
Ruée vers l'or - Les hors-la-loi de Croisetonnerre


Impression française

  • Ruée vers l'or
  • Éphémère
  • Créez un jeton Trésor. Jusqu'à la fin du tour, jusqu'à une créature ciblée gagne +2/+2 pour chaque trésor que vous contrôlez.
  • « Ne crois pas ceux qui te disent de mordre l'or. Si c'est bien de l'or, tu le sauras tout de suite. »

Impression anglaise

  • Gold Rush
  • Instant
  • Create a Treasure token. Until end of turn, up to one target creature gets +2/+2 for each Treasure you control.
  • "Don't believe anyone who tells you to bite it. If it's the real thing, you'll know."


  • Gold Rush
  • Instant
  • Create a Treasure token. Until end of turn, up to one target creature gets +2/+2 for each Treasure you control.


  • You don’t have to choose a target for Gold Rush. However, if you do, and that creature is an illegal target at the time Gold Rush tries to resolve, it won’t resolve and none of its effects will happen. You won’t create a Treasure token. [0000-00-00]
  • Count the number of Treasures you control as Gold Rush resolves to determine how big a bonus the target creature receives. That bonus won’t change even if the number of Treasures you control does during the turn. [0000-00-00]


  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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