1 |
Archangel |
Archange |
Creature - Angel |
2 |
Daraja Griffin |
Griffon daradjân |
Creature - Griffin |
3 |
Equipoise |
Équilibrage |
Enchantment |
4 |
Eye of Singularity |
L'œil de la singularité |
World Enchantment |
5 |
Freewind Falcon |
Faucon librevent |
Creature - Bird |
6 |
Gossamer Chains |
Chaînes de filandres |
Enchantment |
7 |
Honorable Passage |
Passage honorable |
Instant |
8 |
Hope Charm |
Charme d'espoir |
Instant |
9 |
Infantry Veteran |
Vétéran de l'infanterie |
Creature - Human Soldier |
10 |
Jamuraan Lion |
Lion de Djamúraa |
Creature - Cat |
11 |
Knight of Valor |
Chevalier vaillant |
Creature - Human Knight |
12 |
Longbow Archer |
Archer à l'arc long |
Creature - Human Soldier Archer |
13 |
Miraculous Recovery |
Récupération miraculeuse |
Instant |
14 |
Parapet |
Parapet |
Enchantment |
15 |
Peace Talks |
Paroles de paix |
Sorcery |
16 |
Relic Ward |
Rune de garde des reliques |
Enchantment - Aura |
17 |
Remedy |
Remède |
Instant |
18 |
Resistance Fighter |
Maquisard |
Creature - Human Soldier |
19 |
Retribution of the Meek |
Châtiment par les humbles |
Sorcery |
20 |
Righteous Aura |
Aura de droiture |
Enchantment |
21 |
Sun Clasp |
Fermoir solaire |
Enchantment - Aura |
22 |
Teferi's Honor Guard |
Garde d'honneur de Téfeiri |
Creature - Human Knight |
23 |
Tithe |
Dîme |
Instant |
24 |
Warrior's Honor |
Honneur du guerrier |
Instant |
25 |
Zhalfirin Crusader |
Guerrier sacré zhalfirín |
Creature - Human Knight |
26 |
Betrayal |
Trahison |
Enchantment - Aura |
27 |
Breezekeeper |
Gardebrise |
Creature - Djinn |
28 |
Chronatog |
Chronatog |
Creature - Atog |
29 |
Cloud Elemental |
Élémental de nuage |
Creature - Elemental |
30 |
Desertion |
Désertion |
Instant |
31 |
Dream Tides |
Marées du rêve |
Enchantment |
32 |
Flooded Shoreline |
Rivage inondé |
Enchantment |
33 |
Foreshadow |
Annonciation |
Instant |
34 |
Impulse |
Impulsion |
Instant |
35 |
Inspiration |
Inspiration |
Instant |
36 |
Knight of the Mists |
Chevalier des brumes |
Creature - Human Knight |
37 |
Man-o'-War |
Physalie |
Creature - Jellyfish |
38 |
Mystic Veil |
Voile mystique |
Enchantment - Aura |
39 |
Ovinomancer |
Ovinomancien |
Creature - Human Wizard |
40 |
Prosperity |
Prospérité |
Sorcery |
41 |
Rainbow Efreet |
Éfrit de l'arc-en-ciel |
Creature - Efreet |
42 |
Shimmering Efreet |
Éfrit chatoyant |
Creature - Efreet |
43 |
Shrieking Drake |
Drakôn criard |
Creature - Drake |
44 |
Teferi's Realm |
Le royaume de Téfeiri |
World Enchantment |
45 |
Three Wishes |
Trois souhaits |
Instant |
46 |
Time and Tide |
Temps et marée |
Instant |
47 |
Undo |
Annulation |
Sorcery |
48 |
Vanishing |
Disparition |
Enchantment - Aura |
49 |
Vision Charm |
Charme visionnaire |
Instant |
50 |
Waterspout Djinn |
Djinn des trombes |
Creature - Djinn |
51 |
Aku Djinn |
Djinn d'Akou |
Creature - Djinn |
52 |
Blanket of Night |
Couvert de la nuit |
Enchantment |
53 |
Brood of Cockroaches |
Couvain de cafards |
Creature - Insect |
54 |
Coercion |
Coercition |
Sorcery |
55 |
Crypt Rats |
Rats des cryptes |
Creature - Rat |
56 |
Dark Privilege |
Sombre privilège |
Enchantment - Aura |
57 |
Death Watch |
Veillée funèbre |
Enchantment - Aura |
58 |
Desolation |
Délaissement |
Enchantment |
59 |
Fallen Askari |
Askari déchu |
Creature - Human Knight |
60 |
Forbidden Ritual |
Rituel interdit |
Sorcery |
61 |
Funeral Charm |
Charme funéraire |
Instant |
62 |
Infernal Harvest |
Récolte infernale |
Sorcery |
63 |
Kaervek's Spite |
Rancune selon Kaervek |
Instant |
64 |
Necromancy |
Nécromancie |
Enchantment |
65 |
Necrosavant |
Nécrosavant |
Creature - Zombie Giant |
66 |
Nekrataal |
Nékrataal |
Creature - Human Assassin |
67 |
Pillar Tombs of Aku |
Les tombeaux-piliers d'Akou |
World Enchantment |
68 |
Python |
Python |
Creature - Snake |
69 |
Suq'Ata Assassin |
Assassin souk'ata |
Creature - Human Assassin |
70 |
Tar Pit Warrior |
Guerrier du goudron |
Creature - Cyclops Warrior |
71 |
Urborg Mindsucker |
Suceur d'âmes d'Urborg |
Creature - Horror |
72 |
Vampiric Tutor |
Précepteur vampirique |
Instant |
73 |
Vampirism |
Vampirisme |
Enchantment - Aura |
74 |
Wake of Vultures |
Vautours en veille |
Creature - Bird |
75 |
Wicked Reward |
Cruelle récompense |
Instant |
76 |
Bogardan Phoenix |
Phénix bogardéân |
Creature - Phoenix |
77 |
Dwarven Vigilantes |
Vigilants nains |
Creature - Dwarf |
78 |
Elkin Lair |
La tanière elkine |
World Enchantment |
79 |
Fireblast |
Salve de feu |
Instant |
80 |
Goblin Recruiter |
Recruteur gobelin |
Creature - Goblin |
81 |
Goblin Swine-Rider |
Porchelier gobelin |
Creature - Goblin |
82 |
Hearth Charm |
Charme de l'âtre |
Instant |
83 |
Heat Wave |
Vague de chaleur |
Enchantment |
84 |
Hulking Cyclops |
Cyclope lourdaud |
Creature - Cyclops |
85 |
Keeper of Kookus |
Gardien de Kuinous |
Creature - Goblin |
86 |
Kookus |
Kuinous |
Creature - Djinn |
87 |
Lightning Cloud |
Nuage d'éclairs |
Enchantment |
88 |
Mob Mentality |
Mentalité grégaire |
Enchantment - Aura |
89 |
Ogre Enforcer |
Argousin ogre |
Creature - Ogre |
90 |
Raging Gorilla |
Gorille enragé |
Creature - Ape |
91 |
Relentless Assault |
Assaut implacable |
Sorcery |
92 |
Rock Slide |
Glissement de roches |
Instant |
93 |
Solfatara |
Solfatare |
Instant |
94 |
Song of Blood |
Chanson du Sang |
Sorcery |
95 |
Spitting Drake |
Drakôn cracheur |
Creature - Drake |
96 |
Suq'Ata Lancer |
Lancier souk'ata |
Creature - Human Knight |
97 |
Talruum Champion |
Champion talruúm |
Creature - Minotaur |
98 |
Talruum Piper |
Joueur de fifre talruúm |
Creature - Minotaur |
99 |
Tremor |
Tremblement |
Sorcery |
100 |
Viashino Sandstalker |
Pisteur des sables viashino |
Creature - Viashino Warrior |
101 |
Bull Elephant |
Éléphant mâle |
Creature - Elephant |
102 |
City of Solitude |
Cité de solitude |
Enchantment |
103 |
Creeping Mold |
Moisissure rampante |
Sorcery |
104 |
Elephant Grass |
Herbes éléphantesques |
Enchantment |
105 |
Elven Cache |
Cache elfique |
Sorcery |
106 |
Emerald Charm |
Charme d'émeraude |
Instant |
107 |
Feral Instinct |
Instinct de sauvagerie |
Instant |
108 |
Giant Caterpillar |
Chenille géante |
Creature - Insect |
109 |
Katabatic Winds |
Vents katabatiques |
Enchantment |
110 |
King Cheetah |
Guépard royal |
Creature - Cat |
111 |
Kyscu Drake |
Drakôn du kyscú |
Creature - Drake |
112 |
Lichenthrope |
Lichenthrope |
Creature - Plant Fungus |
113 |
Mortal Wound |
Plaie mortelle |
Enchantment - Aura |
114 |
Natural Order |
Ordre naturel |
Sorcery |
115 |
Panther Warriors |
Guerrières panthères |
Creature - Cat Warrior |
116 |
Quirion Druid |
Druide quirionais |
Creature - Elf Druid |
117 |
Quirion Ranger |
Ranger quirionais |
Creature - Elf |
118 |
River Boa |
Boa des rivières |
Creature - Snake |
119 |
Rowen |
Varenne |
Enchantment |
120 |
Spider Climb |
Escalade d'araignée |
Enchantment - Aura |
121 |
Stampeding Wildebeests |
Ruée de gnous |
Creature - Antelope Beast |
122 |
Summer Bloom |
Floraison estivale |
Sorcery |
123 |
Uktabi Orangutan |
Orang-outang de l'Ouktabi |
Creature - Ape |
124 |
Warthog |
Phacochère |
Creature - Boar |
125 |
Wind Shear |
Cisaillement du vent |
Instant |
126 |
Army Ants |
Fourmis guerrières |
Creature - Insect |
127 |
Breathstealer's Crypt |
Crypte du voleur de soupirs |
Enchantment |
128 |
Corrosion |
Corrosion |
Enchantment |
129 |
Femeref Enchantress |
Enchanteresse fémeiref |
Creature - Human Druid |
130 |
Firestorm Hellkite |
Escouflenfer soufflefeu |
Creature - Dragon |
131 |
Guiding Spirit |
Guide spirituel |
Creature - Angel Spirit |
132 |
Mundungu |
Mundungú |
Creature - Human Wizard |
133 |
Pygmy Hippo |
Hippopotame pygmée |
Creature - Hippo |
134 |
Righteous War |
Guerre des justes |
Enchantment |
135 |
Scalebane's Elite |
Élite des desquameurs |
Creature - Human Soldier |
136 |
Simoon |
Simoun |
Instant |
137 |
Squandered Resources |
Ressources gaspillées |
Enchantment |
138 |
Suleiman's Legacy |
Héritage de Salomon |
Enchantment |
139 |
Tempest Drake |
Drakôn des tempêtes |
Creature - Drake |
140 |
Viashivan Dragon |
Dragon viashivân |
Creature - Dragon |
141 |
Anvil of Bogardan |
Enclume du Bogardân |
Artifact |
142 |
Brass-Talon Chimera |
Chimère aux serres d'airain |
Artifact Creature - Chimera |
143 |
Diamond Kaleidoscope |
Kaléidoscope de diamant |
Artifact |
144 |
Dragon Mask |
Masque de dragon |
Artifact |
145 |
Helm of Awakening |
Heaume de l'éveil |
Artifact |
146 |
Iron-Heart Chimera |
Chimère au cœur de fer |
Artifact Creature - Chimera |
147 |
Juju Bubble |
Bulle juju |
Artifact |
148 |
Lead-Belly Chimera |
Chimère au ventre de plomb |
Artifact Creature - Chimera |
149 |
Magma Mine |
Mine à magma |
Artifact |
150 |
Matopi Golem |
Golem de matopi |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
151 |
Phyrexian Marauder |
Maraudeur phyrexian |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
152 |
Phyrexian Walker |
Marcheur phyrexian |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
153 |
Sands of Time |
Sables du temps |
Artifact |
154 |
Sisay's Ring |
Anneau de Sissay |
Artifact |
155 |
Snake Basket |
Panier de serpents |
Artifact |
156 |
Teferi's Puzzle Box |
Boîte à mystère de Téfeiri |
Artifact |
157 |
Tin-Wing Chimera |
Chimère aux ailes d'étain |
Artifact Creature - Chimera |
158 |
Triangle of War |
Triangle de guerre |
Artifact |
159 |
Wand of Denial |
Bâtonnet de déni |
Artifact |
160 |
Coral Atoll |
Atoll de corail |
Land |
161 |
Dormant Volcano |
Volcan assoupi |
Land |
162 |
Everglades |
Everglades |
Land |
163 |
Griffin Canyon |
Canyon des griffons |
Land |
164 |
Jungle Basin |
Jungle épaisse |
Land |
165 |
Karoo |
Karoo |
Land |
166 |
Quicksand |
Sables mouvants |
Land |
167 |
Undiscovered Paradise |
Paradis inconnu |
Land |