1 |
Aegis of the Gods |
Égide des dieux |
Enchantment Creature - Human Soldier |
2 |
Ajani's Presence |
Présence d'Ajani |
Instant |
3 |
Akroan Mastiff |
Dogue akroen |
Creature - Hound |
4 |
Armament of Nyx |
Armement de Nyx |
Enchantment - Aura |
5 |
Banishing Light |
Lumière de bannissement |
Enchantment |
6 |
Dawnbringer Charioteers |
Auriges porteurs de l'aube |
Creature - Human Soldier |
7 |
Deicide |
Théobole |
Instant |
8 |
Dictate of Heliod |
Précepte d'Héliode |
Enchantment |
9 |
Eagle of the Watch |
Aigle des veilleurs |
Creature - Bird |
10 |
Eidolon of Rhetoric |
Eidôlon de la rhétorique |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
11 |
Font of Vigor |
Fontaine de vigueur |
Enchantment |
12 |
Godsend |
Don du ciel |
Legendary Artifact - Equipment |
13 |
Harvestguard Alseids |
Alséïdes des moissons |
Enchantment Creature - Nymph |
14 |
Lagonna-Band Trailblazer |
Pionnière du clan Lagonna |
Creature - Centaur Scout |
15 |
Launch the Fleet |
Déployer la flotte |
Sorcery |
16 |
Leonin Iconoclast |
Iconoclaste léonine |
Creature - Cat Monk |
17 |
Mortal Obstinacy |
Obstination mortelle |
Enchantment - Aura |
18 |
Nyx-Fleece Ram |
Bélier à toison de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Sheep |
19 |
Oppressive Rays |
Rayons oppressants |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Oreskos Swiftclaw |
Lestegriffe d'Oreskos |
Creature - Cat Warrior |
21 |
Phalanx Formation |
Formation de la phalange |
Instant |
22 |
Quarry Colossus |
Colosse des carrières |
Creature - Giant |
23 |
Reprisal |
Représailles |
Instant |
24 |
Sightless Brawler |
Bagarreur aveugle |
Enchantment Creature - Human Warrior |
25 |
Skybind |
Lien céleste |
Enchantment |
26 |
Skyspear Cavalry |
Cavalerie lanceciel |
Creature - Human Soldier |
27 |
Stonewise Fortifier |
Fortificateur sophiolithe |
Creature - Human Wizard |
28 |
Supply-Line Cranes |
Grues de ravitaillement |
Creature - Bird |
29 |
Tethmos High Priest |
Grand prêtre de Tethmos |
Creature - Cat Cleric |
30 |
Aerial Formation |
Formation aérienne |
Instant |
31 |
Battlefield Thaumaturge |
Thaumaturge de campagne |
Creature - Human Wizard |
32 |
Cloaked Siren |
Sirène dissimulée |
Creature - Siren |
33 |
Countermand |
Contrordre |
Instant |
34 |
Crystalline Nautilus |
Nautile cristallin |
Enchantment Creature - Nautilus |
35 |
Dakra Mystic |
Mystique dakra |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
36 |
Daring Thief |
Voleuse audacieuse |
Creature - Human Rogue |
37 |
Dictate of Kruphix |
Précepte de Kruphix |
Enchantment |
38 |
Font of Fortunes |
Fontaine des fortunes |
Enchantment |
39 |
Godhunter Octopus |
Pieuvre chasse-dieu |
Creature - Octopus |
40 |
Hour of Need |
Heure du besoin |
Instant |
41 |
Hubris |
Hubris |
Instant |
42 |
Hypnotic Siren |
Sirène hypnotique |
Enchantment Creature - Siren |
43 |
Interpret the Signs |
Interpréter les signes |
Sorcery |
44 |
Kiora's Dismissal |
Rejet de Kiora |
Instant |
45 |
Pin to the Earth |
Clouer au sol |
Enchantment - Aura |
46 |
Polymorphous Rush |
Ruée polymorphe |
Instant |
47 |
Pull from the Deep |
Extraction des profondeurs |
Sorcery |
48 |
Riptide Chimera |
Chimère du contre-courant |
Enchantment Creature - Chimera |
49 |
Rise of Eagles |
Ascension des aigles |
Sorcery |
50 |
Sage of Hours |
Sage des heures |
Creature - Human Wizard |
51 |
Scourge of Fleets |
Fléau des flottes |
Creature - Kraken |
52 |
Sigiled Starfish |
Étoile de mer sigillaire |
Creature - Starfish |
53 |
Thassa's Devourer |
Dévoreur de Thassa |
Enchantment Creature - Elemental |
54 |
Thassa's Ire |
Ire de Thassa |
Enchantment |
55 |
Triton Cavalry |
Cavalerie tritonne |
Creature - Merfolk Soldier |
56 |
Triton Shorestalker |
Pisteur des côtes triton |
Creature - Merfolk Rogue |
57 |
War-Wing Siren |
Sirène aile-de-guerre |
Creature - Siren Soldier |
58 |
Whitewater Naiads |
Naïades des eaux vives |
Enchantment Creature - Nymph |
59 |
Agent of Erebos |
Agent d'Érébos |
Enchantment Creature - Zombie |
60 |
Aspect of Gorgon |
Aspect de la gorgone |
Enchantment - Aura |
61 |
Bloodcrazed Hoplite |
Hoplite sanguinaire |
Creature - Human Soldier |
62 |
Brain Maggot |
Ver de cervelle |
Enchantment Creature - Insect |
63 |
Cast into Darkness |
Projeter dans les ténèbres |
Enchantment - Aura |
64 |
Cruel Feeding |
Alimentation cruelle |
Instant |
65 |
Dictate of Erebos |
Précepte d'Érébos |
Enchantment |
66 |
Doomwake Giant |
Géant au sillage funeste |
Enchantment Creature - Giant |
67 |
Dreadbringer Lampads |
Lampades porteuses de l'effroi |
Enchantment Creature - Nymph |
68 |
Extinguish All Hope |
Détruire toute espérance |
Sorcery |
69 |
Feast of Dreams |
Festin de rêves |
Instant |
70 |
Felhide Petrifier |
Pétrificateur Fangepeau |
Creature - Minotaur Warrior |
71 |
Font of Return |
Fontaine de réapparition |
Enchantment |
72 |
Gnarled Scarhide |
Gangréné noueux |
Enchantment Creature - Minotaur |
73 |
Grim Guardian |
Sinistre garde |
Enchantment Creature - Zombie |
74 |
King Macar, the Gold-Cursed |
Macar, le roi au toucher d'or |
Legendary Creature - Human |
75 |
Master of the Feast |
Maître du festin |
Enchantment Creature - Demon |
76 |
Nightmarish End |
Fin cauchemardesque |
Instant |
77 |
Nyx Infusion |
Infusion de Nyx |
Enchantment - Aura |
78 |
Pharika's Chosen |
Élue de Pharika |
Creature - Snake |
79 |
Returned Reveler |
Fêtard reparu |
Creature - Zombie Satyr |
80 |
Ritual of the Returned |
Rituel des Reparus |
Instant |
81 |
Rotted Hulk |
Carcasse putréfiée |
Creature - Elemental |
82 |
Silence the Believers |
Réduire les croyants au silence |
Instant |
83 |
Spiteful Blow |
Coup de dépit |
Sorcery |
84 |
Squelching Leeches |
Sangsues grouillantes |
Creature - Leech |
85 |
Thoughtrender Lamia |
Lamie psychoctome |
Enchantment Creature - Lamia |
86 |
Tormented Thoughts |
Pensées tourmentées |
Sorcery |
87 |
Worst Fears |
Pires craintes |
Sorcery |
88 |
Akroan Line Breaker |
Briseur de ligne akroen |
Creature - Human Warrior |
89 |
Bearer of the Heavens |
Porteur des Cieux |
Creature - Giant |
90 |
Bladetusk Boar |
Sanglier lamecroc |
Creature - Boar |
91 |
Blinding Flare |
Flamboiement aveuglant |
Sorcery |
92 |
Cyclops of Eternal Fury |
Cyclope de la fureur éternelle |
Enchantment Creature - Cyclops |
93 |
Dictate of the Twin Gods |
Précepte des dieux jumeaux |
Enchantment |
94 |
Eidolon of the Great Revel |
Eidôlon de la Grande célébration |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
95 |
Flamespeaker's Will |
Volonté de l'oratrice de feu |
Enchantment - Aura |
96 |
Flurry of Horns |
Concert de cornes |
Sorcery |
97 |
Font of Ire |
Fontaine d'ire |
Enchantment |
98 |
Forgeborn Oreads |
Oréades nées des forges |
Enchantment Creature - Nymph |
99 |
Gluttonous Cyclops |
Cyclope glouton |
Creature - Cyclops |
100 |
Harness by Force |
Harnacher par la force |
Sorcery |
101 |
Knowledge and Power |
Savoir et puissance |
Enchantment |
102 |
Lightning Diadem |
Diadème d'éclair |
Enchantment - Aura |
103 |
Magma Spray |
Giclée de magma |
Instant |
104 |
Mogis's Warhound |
Chienne de guerre de Mogis |
Enchantment Creature - Hound |
105 |
Pensive Minotaur |
Minotaure pensif |
Creature - Minotaur Warrior |
106 |
Prophetic Flamespeaker |
Orateur de feu prophétique |
Creature - Human Shaman |
107 |
Riddle of Lightning |
Crible d'éclairs |
Instant |
108 |
Rollick of Abandon |
Ripaille de l'abandon |
Sorcery |
109 |
Rouse the Mob |
Haranguer la foule |
Instant |
110 |
Satyr Hoplite |
Hoplite satyre |
Creature - Satyr Soldier |
111 |
Sigiled Skink |
Scinque sigillaire |
Creature - Lizard |
112 |
Spawn of Thraxes |
Engeance de Thraxes |
Creature - Dragon |
113 |
Spite of Mogis |
Rancune de Mogis |
Sorcery |
114 |
Starfall |
Chute stellaire |
Instant |
115 |
Twinflame |
Pyrojumeau |
Sorcery |
116 |
Wildfire Cerberus |
Cerbère du feu dévastateur |
Creature - Hound |
117 |
Bassara Tower Archer |
Archère de la tour de Bassara |
Creature - Human Archer |
118 |
Colossal Heroics |
Bravoure colossale |
Instant |
119 |
Consign to Dust |
Vouer à la poussière |
Instant |
120 |
Desecration Plague |
Peste de profanation |
Sorcery |
121 |
Dictate of Karametra |
Précepte de Karametra |
Enchantment |
122 |
Eidolon of Blossoms |
Eidôlon des fleurs |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
123 |
Font of Fertility |
Fontaine de fertilité |
Enchantment |
124 |
Golden Hind |
Biche dorée |
Creature - Elk |
125 |
Goldenhide Ox |
Bœuf à la peau d'or |
Enchantment Creature - Ox |
126 |
Heroes' Bane |
Fléau des héros |
Creature - Hydra |
127 |
Humbler of Mortals |
Oppresseur des mortels |
Enchantment Creature - Elemental |
128 |
Hydra Broodmaster |
Maître de couvée hydre |
Creature - Hydra |
129 |
Kruphix's Insight |
Perspicacité de Kruphix |
Sorcery |
130 |
Market Festival |
Marché du festival |
Enchantment - Aura |
131 |
Nature's Panoply |
Panoplie de la nature |
Instant |
132 |
Nessian Game Warden |
Garde-chasse nessian |
Creature - Beast |
133 |
Oakheart Dryads |
Dryades au cœur de chêne |
Enchantment Creature - Nymph Dryad |
134 |
Pheres-Band Thunderhoof |
Sabot-de-foudre du clan Phérès |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
135 |
Pheres-Band Warchief |
Chef de guerre du clan Phérès |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
136 |
Ravenous Leucrocota |
Leucrotta vorace |
Creature - Beast |
137 |
Renowned Weaver |
Tisseuse réputée |
Creature - Human Shaman |
138 |
Reviving Melody |
Mélodie ravivante |
Sorcery |
139 |
Satyr Grovedancer |
Dansebosquet satyre |
Creature - Satyr Shaman |
140 |
Setessan Tactics |
Tactiques setessiennes |
Instant |
141 |
Solidarity of Heroes |
Solidarité des héros |
Instant |
142 |
Spirespine |
Dardépic |
Enchantment Creature - Beast |
143 |
Strength from the Fallen |
Force des déchus |
Enchantment |
144 |
Swarmborn Giant |
Géant né de l'essaim |
Creature - Giant |
145 |
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes |
Ajani, mentor de héros |
Planeswalker - Ajani |
146 |
Athreos, God of Passage |
Athréos, dieu du Passage |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
147 |
Desperate Stand |
Dernier ressort |
Sorcery |
148 |
Disciple of Deceit |
Disciple de la tromperie |
Creature - Human Rogue |
149 |
Fleetfeather Cockatrice |
Cocatrix lesteplume |
Creature - Cockatrice |
150 |
Iroas, God of Victory |
Iroas, dieu de la Victoire |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
151 |
Keranos, God of Storms |
Kéranos, dieu des Tempêtes |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
152 |
Kruphix, God of Horizons |
Kruphix, dieu des Horizons |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
153 |
Nyx Weaver |
Tisseuse de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Spider |
154 |
Pharika, God of Affliction |
Pharika, déesse de l'Affliction |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
155 |
Revel of the Fallen God |
Célébration du dieu vaincu |
Sorcery |
156 |
Stormchaser Chimera |
Chimère chassetempête |
Creature - Chimera |
157 |
Underworld Coinsmith |
Monnayeuse du Monde souterrain |
Enchantment Creature - Human Cleric |
158 |
Armory of Iroas |
Armurerie d'Iroas |
Artifact - Equipment |
159 |
Chariot of Victory |
Char de la victoire |
Artifact - Equipment |
160 |
Deserter's Quarters |
Quartiers du déserteur |
Artifact |
161 |
Gold-Forged Sentinel |
Sentinelle forgée d'or |
Artifact Creature - Chimera |
162 |
Hall of Triumph |
Mégaron du triomphe |
Legendary Artifact |
163 |
Mana Confluence |
Confluence de mana |
Land |
164 |
Temple of Epiphany |
Temple de la révélation |
Land |
165 |
Temple of Malady |
Temple de la maladie |
Land |