
Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Commander Légendes

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Fondations de Magic: The Gathering (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Fondations de Magic: The Gathering (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Fondations de Magic: The Gathering (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Double Masters 2022 (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Double Masters 2022 (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Double Masters 2022 (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Commander Légendes (Rare mythique) Muldrotha, la marée funéraire - Dominaria (Rare mythique)


Impression française

  • Muldrotha, la marée funéraire
  • Créature légendaire : élémental et avatar
  • Pendant chacun de vos tours, vous pouvez jouer un terrain et lancer un sort de permanent de chaque type de permanent depuis votre cimetière. (Si une carte a plusieurs types de permanent, choisissez-en un au moment où vous la jouez.)
  • « Mon enfant a poussé dans la pourriture et la poussière, pourtant elle resplendit. »
  • 6/6

Impression anglaise

  • Muldrotha, the Gravetide
  • Legendary Creature — Elemental Avatar
  • During each of your turns, you may play a land and cast a permanent spell of each permanent type from your graveyard. (If a card has multiple permanent types, choose one as you play it.)
  • "My child grew from rot and ruin, yet she bloomed."
  • 6/6


  • Muldrotha, the Gravetide
  • Legendary Creature - Elemental Avatar
  • During each of your turns, you may play up to one permanent card of each permanent type from your graveyard. (If a card has multiple permanent types, choose one as you play it.)
  • 6/6


  • For example, you may cast an artifact creature card as your artifact card and cast another artifact creature card as your creature card. [2018-04-27]
  • You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions of the cards you play from your graveyard. For example, you can’t use Muldrotha to play an additional land, or to cast a planeswalker during your end step. [2018-04-27]
  • You must pay the costs to cast a nonland card this way. If it has an alternative cost, you may cast it for that cost instead. [2018-04-27]
  • Once you begin to cast a card, losing control of Muldrotha won’t affect the spell. [2018-04-27]
  • If you play a card from your graveyard and then have a new Muldrotha come under your control in the same turn, you may play another card of that type from your graveyard that turn. [2018-04-27]
  • If a permanent card is put into your graveyard during your main phase and the stack is empty, you have a chance to cast it before any player may attempt to remove that card from your graveyard. [2018-04-27]
  • If multiple effects allow you to play a card from your graveyard, such as those of Gisa and Geralf and Karador, Ghost Chieftain, you must announce which permission you’re using as you begin to play the card. [2018-04-27]


  • NM/MT : ~2,00 € Cote stable
  • Premium : ~6,00 € Cote stable


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