1 |
Acolyte's Reward |
Récompense de l'acolyte |
Instant |
2 |
Akroan Phalanx |
Phalange akroenne |
Creature - Human Soldier |
3 |
Akroan Skyguard |
Gardeciel akroen |
Creature - Human Soldier |
4 |
Archetype of Courage |
Archétype du courage |
Enchantment Creature - Human Soldier |
5 |
Brimaz, King of Oreskos |
Brimaz, roi d'Oreskos |
Legendary Creature - Cat Soldier |
6 |
Dawn to Dusk |
De l'aube au crépuscule |
Sorcery |
7 |
Eidolon of Countless Battles |
Eidôlon des batailles innombrables |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
8 |
Elite Skirmisher |
Assaillant d'élite |
Creature - Human Soldier |
9 |
Ephara's Radiance |
Irradiance selon Éphara |
Enchantment - Aura |
10 |
Excoriate |
Excoriation |
Sorcery |
11 |
Fated Retribution |
Châtiment annoncé |
Instant |
12 |
Ghostblade Eidolon |
Eidôlon aux lames fantômes |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
13 |
Glimpse the Sun God |
Aperçu du dieu du Soleil |
Instant |
14 |
God-Favored General |
Général favori des dieux |
Creature - Human Soldier |
15 |
Great Hart |
Grand cerf |
Creature - Elk |
16 |
Griffin Dreamfinder |
Traquerêve griffon |
Creature - Griffin |
17 |
Hero of Iroas |
Héros d'Iroas |
Creature - Human Soldier |
18 |
Hold at Bay |
Tenir en respect |
Instant |
19 |
Loyal Pegasus |
Pégase loyal |
Creature - Pegasus |
20 |
Mortal's Ardor |
Ardeur des mortels |
Instant |
21 |
Nyxborn Shieldmate |
Compagnon bouclier né de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Human Soldier |
22 |
Oreskos Sun Guide |
Guide solaire d'Oreskos |
Creature - Cat Monk |
23 |
Ornitharch |
Ornitharque |
Creature - Archon |
24 |
Plea for Guidance |
Humble supplique |
Sorcery |
25 |
Revoke Existence |
Révocation de l'existence |
Sorcery |
26 |
Silent Sentinel |
Sentinelle silencieuse |
Creature - Archon |
27 |
Spirit of the Labyrinth |
Esprit du Labyrinthe |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
28 |
Sunbond |
Lien solaire |
Enchantment - Aura |
29 |
Vanguard of Brimaz |
Avant-garde de Brimaz |
Creature - Cat Soldier |
30 |
Aerie Worshippers |
Adoratrices de l'aérain |
Creature - Human Cleric |
31 |
Arbiter of the Ideal |
Arbitre de l'Idéal |
Creature - Sphinx |
32 |
Archetype of Imagination |
Archétype de l'imagination |
Enchantment Creature - Human Wizard |
33 |
Chorus of the Tides |
Chœur des marées |
Creature - Siren |
34 |
Crypsis |
Cryptisme |
Instant |
35 |
Deepwater Hypnotist |
Hypnotiseuse des grands fonds |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
36 |
Divination |
Divination |
Sorcery |
37 |
Eternity Snare |
Collet d'éternité |
Enchantment - Aura |
38 |
Evanescent Intellect |
Intellect évanescent |
Enchantment - Aura |
39 |
Fated Infatuation |
Infatuation annoncée |
Instant |
40 |
Flitterstep Eidolon |
Eidôlon prestepas |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
41 |
Floodtide Serpent |
Serpent des flots déchaînés |
Creature - Serpent |
42 |
Kraken of the Straits |
Kraken des détroits |
Creature - Kraken |
43 |
Meletis Astronomer |
Astronome de Mélétis |
Creature - Human Wizard |
44 |
Mindreaver |
Pillard cérébral |
Creature - Human Wizard |
45 |
Nullify |
Invalidation |
Instant |
46 |
Nyxborn Triton |
Triton né de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Merfolk |
47 |
Oracle's Insight |
Perspicacité de l'oracle |
Enchantment - Aura |
48 |
Perplexing Chimera |
Chimère inconcevable |
Enchantment Creature - Chimera |
49 |
Retraction Helix |
Hélice de rétractation |
Instant |
50 |
Siren of the Fanged Coast |
Sirène de la Côte Dentelée |
Creature - Siren |
51 |
Sphinx's Disciple |
Disciple du sphinx |
Creature - Human Wizard |
52 |
Stratus Walk |
Tour de stratus |
Enchantment - Aura |
53 |
Sudden Storm |
Tempête soudaine |
Instant |
54 |
Thassa's Rebuff |
Rebuffade de Thassa |
Instant |
55 |
Tromokratis |
Tromokratis |
Legendary Creature - Kraken |
56 |
Vortex Elemental |
Élémental de vortex |
Creature - Elemental |
57 |
Whelming Wave |
Vague de submersion |
Sorcery |
58 |
Archetype of Finality |
Archétype de la fatalité |
Enchantment Creature - Gorgon |
59 |
Ashiok's Adept |
Expert d'Ashiok |
Creature - Human Wizard |
60 |
Asphyxiate |
Mort par asphyxie |
Sorcery |
61 |
Bile Blight |
Fléau biliaire |
Instant |
62 |
Black Oak of Odunos |
Chêne noir d'Odounos |
Creature - Zombie Treefolk |
63 |
Champion of Stray Souls |
Champion des âmes égarées |
Creature - Skeleton Warrior |
64 |
Claim of Erebos |
Revendication d'Érebos |
Enchantment - Aura |
65 |
Drown in Sorrow |
Chagrin accablant |
Sorcery |
66 |
Eater of Hope |
Dévoreur d'espoir |
Creature - Demon |
67 |
Eye Gouge |
En plein dans l'œil |
Instant |
68 |
Fate Unraveler |
Détisseuse de destin |
Enchantment Creature - Hag |
69 |
Fated Return |
Retour annoncé |
Instant |
70 |
Felhide Brawler |
Bagarreur Fangepeau |
Creature - Minotaur |
71 |
Forlorn Pseudamma |
Pseudomère désespérée |
Creature - Zombie |
72 |
Forsaken Drifters |
Vagabonds esseulés |
Creature - Zombie |
73 |
Gild |
Dorure |
Sorcery |
74 |
Grisly Transformation |
Transformation sinistre |
Enchantment - Aura |
75 |
Herald of Torment |
Héraut du tourment |
Enchantment Creature - Demon |
76 |
Marshmist Titan |
Titan fangebrume |
Creature - Giant |
77 |
Necrobite |
Nécromorsure |
Instant |
78 |
Nyxborn Eidolon |
Eidôlon née de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
79 |
Odunos River Trawler |
Dragueur d'Odounos |
Creature - Zombie |
80 |
Pain Seer |
Voyant de douleur |
Creature - Human Wizard |
81 |
Sanguimancy |
Sanguinomancie |
Sorcery |
82 |
Servant of Tymaret |
Servant de Tymaret |
Creature - Zombie |
83 |
Shrike Harpy |
Harpie grièche |
Creature - Harpy |
84 |
Spiteful Returned |
Reparu malveillant |
Enchantment Creature - Zombie |
85 |
Warchanter of Mogis |
Chantre de guerre de Mogis |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
86 |
Weight of the Underworld |
Fardeau du Monde souterrain |
Enchantment - Aura |
87 |
Akroan Conscriptor |
Enrôleur akroen |
Creature - Human Shaman |
88 |
Archetype of Aggression |
Archétype de l'agressivité |
Enchantment Creature - Human Warrior |
89 |
Bolt of Keranos |
Éclair de Kéranos |
Sorcery |
90 |
Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass |
Cyclope du Col Borgne |
Creature - Cyclops |
91 |
Epiphany Storm |
Orage révélateur |
Enchantment - Aura |
92 |
Everflame Eidolon |
Eidôlon de la flamme éternelle |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
93 |
Fall of the Hammer |
Verdict du marteau |
Instant |
94 |
Fated Conflagration |
Conflagration annoncée |
Instant |
95 |
Fearsome Temper |
Tempérament effroyable |
Enchantment - Aura |
96 |
Felhide Spiritbinder |
Entrave-esprit Fangepeau |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
97 |
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix |
Phénix nimbé de flammes |
Creature - Phoenix |
98 |
Forgestoker Dragon |
Dragon souffleforge |
Creature - Dragon |
99 |
Impetuous Sunchaser |
Chassesoleil impétueux |
Creature - Human Soldier |
100 |
Kragma Butcher |
Boucher de Kragma |
Creature - Minotaur Warrior |
101 |
Lightning Volley |
Volée d'éclairs |
Instant |
102 |
Nyxborn Rollicker |
Ripailleur né de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Satyr |
103 |
Oracle of Bones |
Oracle des ossements |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
104 |
Pharagax Giant |
Géant de Pharagax |
Creature - Giant |
105 |
Pinnacle of Rage |
Pinacle de rage |
Sorcery |
106 |
Reckless Reveler |
Fêtard téméraire |
Creature - Satyr |
107 |
Rise to the Challenge |
Relever le défi |
Instant |
108 |
Satyr Firedancer |
Satyre dansefeu |
Enchantment Creature - Satyr |
109 |
Satyr Nyx-Smith |
Forge-Nyx satyre |
Creature - Satyr Shaman |
110 |
Scouring Sands |
Sables purificateurs |
Sorcery |
111 |
Searing Blood |
Sang calcinant |
Instant |
112 |
Stormcaller of Keranos |
Meneuse d'orage de Kéranos |
Creature - Human Shaman |
113 |
Thunder Brute |
Brute du tonnerre |
Creature - Cyclops |
114 |
Thunderous Might |
Puissance tonitruante |
Enchantment - Aura |
115 |
Whims of the Fates |
Caprices des Moires |
Sorcery |
116 |
Archetype of Endurance |
Archétype de l'endurance |
Enchantment Creature - Boar |
117 |
Aspect of Hydra |
Aspect de l'hydre |
Instant |
118 |
Charging Badger |
Blaireau chargeur |
Creature - Badger |
119 |
Courser of Kruphix |
Coursière de Kruphix |
Enchantment Creature - Centaur |
120 |
Culling Mark |
Marque du sacrifice |
Sorcery |
121 |
Fated Intervention |
Intervention annoncée |
Instant |
122 |
Graverobber Spider |
Araignée pilleuse de tombes |
Creature - Spider |
123 |
Hero of Leina Tower |
Héroïne de la Tour de Leina |
Creature - Human Warrior |
124 |
Hunter's Prowess |
Prouesse du chasseur |
Sorcery |
125 |
Karametra's Favor |
Faveur selon Karametra |
Enchantment - Aura |
126 |
Mischief and Mayhem |
Malice et confusion |
Sorcery |
127 |
Mortal's Resolve |
Résolution des mortels |
Instant |
128 |
Nessian Demolok |
Démolok nessian |
Creature - Beast |
129 |
Nessian Wilds Ravager |
Dévastateur des terres nessiannes |
Creature - Hydra |
130 |
Noble Quarry |
Noble proie |
Enchantment Creature - Unicorn |
131 |
Nyxborn Wolf |
Louve née de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Wolf |
132 |
Peregrination |
Pérégrinations |
Sorcery |
133 |
Pheres-Band Raiders |
Pillards du clan Phérès |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
134 |
Pheres-Band Tromper |
Piaffeur du clan Phérès |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
135 |
Raised by Wolves |
Élevé par les loups |
Enchantment - Aura |
136 |
Satyr Wayfinder |
Guidevoie satyre |
Creature - Satyr |
137 |
Scourge of Skola Vale |
Plaie du Val de Skola |
Creature - Hydra |
138 |
Setessan Oathsworn |
Assermenté setessien |
Creature - Satyr Warrior |
139 |
Setessan Starbreaker |
Brise-étoile setessienne |
Creature - Human Warrior |
140 |
Skyreaping |
Faucheciel |
Sorcery |
141 |
Snake of the Golden Grove |
Serpent du Bosquet d'Or |
Creature - Snake |
142 |
Swordwise Centaur |
Centaure épéiste |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
143 |
Unravel the Aether |
Détissage de l'Aether |
Instant |
144 |
Chromanticore |
Chromanticore |
Enchantment Creature - Manticore |
145 |
Ephara, God of the Polis |
Éphara, déesse de la Polis |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
146 |
Ephara's Enlightenment |
Illumination selon Éphara |
Enchantment - Aura |
147 |
Fanatic of Xenagos |
Fanatique de Xénagos |
Creature - Centaur Warrior |
148 |
Karametra, God of Harvests |
Karametra, déesse des Moissons |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
149 |
Kiora, the Crashing Wave |
Kiora, la Déferlante |
Planeswalker - Kiora |
150 |
Kiora's Follower |
Fidèle de Kiora |
Creature - Merfolk |
151 |
Mogis, God of Slaughter |
Mogis, dieu du Massacre |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
152 |
Phenax, God of Deception |
Phénax, dieu de la Fourberie |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
153 |
Ragemonger |
Instigateur de rage |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
154 |
Reap What Is Sown |
Récolter ce qui a été semé |
Instant |
155 |
Siren of the Silent Song |
Sirène au chant silencieux |
Creature - Zombie Siren |
156 |
Xenagos, God of Revels |
Xénagos, dieu de la Débauche |
Legendary Enchantment Creature - God |
157 |
Astral Cornucopia |
Cornucopée astrale |
Artifact |
158 |
Gorgon's Head |
Tête de la gorgone |
Artifact - Equipment |
159 |
Heroes' Podium |
Podium des héros |
Legendary Artifact |
160 |
Pillar of War |
Pilier de guerre |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
161 |
Siren Song Lyre |
Lyre du chant des sirènes |
Artifact - Equipment |
162 |
Springleaf Drum |
Tambour de sautefeuille |
Artifact |
163 |
Temple of Enlightenment |
Temple de l'illumination |
Land |
164 |
Temple of Malice |
Temple de la malice |
Land |
165 |
Temple of Plenty |
Temple de la profusion |
Land |