
Entité miroir - Les hors-la-loi de Croisetonnerre Commander

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Entité miroir - Les hors-la-loi de Croisetonnerre Commander (Rare) Entité miroir - Meurtres au Manoir Karlov Commander (Rare) Entité miroir - Commander Légendes : la bataille de la Porte de Baldur (Rare) Entité miroir - Innistrad : noce écarlate Commander (Rare) Entité miroir - Spirale Temporelle Remastered (Spécial) Entité miroir - Commander 2016 (Rare) Mirror Entity - Modern Masters 2015 Edition (Rare) Entité miroir - Commander Edition 2013 (Rare) Entité miroir - Lorwyn (Rare)


Impression française

  • Entité miroir
  • Créature : changeforme
  • Changelin (Cette carte a tous les types de créature.)
    x : Jusqu'à la fin du tour, les créatures que vous contrôlez ont une force et une endurance de base de X/X et acquièrent tous les types de créature.
  • Ignorant la diversité de Lorwyn, il ne voit que son propre reflet démultiplié à l'infini.
  • 1/1

Impression anglaise

  • Mirror Entity
  • Creature — Shapeshifter
  • Changeling (This card is every creature type.)
    x: Until end of turn, creatures you control have base power and toughness X/X and gain all creature types.
  • Unaware of Lorwyn's diversity, it sees only itself, reflected a thousand times over.
  • 1/1


  • Mirror Entity
  • Creature - Shapeshifter
  • Changeling (This card is every creature type at all times.)
    {X}: Creatures you control become X/X and gain all creature types until end of turn.
  • 1/1


  • Activating the ability with X = 0 will cause all creatures you control to become 0/0 and be put into the graveyard. [2007-10-01]
  • Activating the ability for a second time in the same turn will overwrite the first activation. For example, if you activate the ability with X = 4, then activate it with X = 1, each of your creatures will be 1/1. [2007-10-01]
  • You apply power/toughness changing effects in a series of sublayers in the following order: (a) effects from characteristic-defining abilities; (b) effects that set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (c) effects that modify power and/or toughness but don't set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (d) changes from counters; (e) effects that switch a creature's power and toughness. This card's effect is always applied in (b), which means that effects applied in sublayer (c), (d), or (e) will not be overwritten; they will be applied to the new value. [2009-10-01]


  • NM/MT : ~-2,50 € Cote stable
  • Premium : ~-6,60 € Cote en diminution


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