
Pourfendre l'impérissable - Le Seigneur des Anneaux : chroniques de la Terre du Milieu


Impression française

  • Pourfendre l'impérissable
  • Éphémère
  • Pourfendre l'impérissable inflige 3 blessures à une créature ciblée. Cette créature perd l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si cette créature devait mourir ce tour-ci, exilez-la à la place.
  • « Je ne suis pas un homme vivant ! »

Impression anglaise

  • Smite the Deathless
  • Instant
  • Smite the Deathless deals 3 damage to target creature. That creature loses indestructible until end of turn. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.
  • "No living man am I!"


  • Smite the Deathless
  • Instant
  • Smite the Deathless deals 3 damage to target creature. That creature loses indestructible until end of turn. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.


  • The damaged creature will be exiled if it would die for any reason that turn, not just if it dies due to damage from Smite the Deathless. [0000-00-00]
  • If Smite the Deathless doesn't deal damage to the target creature (perhaps because that damage was prevented), the additional effects will still apply. It will still lose indestructible, and it will be exiled instead of dying that turn. [0000-00-00]
  • You can target a creature that doesn't have indestructible with Smite the Deathless. It will still be exiled if it would die this turn. [0000-00-00]


  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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