1 |
Abolish |
Abolition |
Instant |
2 |
Aura Fracture |
Fracture d'aura |
Enchantment |
3 |
Avatar of Hope |
Avatar de l'espoir |
Creature - Avatar |
4 |
Blessed Wind |
Vent béni |
Sorcery |
5 |
Celestial Convergence |
Convergence céleste |
Enchantment |
6 |
Diving Griffin |
Griffon plongeur |
Creature - Griffin |
7 |
Entangler |
Enchevêtreuse |
Enchantment - Aura |
8 |
Excise |
Accise |
Instant |
9 |
Flowering Field |
Champ fleurissant |
Enchantment - Aura |
10 |
Glittering Lion |
Lion scintillant |
Creature - Cat |
11 |
Glittering Lynx |
Lynx scintillant |
Creature - Cat |
12 |
Jeweled Spirit |
Esprit incrusté de joyaux |
Creature - Spirit |
13 |
Mageta the Lion |
Mageta le lion |
Legendary Creature - Human Spellshaper |
14 |
Mageta's Boon |
Faveur de Mageta |
Enchantment - Aura |
15 |
Mercenary Informer |
Informateur mercenaire |
Creature - Human Rebel Mercenary |
16 |
Mine Bearer |
Porteur de mines |
Creature - Human Soldier |
17 |
Mirror Strike |
Coup-mirroir |
Instant |
18 |
Reveille Squad |
Escouade de réveil |
Creature - Human Rebel |
19 |
Rhystic Circle |
Cercle rhystique |
Enchantment |
20 |
Rhystic Shield |
Bouclier rhystique |
Instant |
21 |
Samite Sanctuary |
Sanctuaire sanctif |
Enchantment |
22 |
Sheltering Prayers |
Prières de protection |
Enchantment |
23 |
Shield Dancer |
Danseuse au bouclier |
Creature - Human Rebel |
24 |
Soul Charmer |
Charmeur des âmes |
Creature - Human Rebel |
25 |
Sword Dancer |
Danseur à l'épée |
Creature - Human Rebel |
26 |
Trenching Steed |
Coursier sapeur |
Creature - Horse Rebel |
27 |
Troubled Healer |
Guerisseur inquiet |
Creature - Human Cleric |
28 |
Alexi, Zephyr Mage |
Alexie, mage du zéphir |
Legendary Creature - Human Spellshaper |
29 |
Alexi's Cloak |
Manteau d' Alexie |
Enchantment - Aura |
30 |
Avatar of Will |
Avatar de la volonté |
Creature - Avatar |
31 |
Coastal Hornclaw |
Grifargne côtier |
Creature - Bird |
32 |
Denying Wind |
Vent de dénégation |
Sorcery |
33 |
Excavation |
Excavation |
Enchantment |
34 |
Foil |
Évitement |
Instant |
35 |
Gulf Squid |
Calamar des golfes |
Creature - Squid Beast |
36 |
Hazy Homunculus |
Homoncule indistinct |
Creature - Homunculus Illusion |
37 |
Heightened Awareness |
Conscience amplifiée |
Enchantment |
38 |
Mana Vapors |
Vapeurs de mana |
Sorcery |
39 |
Overburden |
Surcharge |
Enchantment |
40 |
Psychic Theft |
Vol psychique |
Sorcery |
41 |
Quicksilver Wall |
Mur de vif-argent |
Creature - Wall |
42 |
Rethink |
Reconsidération |
Instant |
43 |
Rhystic Deluge |
Déluge rhystique |
Enchantment |
44 |
Rhystic Scrying |
Regard rhystique |
Sorcery |
45 |
Rhystic Study |
Etude rhystique |
Enchantment |
46 |
Ribbon Snake |
Serpent ruban |
Creature - Snake |
47 |
Shrouded Serpent |
Grand serpent camouflé |
Creature - Serpent |
48 |
Spiketail Drake |
Dracodard |
Creature - Drake |
49 |
Spiketail Hatchling |
Jeune dracodard |
Creature - Drake |
50 |
Stormwatch Eagle |
Aigle Gardorage |
Creature - Bird |
51 |
Sunken Field |
Champ englouti |
Enchantment - Aura |
52 |
Troublesome Spirit |
Esprit pénible |
Creature - Spirit |
53 |
Windscouter |
Eclaireur alizéen |
Creature - Human Scout |
54 |
Withdraw |
Repli |
Instant |
55 |
Agent of Shauku |
Agent de Shauku |
Creature - Human Mercenary |
56 |
Avatar of Woe |
Avatar du malheur |
Creature - Avatar |
57 |
Bog Elemental |
Elemental des marécages |
Creature - Elemental |
58 |
Bog Glider |
Planeur des marécages |
Creature - Human Mercenary |
59 |
Chilling Apparition |
Revenant glaçant |
Creature - Spirit |
60 |
Coffin Puppets |
Poupées de cercueil |
Creature - Zombie |
61 |
Death Charmer |
Charmeur létal |
Creature - Worm Mercenary |
62 |
Despoil |
Spoliation |
Sorcery |
63 |
Endbringer's Revel |
Réjouissances de la messagère du déclin |
Enchantment |
64 |
Fen Stalker |
Pisteur des fagnes |
Creature - Nightstalker |
65 |
Flay |
Ereintement |
Sorcery |
66 |
Greel, Mind Raker |
Grhil, fouilleur d'esprits |
Legendary Creature - Horror Spellshaper |
67 |
Greel's Caress |
Caresse selon Grhil |
Enchantment - Aura |
68 |
Infernal Genesis |
Genèse infernale |
Enchantment |
69 |
Nakaya Shade |
Ombre nakayane |
Creature - Shade |
70 |
Noxious Field |
Champ délétère |
Enchantment - Aura |
71 |
Outbreak |
Eruptions |
Sorcery |
72 |
Pit Raptor |
Rapace des abîmes |
Creature - Bird Mercenary |
73 |
Plague Fiend |
Fielleux de la peste |
Creature - Insect |
74 |
Plague Wind |
Vent de peste |
Sorcery |
75 |
Rebel Informer |
Informateur rebelle |
Creature - Human Mercenary Rebel |
76 |
Rhystic Syphon |
Siphon rhystique |
Sorcery |
77 |
Rhystic Tutor |
Précepteur rhystique |
Sorcery |
78 |
Soul Strings |
Cordes des âmes |
Sorcery |
79 |
Steal Strength |
Vol de force |
Instant |
80 |
Wall of Vipers |
Mur de vipères |
Creature - Snake Wall |
81 |
Whipstitched Zombie |
Zombie suturé |
Creature - Zombie |
82 |
Avatar of Fury |
Avatar de la fureur |
Creature - Avatar |
83 |
Barbed Field |
Champ barbelé |
Enchantment - Aura |
84 |
Branded Brawlers |
Bagarreurs tatoués |
Creature - Human Soldier |
85 |
Brutal Suppression |
Suppression brutale |
Enchantment |
86 |
Citadel of Pain |
Citadelle de la douleur |
Enchantment |
87 |
Devastate |
Attaque dévastatrice |
Sorcery |
88 |
Fault Riders |
Chevaucheur des failles |
Creature - Human Soldier |
89 |
Fickle Efreet |
Efrit inconstant |
Creature - Efreet |
90 |
Flameshot |
Coup enflammé |
Sorcery |
91 |
Inflame |
Irritation |
Instant |
92 |
Keldon Arsonist |
Kelde incendiaire |
Creature - Human Soldier |
93 |
Keldon Berserker |
Berserker kelde |
Creature - Human Soldier Berserker |
94 |
Keldon Firebombers |
Grenadiers keldes |
Creature - Human Soldier |
95 |
Latulla, Keldon Overseer |
Latulla, brigadière kelde |
Legendary Creature - Human Spellshaper |
96 |
Latulla's Orders |
Ordres de Latulla |
Enchantment - Aura |
97 |
Lesser Gargadon |
Petit gargadon |
Creature - Beast |
98 |
Panic Attack |
Attaque paniquante |
Sorcery |
99 |
Rhystic Lightning |
Eclair rhystique |
Instant |
100 |
Ridgeline Rager |
Furie des crêtes |
Creature - Beast |
101 |
Scoria Cat |
Chat des scories |
Creature - Cat |
102 |
Search for Survivors |
Recherche des survivants |
Sorcery |
103 |
Searing Wind |
Vent corrosif |
Instant |
104 |
Spur Grappler |
Grappéron |
Creature - Beast |
105 |
Task Mage Assembly |
Conclave des spécimages |
Enchantment |
106 |
Veteran Brawlers |
Bagarreur vétérans |
Creature - Human Soldier |
107 |
Whip Sergeant |
Sergent au fouet |
Creature - Human Soldier |
108 |
Zerapa Minotaur |
Minotaure zérapian |
Creature - Minotaur |
109 |
Avatar of Might |
Avatar de la puissance |
Creature - Avatar |
110 |
Calming Verse |
Poème apaisant |
Sorcery |
111 |
Darba |
Darba |
Creature - Bird Beast |
112 |
Dual Nature |
Nature double |
Enchantment |
113 |
Elephant Resurgence |
Regain d'éléphants |
Sorcery |
114 |
Forgotten Harvest |
Récolte oubliée |
Enchantment |
115 |
Jolrael, Empress of Beasts |
Jolrael, impératrice des bêtes |
Legendary Creature - Human Spellshaper |
116 |
Jolrael's Favor |
Faveur selon Jolrael |
Enchantment - Aura |
117 |
Living Terrain |
Terrain vivant |
Enchantment - Aura |
118 |
Marsh Boa |
Boa des marécages |
Creature - Snake |
119 |
Mungha Wurm |
Guivre mungha |
Creature - Wurm |
120 |
Pygmy Razorback |
Sanglier pygmée |
Creature - Boar |
121 |
Rib Cage Spider |
Araignée thorax |
Creature - Spider |
122 |
Root Cage |
Cage de racines |
Enchantment |
123 |
Silt Crawler |
Reptile des vases |
Creature - Beast |
124 |
Snag |
Accroc |
Instant |
125 |
Spitting Spider |
Araignée cracheuse |
Creature - Spider |
126 |
Spore Frog |
Grenouille à spores |
Creature - Frog |
127 |
Squirrel Wrangler |
Pasteur d'écureuils |
Creature - Human Druid |
128 |
Thresher Beast |
Bête batteuse |
Creature - Beast |
129 |
Thrive |
Force intérieure |
Sorcery |
130 |
Verdant Field |
Champ verdoyant |
Enchantment - Aura |
131 |
Vintara Elephant |
Eléphant de Vintara |
Creature - Elephant |
132 |
Vintara Snapper |
Tortue claqueuse de Vintara |
Creature - Turtle |
133 |
Vitalizing Wind |
Vent revitalisant |
Instant |
134 |
Wild Might |
Puissance sauvage |
Instant |
135 |
Wing Storm |
Tempête d'ailes |
Sorcery |
136 |
Chimeric Idol |
Idole chimérique |
Artifact |
137 |
Copper-Leaf Angel |
Ange de cuivre-feuille |
Artifact Creature - Angel |
138 |
Hollow Warrior |
Guerrier creux |
Artifact Creature - Golem Warrior |
139 |
Keldon Battlewagon |
Blindé kelde |
Artifact Creature - Juggernaut |
140 |
Well of Discovery |
Puits de la découverte |
Artifact |
141 |
Well of Life |
Puits de vie |
Artifact |
142 |
Rhystic Cave |
Grotte rhystique |
Land |
143 |
Wintermoon Mesa |
Mesa de l'hiverlune |
Land |