
Poings de flammes - Commander Légendes

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Poings de flammes - Jumpstart Fondations (Commune) Poings de flammes - Commander Masters (Commune) Poings de flammes - Commander Légendes (Commune) Poings de flammes - Horizons du Modern (Commune)


Impression française

  • Poings de flammes
  • Éphémère
  • Piochez une carte. Jusqu'à la fin du tour, une créature ciblée acquiert le piétinement et gagne +1/+0 pour chaque carte que vous avez piochée ce tour-ci.
  • « Le feu a toujours été mon plus fidèle compagnon. »
    —Jared Carthalion

Impression anglaise

  • Fists of Flame
  • Instant
  • Draw a card. Until end of turn, target creature gains trample and gets +1/+0 for each card you've drawn this turn.
  • "Fire has always been my most faithful companion."
    —Jared Carthalion


  • Fists of Flame
  • Instant
  • Draw a card. Until end of turn, target creature gains trample and gets +1/+0 for each card you've drawn this turn.


  • If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Fists of Flame tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t draw a card. [0000-00-00]
  • The bonus that the target creature receives is locked in as Fists of Flame resolves, counting the card drawn during its first effect. The creature won’t get an additional +1/+0 if you draw another card later in the turn. [0000-00-00]
  • If a spell or ability causes you to put cards into your hand without specifically using the word “draw,” Fists of Flame’s effect doesn’t count them. [0000-00-00]


  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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