1 |
Ajani, Caller of the Pride |
Ajani, meneur de la bande |
Planeswalker - Ajani |
2 |
Ajani's Sunstriker |
Frappesoleil d'Ajani |
Creature - Cat Cleric |
3 |
Angel's Mercy |
Miséricorde des anges |
Instant |
4 |
Angelic Benediction |
Oraison angélique |
Enchantment |
5 |
Attended Knight |
Chevalière accompagnée |
Creature - Human Knight |
6 |
Aven Squire |
Écuyer avemain |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
7 |
Battleflight Eagle |
Aigle rixevol |
Creature - Bird |
8 |
Captain of the Watch |
Capitaine des veilleurs |
Creature - Human Soldier |
9 |
Captain's Call |
Appel du capitaine |
Sorcery |
10 |
Crusader of Odric |
Croisée d'Odric |
Creature - Human Soldier |
11 |
Divine Favor |
Faveur divine |
Enchantment - Aura |
12 |
Divine Verdict |
Verdict divin |
Instant |
13 |
Erase |
Effacement |
Instant |
14 |
Faith's Reward |
Récompense de la foi |
Instant |
15 |
Glorious Charge |
Charge glorieuse |
Instant |
16 |
Griffin Protector |
Protecteur griffon |
Creature - Griffin |
17 |
Guardian Lions |
Lions gardiens |
Creature - Cat |
18 |
Guardians of Akrasa |
Vigiles d'Akrasa |
Creature - Human Soldier |
19 |
Healer of the Pride |
Guérisseuse de la bande |
Creature - Cat Cleric |
20 |
Intrepid Hero |
Héros intrépide |
Creature - Human Soldier |
21 |
Knight of Glory |
Chevalier de la gloire |
Creature - Human Knight |
22 |
Oblivion Ring |
Cercle de l'oubli |
Enchantment |
23 |
Odric, Master Tactician |
Odric, maître tacticien |
Legendary Creature - Human Soldier |
24 |
Pacifism |
Pacifisme |
Enchantment - Aura |
25 |
Pillarfield Ox |
Buffle des champs de piliers |
Creature - Ox |
26 |
Planar Cleansing |
Dépuration planaire |
Sorcery |
27 |
Prized Elephant |
Éléphant prisé |
Creature - Elephant |
28 |
Rain of Blades |
Pluie de lames |
Instant |
29 |
Rhox Faithmender |
Ravaudeur de foi rhox |
Creature - Rhino Monk |
30 |
Safe Passage |
Passage protégé |
Instant |
31 |
Serra Angel |
Ange de Serra |
Creature - Angel |
32 |
Serra Avatar |
Avatar de Serra |
Creature - Avatar |
33 |
Serra Avenger |
Vengeresse de Serra |
Creature - Angel |
34 |
Show of Valor |
Démonstration de valeur |
Instant |
35 |
Silvercoat Lion |
Lion à fourrure argentée |
Creature - Cat |
36 |
Sublime Archangel |
Archange sublime |
Creature - Angel |
37 |
Touch of the Eternal |
Toucher de l'Éternel |
Enchantment |
38 |
War Falcon |
Faucon de guerre |
Creature - Bird |
39 |
War Priest of Thune |
Prêtre de guerre de Thiune |
Creature - Human Cleric |
40 |
Warclamp Mastiff |
Dogue morsguerre |
Creature - Hound |
41 |
Archaeomancer |
Archéomancienne |
Creature - Human Wizard |
42 |
Arctic Aven |
Avemain arctique |
Creature - Bird Wizard |
43 |
Augur of Bolas |
Augure de Bolas |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
44 |
Battle of Wits |
Jeu d'esprits |
Enchantment |
45 |
Clone |
Clone |
Creature - Shapeshifter |
46 |
Courtly Provocateur |
Provocatrice de cour |
Creature - Human Wizard |
47 |
Divination |
Divination |
Sorcery |
48 |
Downpour |
Trombe d'eau |
Instant |
49 |
Encrust |
Incrustation |
Enchantment - Aura |
50 |
Essence Scatter |
Dispersion d'essence |
Instant |
51 |
Faerie Invaders |
Envahisseurs faeries |
Creature - Faerie Rogue |
52 |
Fog Bank |
Banc de brouillard |
Creature - Wall |
53 |
Harbor Serpent |
Serpent portuaire |
Creature - Serpent |
54 |
Hydrosurge |
Hydrodéferlante |
Instant |
55 |
Index |
Index |
Sorcery |
56 |
Jace, Memory Adept |
Jace, expert en mémoire |
Planeswalker - Jace |
57 |
Jace's Phantasm |
Phantasme de Jace |
Creature - Illusion |
58 |
Kraken Hatchling |
Progéniture kraken |
Creature - Kraken |
59 |
Master of the Pearl Trident |
Maître du Trident de perles |
Creature - Merfolk |
60 |
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident |
Ondin du Trident de perles |
Creature - Merfolk |
61 |
Mind Sculpt |
Sculpture mentale |
Sorcery |
62 |
Negate |
Négation |
Instant |
63 |
Omniscience |
Omniscience |
Enchantment |
64 |
Redirect |
Redirection |
Instant |
65 |
Rewind |
Rembobinage |
Instant |
66 |
Scroll Thief |
Voleur de parchemin |
Creature - Merfolk Rogue |
67 |
Sleep |
Sommeil |
Sorcery |
68 |
Spelltwine |
Entrelacs de sorts |
Sorcery |
69 |
Sphinx of Uthuun |
Sphinx d'Uthuün |
Creature - Sphinx |
70 |
Stormtide Leviathan |
Léviathan de la houle |
Creature - Leviathan |
71 |
Switcheroo |
Volte-face |
Sorcery |
72 |
Talrand, Sky Summoner |
Talrand, invocateur céleste |
Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
73 |
Talrand's Invocation |
Invocation de Talrand |
Sorcery |
74 |
Tricks of the Trade |
Ficelles du métier |
Enchantment - Aura |
75 |
Unsummon |
Désinvocation |
Instant |
76 |
Vedalken Entrancer |
Enjôleur vedalken |
Creature - Vedalken Wizard |
77 |
Void Stalker |
Pisteur du vide |
Creature - Elemental |
78 |
Watercourser |
Coursier des eaux |
Creature - Elemental |
79 |
Welkin Tern |
Sterne des nues |
Creature - Bird |
80 |
Wind Drake |
Drakôn des vents |
Creature - Drake |
81 |
Blood Reckoning |
Jugement du sang |
Enchantment |
82 |
Bloodhunter Bat |
Chauve-souris chassesang |
Creature - Bat |
83 |
Bloodthrone Vampire |
Vampire du trône de sang |
Creature - Vampire |
84 |
Cower in Fear |
Frémissant de peur |
Instant |
85 |
Crippling Blight |
Fléau paralysant |
Enchantment - Aura |
86 |
Dark Favor |
Obscure faveur |
Enchantment - Aura |
87 |
Diabolic Revelation |
Révélation diabolique |
Sorcery |
88 |
Disciple of Bolas |
Disciple de Bolas |
Creature - Human Wizard |
89 |
Disentomb |
Défouissage |
Sorcery |
90 |
Duress |
Contrainte |
Sorcery |
91 |
Duskmantle Prowler |
Rôdeur de Manteaubrune |
Creature - Vampire Rogue |
92 |
Duty-Bound Dead |
Mort redevable |
Creature - Skeleton |
93 |
Essence Drain |
Drain d'essence |
Sorcery |
94 |
Giant Scorpion |
Scorpion géant |
Creature - Scorpion |
95 |
Harbor Bandit |
Bandit portuaire |
Creature - Human Rogue |
96 |
Knight of Infamy |
Chevalier de l'infamie |
Creature - Human Knight |
97 |
Liliana of the Dark Realms |
Liliana des Royaumes obscurs |
Planeswalker - Liliana |
98 |
Liliana's Shade |
Ombre de Liliana |
Creature - Shade |
99 |
Mark of the Vampire |
Marque du vampire |
Enchantment - Aura |
100 |
Mind Rot |
Pourrissement cérébral |
Sorcery |
101 |
Murder |
Homicide |
Instant |
102 |
Mutilate |
Mutilation |
Sorcery |
103 |
Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis |
—Nefarox, suzerain de Grixis |
Legendary Creature - Demon |
104 |
Phylactery Lich |
Liche aux phylactères |
Creature - Zombie |
105 |
Public Execution |
Exécution publique |
Instant |
106 |
Ravenous Rats |
Rats voraces |
Creature - Rat |
107 |
Rise from the Grave |
Reviviscence |
Sorcery |
108 |
Servant of Nefarox |
Servante de Nefarox |
Creature - Human Cleric |
109 |
Shimian Specter |
Spectre de Shimia |
Creature - Specter |
110 |
Sign in Blood |
Signature de sang |
Sorcery |
111 |
Tormented Soul |
Âme tourmentée |
Creature - Spirit |
112 |
Vampire Nighthawk |
Faucon de nuit vampire |
Creature - Vampire Shaman |
113 |
Vampire Nocturnus |
Nocturnus vampire |
Creature - Vampire |
114 |
Veilborn Ghoul |
Goule née du voile |
Creature - Zombie |
115 |
Vile Rebirth |
Renaissance abjecte |
Instant |
116 |
Walking Corpse |
Cadavre ambulant |
Creature - Zombie |
117 |
Wit's End |
Ne plus savoir que faire |
Sorcery |
118 |
Xathrid Gorgon |
Gorgone de Xathrid |
Creature - Gorgon |
119 |
Zombie Goliath |
Goliath zombie |
Creature - Zombie Giant |
120 |
Arms Dealer |
Vendeur d'armes |
Creature - Goblin Rogue |
121 |
Bladetusk Boar |
Sanglier lamecroc |
Creature - Boar |
122 |
Canyon Minotaur |
Minotaure des canyons |
Creature - Minotaur Warrior |
123 |
Chandra, the Firebrand |
Chandra, le brandon |
Planeswalker - Chandra |
124 |
Chandra's Fury |
Furie de Chandra |
Instant |
125 |
Cleaver Riot |
Émeute au hachoir |
Sorcery |
126 |
Craterize |
Cratèriser |
Sorcery |
127 |
Crimson Muckwader |
Pataugeur de boue pourpre |
Creature - Lizard |
128 |
Dragon Hatchling |
Progéniture dragon |
Creature - Dragon |
129 |
Fervor |
Ferveur |
Enchantment |
130 |
Fire Elemental |
Élémental de feu |
Creature - Elemental |
131 |
Firewing Phoenix |
Phénix ailefeu |
Creature - Phoenix |
132 |
Flames of the Firebrand |
Flammes du brandon |
Sorcery |
133 |
Furnace Whelp |
Dragonnet du fourneau |
Creature - Dragon |
134 |
Goblin Arsonist |
Incendiaire gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
135 |
Goblin Battle Jester |
Bouffon de combat gobelin |
Creature - Goblin |
136 |
Hamletback Goliath |
Goliath dos-ménil |
Creature - Giant Warrior |
137 |
Kindled Fury |
Fureur embrasée |
Instant |
138 |
Krenko, Mob Boss |
Krenko le caïd |
Legendary Creature - Goblin Warrior |
139 |
Krenko's Command |
Commandement de Krenko |
Sorcery |
140 |
Magmaquake |
Tremblement de lave |
Instant |
141 |
Mark of Mutiny |
Marque de mutinerie |
Sorcery |
142 |
Mindclaw Shaman |
Shamane cérégriffe |
Creature - Viashino Shaman |
143 |
Mogg Flunkies |
Moggs bas-de-plafond |
Creature - Goblin |
144 |
Reckless Brute |
Brute téméraire |
Creature - Ogre Warrior |
145 |
Reverberate |
Réverbérer |
Instant |
146 |
Rummaging Goblin |
Gobelin fouineur |
Creature - Goblin Rogue |
147 |
Searing Spear |
Lance calcinante |
Instant |
148 |
Slumbering Dragon |
Dragon endormi |
Creature - Dragon |
149 |
Smelt |
Liquation |
Instant |
150 |
Thundermaw Hellkite |
Escouflenfer foudregueule |
Creature - Dragon |
151 |
Torch Fiend |
Fielleux à la torche |
Creature - Devil |
152 |
Trumpet Blast |
Sonnerie de trompe |
Instant |
153 |
Turn to Slag |
Amalgame |
Sorcery |
154 |
Volcanic Geyser |
Geyser volcanique |
Instant |
155 |
Volcanic Strength |
Force volcanique |
Enchantment - Aura |
156 |
Wall of Fire |
Mur de feu |
Creature - Wall |
157 |
Wild Guess |
Supposition au hasard |
Sorcery |
158 |
Worldfire |
Mondefeu |
Sorcery |
159 |
Acidic Slime |
Boue acide |
Creature - Ooze |
160 |
Arbor Elf |
Elfe de la charmille |
Creature - Elf Druid |
161 |
Bond Beetle |
Scarabée d'affinité |
Creature - Insect |
162 |
Boundless Realms |
Royaumes abondants |
Sorcery |
163 |
Bountiful Harvest |
Récolte généreuse |
Sorcery |
164 |
Centaur Courser |
Coursier centaure |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
165 |
Deadly Recluse |
Recluse mortelle |
Creature - Spider |
166 |
Duskdale Wurm |
Guivre de Valsoir |
Creature - Wurm |
167 |
Elderscale Wurm |
Guivre séculaire |
Creature - Wurm |
168 |
Elvish Archdruid |
Archidruide elfe |
Creature - Elf Druid |
169 |
Elvish Visionary |
Visionnaire elfe |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
170 |
Farseek |
Cherchauloin |
Sorcery |
171 |
Flinthoof Boar |
Sanglier piedesilex |
Creature - Boar |
172 |
Fog |
Brouillard |
Instant |
173 |
Fungal Sprouting |
Bourgeonnement fongoïde |
Sorcery |
174 |
Garruk, Primal Hunter |
Garruk, chasseur primordial |
Planeswalker - Garruk |
175 |
Garruk's Packleader |
Chef de meute de Garruk |
Creature - Beast |
176 |
Ground Seal |
Sceau cthonien |
Enchantment |
177 |
Mwonvuli Beast Tracker |
Traqueuse de bête de la Mwônvouli |
Creature - Human Scout |
178 |
Naturalize |
Naturalisation |
Instant |
179 |
Plummet |
Tomber à pic |
Instant |
180 |
Predatory Rampage |
Sauvagerie prédatoire |
Sorcery |
181 |
Prey Upon |
Chasseur chassé |
Sorcery |
182 |
Primal Huntbeast |
Bête de chasse primordiale |
Creature - Beast |
183 |
Primordial Hydra |
Hydre primordiale |
Creature - Hydra |
184 |
Quirion Dryad |
Dryade quirionaise |
Creature - Dryad |
185 |
Rancor |
Rancœur |
Enchantment - Aura |
186 |
Ranger's Path |
Chemin du ranger |
Sorcery |
187 |
Revive |
Ravivement |
Sorcery |
188 |
Roaring Primadox |
Primadox rugissant |
Creature - Beast |
189 |
Sentinel Spider |
Araignée sentinelle |
Creature - Spider |
190 |
Serpent's Gift |
Don du serpent |
Instant |
191 |
Silklash Spider |
Araignée fouettesoie |
Creature - Spider |
192 |
Spiked Baloth |
Baloth à piquants |
Creature - Beast |
193 |
Thragtusk |
Thragcorne |
Creature - Beast |
194 |
Timberpack Wolf |
Loup de la meute des forêts |
Creature - Wolf |
195 |
Titanic Growth |
Croissance titanesque |
Instant |
196 |
Vastwood Gorger |
Avaleur de Vastebois |
Creature - Wurm |
197 |
Yeva, Nature's Herald |
Yeva, héraut de la Nature |
Legendary Creature - Elf Shaman |
198 |
Yeva's Forcemage |
Mageforce de Yeva |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
199 |
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker |
Nicol Bolas, planeswalker |
Planeswalker - Bolas |
200 |
Akroma's Memorial |
Mémorial d'Akroma |
Legendary Artifact |
201 |
Chronomaton |
Chronomate |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
202 |
Clock of Omens |
Horloge des augures |
Artifact |
203 |
Door to Nothingness |
Porte sur le néant |
Artifact |
204 |
Elixir of Immortality |
Élixir d'immortalité |
Artifact |
205 |
Gem of Becoming |
Gemme de transition |
Artifact |
206 |
Gilded Lotus |
Lotus doré |
Artifact |
207 |
Jayemdae Tome |
Grimoire de Jayemdae |
Artifact |
208 |
Kitesail |
Voile volante |
Artifact - Equipment |
209 |
Phyrexian Hulk |
Carcasse phyrexiane |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
210 |
Primal Clay |
Argile primordiale |
Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter |
211 |
Ring of Evos Isle |
Anneau de l'île d'Evos |
Artifact - Equipment |
212 |
Ring of Kalonia |
Anneau de Kalonie |
Artifact - Equipment |
213 |
Ring of Thune |
Anneau de Thiune |
Artifact - Equipment |
214 |
Ring of Valkas |
Anneau de Valkas |
Artifact - Equipment |
215 |
Ring of Xathrid |
Anneau de Xathrid |
Artifact - Equipment |
216 |
Sands of Delirium |
Sablier de délire |
Artifact |
217 |
Staff of Nin |
Bâton de Nin |
Artifact |
218 |
Stuffy Doll |
Poupée de son |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
219 |
Tormod's Crypt |
Crypte de Tormod |
Artifact |
220 |
Trading Post |
Comptoir de commerce |
Artifact |
221 |
Cathedral of War |
Cathédrale de la Guerre |
Land |
222 |
Dragonskull Summit |
Sommet du Crânedragon |
Land |
223 |
Drowned Catacomb |
Catacombes noyées |
Land |
224 |
Evolving Wilds |
Étendues sauvages en évolution |
Land |
225 |
Glacial Fortress |
Forteresse glaciaire |
Land |
226 |
Hellion Crucible |
Creuset monstrueux |
Land |
227 |
Reliquary Tower |
Tour du Reliquaire |
Land |
228 |
Rootbound Crag |
Mont enraciné |
Land |
229 |
Sunpetal Grove |
Bosquet de Solpétal |
Land |
230 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
231 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
232 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
233 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
234 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
235 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
236 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
237 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
238 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
239 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
240 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
241 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
242 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
243 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
244 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
245 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
246 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
247 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
248 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
249 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |