
32 |
Giant Albatross |
Albatros géant |
Creature - Bird |
33 |
Giant Albatross |
Albatros géant |
Creature - Bird |
34 |
Giant Oyster |
Huître géante |
Creature - Oyster |
35 |
Jinx |
Mauvaise passe |
Instant |
36 |
Labyrinth Minotaur |
Minotaure des labyrinthes |
Creature - Minotaur |
37 |
Labyrinth Minotaur |
Minotaure des labyrinthes |
Creature - Minotaur |
38 |
Marjhan |
Mar'djhân |
Creature - Leviathan |
39 |
Memory Lapse |
Trou de mémoire |
Instant |
40 |
Memory Lapse |
Trou de mémoire |
Instant |
41 |
Merchant Scroll |
Parchemin du marchand |
Sorcery |
42 |
Mystic Decree |
Le décret mystique |
World Enchantment |
43 |
Narwhal |
Narval |
Creature - Whale |
44 |
Reef Pirates |
Pirates des brisants |
Creature - Zombie Pirate |
45 |
Reef Pirates |
Pirates des brisants |
Creature - Zombie Pirate |
46 |
Reveka, Wizard Savant |
Revfeka, SajMage |
Legendary Creature - Dwarf Wizard |
47 |
Sea Sprite |
Farfadet marine |
Creature - Faerie |
48 |
Sea Troll |
Trollesse marine |
Creature - Troll |
49 |
Wall of Kelp |
Mur de varech |
Creature - Plant Wall |
50 |
Aether Storm |
Tempête d'Aether |
Enchantment |
51 |
Baron Sengir |
Baron Sengir |
Legendary Creature - Vampire |
52 |
Black Carriage |
Carrosse de noireeur |
Creature - Horse |
53 |
Broken Visage |
Visage brisé |
Instant |
54 |
Cemetery Gate |
Grille du cimetiere |
Creature - Wall |
55 |
Cemetery Gate |
Grille du cimetiere |
Creature - Wall |
56 |
Drudge Spell |
Sort de servilité |
Enchantment |
57 |
Dry Spell |
Sort de dessèchement |
Sorcery |
58 |
Dry Spell |
Sort de dessèchement |
Sorcery |
59 |
Feast of the Unicorn |
Dévoration de la licorne |
Enchantment - Aura |
60 |
Feast of the Unicorn |
Dévoration de la licorne |
Enchantment - Aura |
61 |
Funeral March |
Cortège funèbre |
Enchantment - Aura |
62 |
Ghost Hounds |
Chiens de chasse fantômes |
Creature - Hound Spirit |
63 |
Grandmother Sengir |
Grand-mère Sengir |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
64 |
Greater Werewolf |
Grand loup-garou |
Creature - Human Wolf |
65 |
Headstone |
Pierre tombale |
Instant |
66 |
Ihsan's Shade |
L'Ombre d'Ihssân |
Legendary Creature - Shade Knight |
67 |
Irini Sengir |
Irini Sengir |
Legendary Creature - Vampire Dwarf |
68 |
Koskun Falls |
Les chutes du Koskhun |
World Enchantment |
69 |
Sengir Autocrat |
Autocrate sengien |
Creature - Human |
70 |
Sengir Bats |
Chauves-souris sengiennes |
Creature - Bat |
71 |
Sengir Bats |
Chauves-souris sengiennes |
Creature - Bat |
72 |
Timmerian Fiends |
Fielleux timèriens |
Creature - Horror |
73 |
Torture |
Torture |
Enchantment - Aura |
74 |
Torture |
Torture |
Enchantment - Aura |
75 |
Veldrane of Sengir |
Veldrane le Sengien |
Legendary Creature - Human Rogue |
76 |
Aliban's Tower |
Tour selon Aliban |
Instant |
77 |
Aliban's Tower |
Tour selon Aliban |
Instant |
78 |
Ambush |
Embuscade |
Instant |
79 |
Ambush Party |
Escarmoucheurs |
Creature - Human Rogue |
80 |
Ambush Party |
Escarmoucheurs |
Creature - Human Rogue |
81 |
An-Zerrin Ruins |
Ruines des An-Zerrins |
Enchantment |
82 |
Anaba Ancestor |
Ancêtre anabaan |
Creature - Minotaur Spirit |
83 |
Anaba Bodyguard |
Garde du corps anabaan |
Creature - Minotaur |
84 |
Anaba Bodyguard |
Garde du corps anabaan |
Creature - Minotaur |
85 |
Anaba Shaman |
Shaâmane anabaane |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
86 |
Anaba Shaman |
Shaâmane anabaane |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
87 |
Anaba Spirit Crafter |
Façonneur d'esprits anabaan |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
88 |
Chandler |
Chandler |
Legendary Creature - Human Rogue |
89 |
Dwarven Pony |
Poney des nains |
Creature - Horse |
90 |
Dwarven Sea Clan |
Clan des mariniers nains |
Creature - Dwarf |
91 |
Dwarven Trader |
Marchande naine |
Creature - Dwarf |
92 |
Dwarven Trader |
Marchande naine |
Creature - Dwarf |
93 |
Eron the Relentless |
Ehron l'Implacable |
Legendary Creature - Human Rogue |
94 |
Evaporate |
Évaporation |
Sorcery |
95 |
Heart Wolf |
Loup ardent |
Creature - Wolf |
96 |
Ironclaw Curse |
Malédiction de la Griffe de fer |
Enchantment - Aura |
97 |
Joven |
Joven |
Legendary Creature - Human Rogue |
98 |
Orcish Mine |
Mine orque |
Enchantment - Aura |
99 |
Retribution |
Châtiment |
Sorcery |
100 |
Winter Sky |
Ciel hivernal |
Sorcery |
101 |
An-Havva Constable |
Sergent d'An-Havva |
Creature - Human |
102 |
An-Havva Inn |
Auberge d'An-Havva |
Sorcery |
103 |
Autumn Willow |
Saule l'Automne |
Legendary Creature - Avatar |
104 |
Carapace |
Carapace |
Enchantment - Aura |
105 |
Carapace |
Carapace |
Enchantment - Aura |
106 |
Daughter of Autumn |
Fille de l'Automne |
Legendary Creature - Avatar |
107 |
Faerie Noble |
Fée noble |
Creature - Faerie |
108 |
Folk of An-Havva |
An-Havvanéens |
Creature - Human |
109 |
Folk of An-Havva |
An-Havvanéens |
Creature - Human |
110 |
Hungry Mist |
Brume affamée |
Creature - Elemental |
111 |
Hungry Mist |
Brume affamée |
Creature - Elemental |
112 |
Joven's Ferrets |
Furets de Joven |
Creature - Ferret |
113 |
Leaping Lizard |
Lézard sauteur |
Creature - Lizard |
114 |
Mammoth Harness |
Harnachement de mammouth |
Enchantment - Aura |
115 |
Primal Order |
Ordre primordial |
Enchantment |
116 |
Renewal |
Renouvellement |
Sorcery |
117 |
Root Spider |
Araignée des souches |
Creature - Spider |
118 |
Roots |
Racines |
Enchantment - Aura |
119 |
Rysorian Badger |
Blaireau rhizorien |
Creature - Badger |
120 |
Shrink |
Rétrécissement |
Instant |
121 |
Shrink |
Rétrécissement |
Instant |
122 |
Spectral Bears |
Ours spectraux |
Creature - Bear Spirit |
123 |
Willow Faerie |
Fée de Saule |
Creature - Faerie |
124 |
Willow Faerie |
Fée de Saule |
Creature - Faerie |
125 |
Willow Priestess |
Prêtresse de Saule |
Creature - Faerie Druid |
126 |
Apocalypse Chime |
Carillon de l'apocalypse |
Artifact |
127 |
Clockwork Gnomes |
Gnomes mécaniques |
Artifact Creature - Gnome |
128 |
Clockwork Steed |
Destrier mécanique |
Artifact Creature - Horse |
129 |
Clockwork Swarm |
Nuée mécanique |
Artifact Creature - Insect |
130 |
Didgeridoo |
Didjeridou |
Artifact |
131 |
Ebony Rhino |
Rhinocèros d'èbéne |
Artifact Creature - Rhino |
132 |
Feroz's Ban |
Bannissement selon Feroz |
Artifact |
133 |
Joven's Tools |
Outils de Joven |
Artifact |
134 |
Roterothopter |
Rotérocopthère |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
135 |
Serrated Arrows |
Flèches barbelées |
Artifact |
136 |
An-Havva Township |
Bourg d'An-Haava |
Land |
137 |
Aysen Abbey |
Abbaye d'Aysen |
Land |
138 |
Castle Sengir |
Château Sengir |
Land |
139 |
Koskun Keep |
Fort Koskhun |
Land |
140 |
Wizards' School |
École de magie |
Land |