
Omniscience - Magic 2013

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Omniscience - Magic: The Gathering Foundations (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Magic: The Gathering Foundations (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Magic: The Gathering Foundations (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting Tales (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting Tales (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Wilds of Eldraine: Enchanting Tales (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Core Set 2019 (Rare mythique) Omniscience - Amonkhet Invocations (Spécial) Omniscience - Magic 2013 (Rare mythique)


  • Extension : Magic 2013 - 63/249 (Rare mythique) Magic 2013 (Rare mythique)
  • Artiste : Jason Chan

Impression anglaise

  • Omniscience
  • Enchantment
  • You may cast nonland cards from your hand without paying their mana costs.
  • "The things I once imagined would be my greatest achievements were only the first steps toward a future I can only begin to fathom."
    —Jace Beleren

Impression française

  • Omniscience
  • Enchantement
  • Vous pouvez lancer des cartes non-terrain depuis votre main sans payer leur coût de mana.
  • « Mes rêves les plus fous d'hier ne sont aujourd'hui qu'un premier pas vers un avenir que je commence à peine à entrevoir. »
    —Jace Beleren


  • Omniscience
  • Enchantment
  • You may cast nonland cards from your hand without paying their mana costs.


  • You must follow the normal timing restrictions of each nonland card you cast. [2012-07-01]
  • If you cast a card "without paying its mana cost," you can't pay any alternative costs. You can pay additional costs such as kicker costs. If the card has mandatory additional costs, you must pay those. [2012-07-01]
  • If the card has X in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as its value. [2012-07-01]


  • NM/MT : 6,00 € Cote en diminution
  • Premium : 14.00 € Cote en diminution


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