
Subir le passé - Horizons du Modern 3 Commander

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Subir le passé - Horizons du Modern 3 Commander (Peu commune) Subir le passé - Commander 2021 (Peu commune) Subir le passé - L'ascension des Eldrazi (Peu commune)


Impression française

  • Subir le passé
  • Éphémère
  • Exilez X cartes ciblées depuis le cimetière d'un joueur ciblé. Pour chaque carte exilée de cette manière, ce joueur perd 1 point de vie et vous gagnez 1 point de vie.
  • Le feu glacial des tentacules d'Ulamog fouaillait son âme et poignardait ses souvenirs un par un.

Impression anglaise

  • Suffer the Past
  • Instant
  • Exile X target cards from target player's graveyard. For each card exiled this way, that player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
  • Ulamog's tentacles, their touch like burning ice, rummaged through his soul and stung his memories one by one.


  • Suffer the Past
  • Instant
  • Exile X target cards from target player's graveyard. For each card exiled this way, that player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.


  • The life that's lost and the life that's gained are based on the number of cards that are actually exiled, not on the value of X (in case any of the targeted cards somehow leave the graveyard in response and thus can't be exiled this way). [2010-06-15]
  • If the targeted player becomes an illegal target by the time Suffer the Past resolves but the targeted cards don't, you still exile the cards and gain life. The player won't be lose any life, though. [2010-06-15]
  • Suffer the Past's effect causes a single life-gain event, not a number of separate ones. This matters for cards such as Cradle of Vitality. [2010-06-15]


  • NM/MT : ~0,10 € Cote stable
  • Premium : ~0,00 € Cote stable


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