1 |
Armored Griffin |
Griffon cuirassé |
Creature - Griffin |
2 |
Auramancer |
Auramancienne |
Creature - Human Wizard |
3 |
Auratouched Mage |
Mage auraltéré |
Creature - Human Wizard |
4 |
Cage of Hands |
Cage de mains |
Enchantment - Aura |
5 |
Celestial Ancient |
Aïeule céleste |
Creature - Elemental |
6 |
Felidar Umbra |
Ombre de félidar |
Enchantment - Aura |
7 |
Ghostly Prison |
Prison fantomale |
Enchantment |
8 |
Hyena Umbra |
Ombre de hyène |
Enchantment - Aura |
9 |
Kor Spiritdancer |
Danseuse d'esprit kor |
Creature - Kor Wizard |
10 |
Mammoth Umbra |
Ombre de mammouth |
Enchantment - Aura |
11 |
Sigil of the Empty Throne |
Sigille du trône vacant |
Enchantment |
12 |
Spirit Mantle |
Manteau d'esprits |
Enchantment - Aura |
13 |
Three Dreams |
Trois rêves |
Sorcery |
14 |
Augury Owl |
Hibou de l'augure |
Creature - Bird |
15 |
Cancel |
Révocation |
Instant |
16 |
Concentrate |
Concentration |
Sorcery |
17 |
Guard Gomazoa |
Garde gomazoaire |
Creature - Jellyfish |
18 |
Higure, the Still Wind |
Higure, le vent immobile |
Legendary Creature - Human Ninja |
19 |
Illusory Angel |
Ange illusoire |
Creature - Angel Illusion |
20 |
Mistblade Shinobi |
Shinobi brumelame |
Creature - Human Ninja |
21 |
Ninja of the Deep Hours |
Ninja des heures noires |
Creature - Human Ninja |
22 |
Peregrine Drake |
Drakôn pèlerin |
Creature - Drake |
23 |
Primal Plasma |
Plasma primordial |
Creature - Elemental Shapeshifter |
24 |
Sakashima's Student |
Élève de Sakashima |
Creature - Human Ninja |
25 |
See Beyond |
Voir plus loin |
Sorcery |
26 |
Sunken Hope |
Espoir englouti |
Enchantment |
27 |
Walker of Secret Ways |
Marcheuse des voies secrètes |
Creature - Human Ninja |
28 |
Wall of Frost |
Mur de gel |
Creature - Wall |
29 |
Whirlpool Warrior |
Guerrière des tourbillons |
Creature - Merfolk Warrior |
30 |
Assassinate |
Meurtre |
Sorcery |
31 |
Cadaver Imp |
Diablotin des cadavres |
Creature - Imp |
32 |
Dark Hatchling |
Couvée ténébreuse |
Creature - Horror |
33 |
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni |
Yeux d'encre, servante des oni |
Legendary Creature - Rat Ninja |
34 |
Liliana's Specter |
Spectre de Liliana |
Creature - Specter |
35 |
Okiba-Gang Shinobi |
Shinobi du gang Okiba |
Creature - Rat Ninja |
36 |
Skullsnatcher |
Profanateur de crâne |
Creature - Rat Ninja |
37 |
Throat Slitter |
Tranche-gorge |
Creature - Rat Ninja |
38 |
Tormented Soul |
Âme tourmentée |
Creature - Spirit |
39 |
Arc Trail |
Trace d'arc électrique |
Sorcery |
40 |
Beetleback Chief |
Chef Scarapace |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
41 |
Erratic Explosion |
Explosion imprévisible |
Sorcery |
42 |
Fiery Conclusion |
Conclusion ardente |
Instant |
43 |
Fiery Fall |
Chute ardente |
Instant |
44 |
Fling |
Jet |
Instant |
45 |
Hellion Eruption |
Éruption de monstruosités |
Sorcery |
46 |
Hissing Iguanar |
Iguanar sifflant |
Creature - Lizard |
47 |
Mark of Mutiny |
Marque de mutinerie |
Sorcery |
48 |
Mass Mutiny |
Mutinerie de masse |
Sorcery |
49 |
Mudbutton Torchrunner |
Porteur de torche de Baugebouton |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
50 |
Preyseizer Dragon |
Dragon priseproie |
Creature - Dragon |
51 |
Rivals' Duel |
Duel entre rivaux |
Sorcery |
52 |
Thorn-Thrash Viashino |
Viashino rosse-épine |
Creature - Viashino Warrior |
53 |
Thunder-Thrash Elder |
Doyen rosse-éclair |
Creature - Viashino Warrior |
54 |
Warstorm Surge |
Déferlement de l'orage de guerre |
Enchantment |
55 |
Aura Gnarlid |
Gnarlide d'aura |
Creature - Beast |
56 |
Awakening Zone |
Zone d'éveil |
Enchantment |
57 |
Beast Within |
Réveiller la bête |
Instant |
58 |
Boar Umbra |
Ombre de sanglier |
Enchantment - Aura |
59 |
Bramble Elemental |
Élémental de ronces |
Creature - Elemental |
60 |
Brindle Shoat |
Marcassin moucheté |
Creature - Boar |
61 |
Brutalizer Exarch |
Exarque brutaliseur |
Creature - Cleric |
62 |
Cultivate |
Culture |
Sorcery |
63 |
Dowsing Shaman |
Shamane sourcier |
Creature - Centaur Shaman |
64 |
Dreampod Druid |
Druide aux cosses de rêve |
Creature - Human Druid |
65 |
Gluttonous Slime |
Boue gloutonne |
Creature - Ooze |
66 |
Lumberknot |
Nœudebois |
Creature - Treefolk |
67 |
Mitotic Slime |
Boue mitotique |
Creature - Ooze |
68 |
Mycoloth |
Mycoloth |
Creature - Fungus |
69 |
Nest Invader |
Envahisseur de nid |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
70 |
Nullmage Advocate |
Partisan des annulmages |
Creature - Insect Druid |
71 |
Ondu Giant |
Géant du Ondou |
Creature - Giant Druid |
72 |
Overrun |
Envahissement |
Sorcery |
73 |
Penumbra Spider |
Araignée de la pénombre |
Creature - Spider |
74 |
Predatory Urge |
Pulsion prédatoire |
Enchantment - Aura |
75 |
Quiet Disrepair |
Lent délabrement |
Enchantment - Aura |
76 |
Rancor |
Rancœur |
Enchantment - Aura |
77 |
Silhana Ledgewalker |
Marchesaillie silhana |
Creature - Elf Rogue |
78 |
Snake Umbra |
Ombre de serpent |
Enchantment - Aura |
79 |
Tukatongue Thallid |
Thallidé tukalanguier |
Creature - Fungus |
80 |
Viridian Emissary |
Émissaire viridian |
Creature - Elf Scout |
81 |
Wall of Blossoms |
Mur de fleurs |
Creature - Plant Wall |
82 |
Baleful Strix |
Sinistre strix |
Artifact Creature - Bird |
83 |
Bituminous Blast |
Salve bitumeuse |
Instant |
84 |
Bloodbraid Elf |
Elfe aux Nattes sanguinolentes |
Creature - Elf Berserker |
85 |
Deny Reality |
Déni de réalité |
Sorcery |
86 |
Dimir Infiltrator |
Infiltrateur dimir |
Creature - Spirit |
87 |
Dragonlair Spider |
Araignée de la tanière du dragon |
Creature - Spider |
88 |
Elderwood Scion |
Scion de Boisaïeul |
Creature - Elemental |
89 |
Enigma Sphinx |
Sphinx du logogriphe |
Artifact Creature - Sphinx |
90 |
Enlisted Wurm |
Guivre conscrite |
Creature - Wurm |
91 |
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer |
Sorcier à cornes d'étherium |
Artifact Creature - Minotaur Wizard |
92 |
Fires of Yavimaya |
Feux de la Yavimaya |
Enchantment |
93 |
Fusion Elemental |
Élémental de fusion |
Creature - Elemental |
94 |
Glen Elendra Liege |
Noble féal du Vallon d'Elendra |
Creature - Faerie Knight |
95 |
Hellkite Hatchling |
Progéniture escouflenfer |
Creature - Dragon |
96 |
Indrik Umbra |
Ombre d'indrik |
Enchantment - Aura |
97 |
Inkfathom Witch |
Envoûteur d'Encrebrasse |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
98 |
Kathari Remnant |
Vestige kathari |
Creature - Bird Skeleton |
99 |
Krond the Dawn-Clad |
Krond à l'Habit d'aube |
Legendary Creature - Archon |
100 |
Last Stand |
Dernier carré |
Sorcery |
101 |
Maelstrom Wanderer |
Vagabond du maelstrom |
Legendary Creature - Elemental |
102 |
Noggle Ransacker |
Saccageur neugle |
Creature - Noggle Rogue |
103 |
Pollenbright Wings |
Ailes de clairpollen |
Enchantment - Aura |
104 |
Shardless Agent |
Agente sans éclat |
Artifact Creature - Human Rogue |
105 |
Silent-Blade Oni |
Oni à la lame silencieuse |
Creature - Demon Ninja |
106 |
Thromok the Insatiable |
Thromok l'Insatiable |
Legendary Creature - Hellion |
107 |
Vela the Night-Clad |
Vela à la Robe de nuit |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
108 |
Armillary Sphere |
Sphère armillaire |
Artifact |
109 |
Farsight Mask |
Masque de clairvoyance |
Artifact |
110 |
Flayer Husk |
Carapace écorcheuse |
Artifact - Equipment |
111 |
Fractured Powerstone |
Lithoforce fracturée |
Artifact |
112 |
Quietus Spike |
Pointe de quiétude |
Artifact - Equipment |
113 |
Sai of the Shinobi |
Sai du shinobi |
Artifact - Equipment |
114 |
Thran Golem |
Golem thran |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
115 |
Whispersilk Cloak |
Cape de frémisoie |
Artifact - Equipment |
116 |
Dimir Aqueduct |
Aqueduc de Dimir |
Land |
117 |
Exotic Orchard |
Verger exotique |
Land |
118 |
Graypelt Refuge |
Refuge de Grisepeau |
Land |
119 |
Gruul Turf |
Territoire des Gruul |
Land |
120 |
Jwar Isle Refuge |
Refuge de l'île de Jwar |
Land |
121 |
Kazandu Refuge |
Refuge du Kazandou |
Land |
122 |
Khalni Garden |
Jardin de Khalni |
Land |
123 |
Krosan Verge |
Orée de la Krosia |
Land |
124 |
Rupture Spire |
Tour de la Rupture |
Land |
125 |
Selesnya Sanctuary |
Sanctuaire de Selesnya |
Land |
126 |
Shimmering Grotto |
Grotte chatoyante |
Land |
127 |
Skarrg, the Rage Pits |
Skarrg, les Fosses de rage |
Land |
128 |
Tainted Isle |
Île souillée |
Land |
129 |
Terramorphic Expanse |
Immensité terramorphe |
Land |
130 |
Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree |
Vitu-Ghazi, la Citarborescence |
Land |
131 |
Vivid Creek |
Ruisseau éclatant |
Land |
132 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
133 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
134 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
135 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
136 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
137 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
138 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
139 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
140 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
141 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
142 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
143 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
144 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
145 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
146 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
147 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
148 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
149 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
150 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
151 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
152 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
153 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
154 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
155 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
156 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |