Au début de votre étape de fin, si vous avez gagné au moins 3 points de vie ce tour-ci, créez un jeton de créature 2/2 blanche Griffon avec le vol.
« Le cœur de Davin se gonfla d'un mélange d'excitation et de peur. Si le jeune griffon l'acceptait, ce serait un premier pas pour devenir chevalier. » —Les cieux d'Ardenval
At the beginning of your end step, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, create a 2/2 white Griffin creature token with flying.
"Davin's heart swelled with a heady mix of excitement and fear. If the young griffin accepted him, he would begin his path to knighthood." —Skies of Ardenvale
Griffin Aerie
At the beginning of your end step, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, create a 2/2 white Griffin creature token with flying.
You create just one Griffin token, no matter how much life you’ve gained past 3 life. [0000-00-00]
Griffin Aerie’s ability looks at how much life you’ve gained in the turn, even if it wasn’t on the battlefield when you gained life. It doesn’t care if you also lost life, even if you lost more life than you gained. [0000-00-00]
If you haven’t gained 3 life by the time your end step begins, Griffin Aerie’s ability won’t trigger at all. [0000-00-00]
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