1 |
Angel of Mercy |
Ange de miséricorde |
Creature - Angel |
2 |
Angelic Blessing |
Bénédiction angélique |
Sorcery |
3 |
Aven Cloudchaser |
Avemain chasse-nuage |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
4 |
Aven Flock |
Nuée d'avemains |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
5 |
Ballista Squad |
Escouade de balistes |
Creature - Human Rebel |
6 |
Blessed Orator |
Orateur béni |
Creature - Human Cleric |
7 |
Blinding Angel |
Ange aveuglante |
Creature - Angel |
8 |
Blinking Spirit |
Esprit fugace |
Creature - Spirit |
9 |
Chastise |
Punition |
Instant |
10 |
Circle of Protection: Black |
Cercle de protection : noir |
Enchantment |
11 |
Circle of Protection: Red |
Cercle de protection : rouge |
Enchantment |
12 |
Crossbow Infantry |
Arbalétriers à pied |
Creature - Human Soldier Archer |
13 |
Demystify |
Démystification |
Instant |
14 |
Foot Soldiers |
Fantassin |
Creature - Human Soldier |
15 |
Gift of Estates |
Don de domaines |
Sorcery |
16 |
Glorious Anthem |
Antienne glorieuse |
Enchantment |
17 |
Glory Seeker |
Chercheur de gloire |
Creature - Human Soldier |
18 |
Holy Day |
Jour saint |
Instant |
19 |
Holy Strength |
Force sacrée |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Honor Guard |
Garde d'honneur |
Creature - Human Soldier |
21 |
Infantry Veteran |
Vétéran de l'infanterie |
Creature - Human Soldier |
22 |
Inspirit |
Exhortation |
Instant |
23 |
Ivory Mask |
Masque d'ivoire |
Enchantment |
24 |
Kami of Old Stone |
Kami des vieilles pierres |
Creature - Spirit |
25 |
Leonin Skyhunter |
Chasseciel léonin |
Creature - Cat Knight |
26 |
Marble Titan |
Titan de marbre |
Creature - Giant |
27 |
Master Decoy |
Maître leurreur |
Creature - Human Soldier |
28 |
Master Healer |
Maître guérisseur |
Creature - Human Cleric |
29 |
Mending Hands |
Mains réparatrices |
Instant |
30 |
Oracle's Attendants |
Suivants de l'Oracle |
Creature - Human Soldier |
31 |
Pacifism |
Pacifisme |
Enchantment - Aura |
32 |
Paladin en-Vec |
Paladin en-Vec |
Creature - Human Knight |
33 |
Peace of Mind |
Paix de l'esprit |
Enchantment |
34 |
Pegasus Charger |
Pégase de bataille |
Creature - Pegasus |
35 |
Reverse Damage |
Inversion des dégâts |
Instant |
36 |
Righteousness |
Droiture |
Instant |
37 |
Sacred Ground |
Sol consacré |
Enchantment |
38 |
Sacred Nectar |
Nectar sacré |
Sorcery |
39 |
Samite Healer |
Guérisseur sanctif |
Creature - Human Cleric |
40 |
Sanctum Guardian |
Vigile du sanctuaire |
Creature - Human Cleric |
41 |
Savannah Lions |
Lions des savanes |
Creature - Cat |
42 |
Seasoned Marshal |
Maréchale aguerrie |
Creature - Human Soldier |
43 |
Serra Angel |
Ange de Serra |
Creature - Angel |
44 |
Serra's Blessing |
Bénédiction selon Serra |
Enchantment |
45 |
Skyhunter Prowler |
Rôdeuse chasseciel |
Creature - Cat Knight |
46 |
Soul Warden |
Garde des âmes |
Creature - Human Cleric |
47 |
Spirit Link |
Liaison psychique |
Enchantment - Aura |
48 |
Story Circle |
Théâtre en cercle |
Enchantment |
49 |
Suntail Hawk |
Faucon mordoré |
Creature - Bird |
50 |
Tempest of Light |
Tourmente de lumière |
Instant |
51 |
Venerable Monk |
Moine vénérable |
Creature - Human Monk Cleric |
52 |
Veteran Cavalier |
Cavalier vétéran |
Creature - Human Knight |
53 |
Warrior's Honor |
Honneur du guerrier |
Instant |
54 |
Weathered Wayfarer |
Voyageur hâlé |
Creature - Human Nomad Cleric |
55 |
Worship |
Adoration |
Enchantment |
56 |
Wrath of God |
Colère de Dieu |
Sorcery |
57 |
Zealous Inquisitor |
Inquisiteur zélé |
Creature - Human Cleric |
58 |
Air Elemental |
Élémental d'air |
Creature - Elemental |
59 |
Annex |
Annexion |
Enchantment - Aura |
60 |
Archivist |
Archiviste |
Creature - Human Wizard |
61 |
Aven Fisher |
Pêcheur avemain |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
62 |
Aven Windreader |
Avemain déchiffre-vent |
Creature - Bird Soldier Wizard |
63 |
Azure Drake |
Drakôn d'azur |
Creature - Drake |
64 |
Baleful Stare |
Regard sinistre |
Sorcery |
65 |
Battle of Wits |
Jeu d'esprits |
Enchantment |
66 |
Boomerang |
Boomerang |
Instant |
67 |
Clone |
Clone |
Creature - Shapeshifter |
68 |
Confiscate |
Confiscation |
Enchantment - Aura |
69 |
Counsel of the Soratami |
Conseil des soratami |
Sorcery |
70 |
Cowardice |
Couardise |
Enchantment |
71 |
Crafty Pathmage |
Sentemage astucieuse |
Creature - Human Wizard |
72 |
Daring Apprentice |
Apprentie audacieuse |
Creature - Human Wizard |
73 |
Dehydration |
Déshydratation |
Enchantment - Aura |
74 |
Dream Prowler |
Rôdeur des rêves |
Creature - Illusion |
75 |
Evacuation |
Évacuation |
Instant |
76 |
Exhaustion |
Exténuation |
Sorcery |
77 |
Fishliver Oil |
Huile de foie de morue |
Enchantment - Aura |
78 |
Fleeting Image |
Image fugitive |
Creature - Illusion |
79 |
Flight |
Vol |
Enchantment - Aura |
80 |
Fugitive Wizard |
Sorcier fugitif |
Creature - Human Wizard |
81 |
Horned Turtle |
Tortue cornue |
Creature - Turtle |
82 |
Imaginary Pet |
Animal imaginaire |
Creature - Illusion |
83 |
Levitation |
Lévitation |
Enchantment |
84 |
Lumengrid Warden |
Garde de Lumengrid |
Creature - Human Wizard |
85 |
Mahamoti Djinn |
Djinn mahâmot |
Creature - Djinn |
86 |
Mana Leak |
Fuite de mana |
Instant |
87 |
Mind Bend |
Ploiement mental |
Instant |
88 |
Phantom Warrior |
Guerrier fantomatique |
Creature - Illusion Warrior |
89 |
Plagiarize |
Plagiat |
Instant |
90 |
Polymorph |
Polymorphisme |
Sorcery |
91 |
Puppeteer |
Sculpteur de marionnettes |
Creature - Human Wizard |
92 |
Reminisce |
Réminiscence |
Sorcery |
93 |
Remove Soul |
Retrait d'âme |
Instant |
94 |
Rewind |
Rembobinage |
Instant |
95 |
Sage Aven |
Avemain savant |
Creature - Bird Wizard |
96 |
Sea Monster |
Monstre marin |
Creature - Serpent |
97 |
Sea's Claim |
Revendication par la mer |
Enchantment - Aura |
98 |
Sift |
Tamis |
Sorcery |
99 |
Sleight of Hand |
Passe-passe |
Sorcery |
100 |
Storm Crow |
Corbeau de l'orage |
Creature - Bird |
101 |
Telepathy |
Télépathie |
Enchantment |
102 |
Temporal Adept |
Expert en temporalité |
Creature - Human Wizard |
103 |
Thieving Magpie |
Pie voleuse |
Creature - Bird |
104 |
Thought Courier |
Messager des pensées |
Creature - Human Wizard |
105 |
Tidal Kraken |
Kraken des marées |
Creature - Kraken |
106 |
Tidings |
Nouvelles |
Sorcery |
107 |
Time Ebb |
Temps du jusant |
Sorcery |
108 |
Trade Routes |
Routes marchandes |
Enchantment |
109 |
Traumatize |
Traumatisme |
Sorcery |
110 |
Treasure Trove |
Caverne au trésor |
Enchantment |
111 |
Wanderguard Sentry |
Sentinelle garderrance |
Creature - Drone |
112 |
Wind Drake |
Drakôn des vents |
Creature - Drake |
113 |
Withering Gaze |
Regard flétrisseur |
Sorcery |
114 |
Zur's Weirding |
Déterminisme selon Zur |
Enchantment |
115 |
Blackmail |
Chantage |
Sorcery |
116 |
Bog Imp |
Diablotin des marécages |
Creature - Imp |
117 |
Bog Wraith |
Apparition des marécages |
Creature - Wraith |
118 |
Coercion |
Coercition |
Sorcery |
119 |
Consume Spirit |
Absorption de l'esprit |
Sorcery |
120 |
Contaminated Bond |
Lien contaminé |
Enchantment - Aura |
121 |
Cruel Edict |
Édit cruel |
Sorcery |
122 |
Dark Banishing |
Obscur bannissement |
Instant |
123 |
Death Pits of Rath |
Mort-fosses de Rajh |
Enchantment |
124 |
Deathgazer |
Œil-de-mort |
Creature - Lizard |
125 |
Diabolic Tutor |
Précepteur démoniaque |
Sorcery |
126 |
Drudge Skeletons |
Squelettes serviles |
Creature - Skeleton |
127 |
Enfeeblement |
Affaiblissement |
Enchantment - Aura |
128 |
Execute |
Exécution |
Instant |
129 |
Fear |
Peur |
Enchantment - Aura |
130 |
Festering Goblin |
Gobelin pourrissant |
Creature - Zombie Goblin |
131 |
Final Punishment |
Punition finale |
Sorcery |
132 |
Foul Imp |
Diablotin flétri |
Creature - Imp |
133 |
Giant Cockroach |
Cafard géant |
Creature - Insect |
134 |
Gluttonous Zombie |
Zombie glouton |
Creature - Zombie |
135 |
Grave Pact |
Pacte de la tombe |
Enchantment |
136 |
Gravedigger |
Fossoyeur |
Creature - Zombie |
137 |
Hell's Caretaker |
Concierge de l'enfer |
Creature - Horror |
138 |
Highway Robber |
Bandit de grand chemin |
Creature - Human Rogue Mercenary |
139 |
Hollow Dogs |
Chiens creux |
Creature - Zombie Hound |
140 |
Horror of Horrors |
Horreur des horreurs |
Enchantment |
141 |
Hypnotic Specter |
Spectre hypnotiseur |
Creature - Specter |
142 |
Looming Shade |
Ombre surgissante |
Creature - Shade |
143 |
Lord of the Undead |
Seigneur des mort-vivants |
Creature - Zombie |
144 |
Megrim |
Céphalalgie |
Enchantment |
145 |
Mind Rot |
Pourrissement cérébral |
Sorcery |
146 |
Mindslicer |
Cérébrotrancheur |
Creature - Horror |
147 |
Mortivore |
Nécrovore |
Creature - Lhurgoyf |
148 |
Nantuko Husk |
Carapace de nantuko |
Creature - Zombie Insect |
149 |
Nekrataal |
Nékrataal |
Creature - Human Assassin |
150 |
Nightmare |
Cheval de cauchemar |
Creature - Nightmare Horse |
151 |
Persecute |
Persécution |
Sorcery |
152 |
Phyrexian Arena |
Arène phyrexiane |
Enchantment |
153 |
Phyrexian Gargantua |
Gargantua phyrexian |
Creature - Horror |
154 |
Plague Beetle |
Scarabée de la Peste |
Creature - Insect |
155 |
Plague Wind |
Vent de peste |
Sorcery |
156 |
Raise Dead |
Exhumation |
Sorcery |
157 |
Ravenous Rats |
Rats voraces |
Creature - Rat |
158 |
Razortooth Rats |
Rats aux dents tranchantes |
Creature - Rat |
159 |
Royal Assassin |
Assassin royal |
Creature - Human Assassin |
160 |
Scathe Zombies |
Zombies dévastateurs |
Creature - Zombie |
161 |
Sengir Vampire |
Vampire sengien |
Creature - Vampire |
162 |
Serpent Warrior |
Guerrier serpentiforme |
Creature - Snake Warrior |
163 |
Slay |
Assassinat |
Instant |
164 |
Soul Feast |
Festin d'âmes |
Sorcery |
165 |
Spineless Thug |
Étrangleur mou |
Creature - Zombie Mercenary |
166 |
Swarm of Rats |
Colonie de rats |
Creature - Rat |
167 |
Underworld Dreams |
Rêves du monde souterrain |
Enchantment |
168 |
Unholy Strength |
Force impie |
Enchantment - Aura |
169 |
Will-o'-the-Wisp |
Feu follet |
Creature - Spirit |
170 |
Yawgmoth Demon |
Démon de Yaugzebul |
Creature - Demon |
171 |
Zombify |
Zombification |
Sorcery |
172 |
Anaba Shaman |
Shaâmane anabaane |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
173 |
Anarchist |
Anarchiste |
Creature - Human Wizard |
174 |
Balduvian Barbarians |
Barbares balduvians |
Creature - Human Barbarian |
175 |
Blaze |
Brasier |
Sorcery |
176 |
Blood Moon |
Lune de sang |
Enchantment |
177 |
Bloodfire Colossus |
Colosse hématopyre |
Creature - Giant |
178 |
Boiling Seas |
Mers bouillonnantes |
Sorcery |
179 |
Demolish |
Démolition |
Sorcery |
180 |
Enrage |
Enrager |
Instant |
181 |
Firebreathing |
Souffle ardent |
Enchantment - Aura |
182 |
Flame Wave |
Vague de flammes |
Sorcery |
183 |
Flashfires |
Feu de brousse |
Sorcery |
184 |
Flowstone Crusher |
Écrabouilleur de fluipierre |
Creature - Beast |
185 |
Flowstone Shambler |
Escogriffe de fluipierre |
Creature - Beast |
186 |
Flowstone Slide |
Coulée de fluipierre |
Sorcery |
187 |
Form of the Dragon |
Forme du dragon |
Enchantment |
188 |
Furnace of Rath |
Fourneau de Rajh |
Enchantment |
189 |
Goblin Balloon Brigade |
Aérostiers gobelins |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
190 |
Goblin Brigand |
Brigand gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
191 |
Goblin Chariot |
Chariot gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
192 |
Goblin King |
Roi des gobelins |
Creature - Goblin |
193 |
Goblin Mountaineer |
Montagnard gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Scout |
194 |
Goblin Piker |
Piquier gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
195 |
Goblin Sky Raider |
Pillard céleste gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
196 |
Guerrilla Tactics |
Tactiques de guérilla |
Instant |
197 |
Hill Giant |
Géant des collines |
Creature - Giant |
198 |
Karplusan Yeti |
Yeti karpluséan |
Creature - Yeti |
199 |
Kird Ape |
Gorille beringeï |
Creature - Ape |
200 |
Lava Axe |
Hache de lave |
Sorcery |
201 |
Lightning Elemental |
Élémental d'éclair |
Creature - Elemental |
202 |
Magnivore |
Magnivore |
Creature - Lhurgoyf |
203 |
Mana Clash |
Choc de mana |
Sorcery |
204 |
Mogg Sentry |
Sentinelle mogg |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
205 |
Ogre Taskmaster |
Surveillant ogre |
Creature - Ogre |
206 |
Orcish Artillery |
Artillerie orque |
Creature - Orc Warrior |
207 |
Panic Attack |
Attaque paniquante |
Sorcery |
208 |
Pyroclasm |
Pyroclasme |
Sorcery |
209 |
Raging Goblin |
Gobelin enragé |
Creature - Goblin Berserker |
210 |
Rathi Dragon |
Dragon rajhi |
Creature - Dragon |
211 |
Reflexes |
Réflexes |
Enchantment - Aura |
212 |
Relentless Assault |
Assaut implacable |
Sorcery |
213 |
Rogue Kavu |
Kavru solitaire |
Creature - Kavu |
214 |
Rukh Egg |
Œuf de rukh |
Creature - Bird |
215 |
Sandstone Warrior |
Guerrier de grès |
Creature - Human Soldier Warrior |
216 |
Seething Song |
Chant bouillonnant |
Instant |
217 |
Shard Phoenix |
Phénix d'échardes |
Creature - Phoenix |
218 |
Shatter |
Fracasser |
Instant |
219 |
Shivan Dragon |
Dragon shivân |
Creature - Dragon |
220 |
Shock |
Choc |
Instant |
221 |
Stone Rain |
Pluie de pierres |
Sorcery |
222 |
Sudden Impact |
Choc soudain |
Instant |
223 |
Threaten |
Menace |
Sorcery |
224 |
Thundermare |
Cheval de foudre |
Creature - Elemental Horse |
225 |
Viashino Sandstalker |
Pisteur des sables viashino |
Creature - Viashino Warrior |
226 |
Volcanic Hammer |
Marteau volcanique |
Sorcery |
227 |
Whip Sergeant |
Sergent au fouet |
Creature - Human Soldier |
228 |
Wildfire |
Feu dévastateur |
Sorcery |
229 |
Anaconda |
Anaconda |
Creature - Snake |
230 |
Ancient Silverback |
Vieux gorille à dos argenté |
Creature - Ape |
231 |
Biorhythm |
Biorythme |
Sorcery |
232 |
Blanchwood Armor |
Armure de boisblanc |
Enchantment - Aura |
233 |
Craw Wurm |
Guivre vorace |
Creature - Wurm |
234 |
Creeping Mold |
Moisissure rampante |
Sorcery |
235 |
Early Harvest |
Récolte précoce |
Instant |
236 |
Elvish Bard |
Barde elfe |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
237 |
Elvish Berserker |
Berserker elfe |
Creature - Elf Berserker |
238 |
Elvish Champion |
Championne elfe |
Creature - Elf |
239 |
Elvish Piper |
Joueuse de flûte elfe |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
240 |
Elvish Warrior |
Guerrier elfe |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
241 |
Emperor Crocodile |
Crocodile empereur |
Creature - Crocodile |
242 |
Force of Nature |
Force de la Nature |
Creature - Elemental |
243 |
Giant Growth |
Croissance gigantesque |
Instant |
244 |
Giant Spider |
Araignée géante |
Creature - Spider |
245 |
Greater Good |
Pour le plus grand bien |
Enchantment |
246 |
Grizzly Bears |
Grizzlis |
Creature - Bear |
247 |
Groundskeeper |
Gardien des terres |
Creature - Human Druid |
248 |
Hunted Wumpus |
Wumpus au rabais |
Creature - Beast |
249 |
Kavu Climber |
Kavru grimpeur |
Creature - Kavu |
250 |
King Cheetah |
Guépard royal |
Creature - Cat |
251 |
Ley Druid |
Druide des leys |
Creature - Human Druid |
252 |
Llanowar Behemoth |
Béhémoth de Llanowar |
Creature - Elemental |
253 |
Llanowar Elves |
Elfes de Llanowar |
Creature - Elf Druid |
254 |
Maro |
Maro |
Creature - Elemental |
255 |
Might of Oaks |
Puissance des chênaies |
Instant |
256 |
Natural Affinity |
Affinité naturelle |
Instant |
257 |
Natural Spring |
Source naturelle |
Sorcery |
258 |
Naturalize |
Naturalisation |
Instant |
259 |
Needle Storm |
Tempête d'aiguilles |
Sorcery |
260 |
Norwood Ranger |
Ranger de Norbois |
Creature - Elf Scout |
261 |
Order of the Sacred Bell |
Ordre de la Cloche sacrée |
Creature - Human Monk |
262 |
Overgrowth |
Luxuriance |
Enchantment - Aura |
263 |
Rampant Growth |
Croissance luxuriante |
Sorcery |
264 |
Reclaim |
Récupération |
Instant |
265 |
Regeneration |
Régénération |
Enchantment - Aura |
266 |
River Bear |
Ours des rivières |
Creature - Bear |
267 |
Rootbreaker Wurm |
Guivre brise-racines |
Creature - Wurm |
268 |
Rootwalla |
Agame des souches |
Creature - Lizard |
269 |
Scaled Wurm |
Guivre écailleuse |
Creature - Wurm |
270 |
Seedborn Muse |
Muse née des graines |
Creature - Spirit |
271 |
Silklash Spider |
Araignée fouettesoie |
Creature - Spider |
272 |
Stream of Life |
Source de vie |
Sorcery |
273 |
Summer Bloom |
Floraison estivale |
Sorcery |
274 |
Trained Armodon |
Armodon dressé |
Creature - Elephant |
275 |
Tree Monkey |
Singe arboricole |
Creature - Ape |
276 |
Treetop Bracers |
Bracelets arboricoles |
Enchantment - Aura |
277 |
Utopia Tree |
Arbre de l'Utopie |
Creature - Plant |
278 |
Verdant Force |
Force verdoyante |
Creature - Elemental |
279 |
Verduran Enchantress |
Enchanteresse verduralde |
Creature - Human Druid |
280 |
Viridian Shaman |
Shamane viridiane |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
281 |
Web |
Tisseur de toile |
Enchantment - Aura |
282 |
Weird Harvest |
Étrange moisson |
Sorcery |
283 |
Wood Elves |
Elfe des bois |
Creature - Elf Scout |
284 |
Yavimaya Enchantress |
Enchanteresse de la Yavimaya |
Creature - Human Druid |
285 |
Zodiac Monkey |
Singe du zodiaque |
Creature - Ape |
286 |
Aladdin's Ring |
Anneau d'Aladdin |
Artifact |
287 |
Angel's Feather |
Plume d'ange |
Artifact |
288 |
Beast of Burden |
Bête de somme |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
289 |
Booby Trap |
Piège explosif |
Artifact |
290 |
Bottle Gnomes |
Glob-gnomes |
Artifact Creature - Gnome |
291 |
Coat of Arms |
Blason |
Artifact |
292 |
Dancing Scimitar |
Cimeterre dansant |
Artifact Creature - Spirit |
293 |
Defense Grid |
Grille de défense |
Artifact |
294 |
Demon's Horn |
Corne de démon |
Artifact |
295 |
Disrupting Scepter |
Sceptre de dislocation |
Artifact |
296 |
Dragon's Claw |
Griffe du dragon |
Artifact |
297 |
Fellwar Stone |
Pierre de Guermont |
Artifact |
298 |
Howling Mine |
Mine rugissante |
Artifact |
299 |
Icy Manipulator |
Manipulateur glacial |
Artifact |
300 |
Jade Statue |
Statue de jade |
Artifact |
301 |
Jester's Cap |
Bonnet du bouffon |
Artifact |
302 |
Kraken's Eye |
Œil du kraken |
Artifact |
303 |
Loxodon Warhammer |
Marteau de guerre loxodon |
Artifact - Equipment |
304 |
Millstone |
Meule |
Artifact |
305 |
Ornithopter |
Ornithoptère |
Artifact Creature - Thopter |
306 |
Phyrexian Hulk |
Carcasse phyrexiane |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
307 |
Rod of Ruin |
Baguette de ruine |
Artifact |
308 |
Slate of Ancestry |
Ardoise de l'Ascendance |
Artifact |
309 |
Spellbook |
Livre de sorts |
Artifact |
310 |
Storage Matrix |
Matrice de stockage |
Artifact |
311 |
Tanglebloom |
Floraison de la Filandre |
Artifact |
312 |
Teferi's Puzzle Box |
Boîte à mystère de Téfeiri |
Artifact |
313 |
Thran Golem |
Golem thran |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
314 |
Ur-Golem's Eye |
Œil de l'Ur-Golem |
Artifact |
315 |
Vulshok Morningstar |
Morgenstern vulshok |
Artifact - Equipment |
316 |
Wurm's Tooth |
Dent de la guivre |
Artifact |
317 |
Adarkar Wastes |
Landes d'Adarkar |
Land |
318 |
Battlefield Forge |
Forge de campagne |
Land |
319 |
Brushland |
Broussaille |
Land |
320 |
Caves of Koilos |
Cavernes de Koïlos |
Land |
321 |
Karplusan Forest |
Forêt de Karpluse |
Land |
322 |
Llanowar Wastes |
Landes de Llanowar |
Land |
323 |
Quicksand |
Sables mouvants |
Land |
324 |
Shivan Reef |
Brisants shivâns |
Land |
325 |
Sulfurous Springs |
Sources sulfureuses |
Land |
326 |
Underground River |
Rivière souterraine |
Land |
327 |
Urza's Mine |
Mine d'Urza |
Land - Urza's Mine |
328 |
Urza's Power Plant |
Centrale énergétique d'Urza |
Land - Urza's Power-Plant |
329 |
Urza's Tower |
Tour d'Urza |
Land - Urza's Tower |
330 |
Yavimaya Coast |
Côte de la Yavimaya |
Land |
331 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
332 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
333 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
334 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
335 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
336 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
337 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
338 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
339 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
340 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
341 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
342 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
343 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
344 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
345 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
346 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
347 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
348 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
349 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
350 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |