Au début de votre entretien, si vous contrôlez un permanent vert ou blanc, le joueur ciblé perd 1 point de vie. Si vous contrôlez un permanent vert et un permanent blanc, ce joueur perd 3 points de vie à la place.
At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control a green or white permanent, target player loses 1 life. If you control a green permanent and a white permanent, that player loses 3 life instead.
Necra Sanctuary
At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control a green or white permanent, target player loses 1 life. If you control a green permanent and a white permanent, that player loses 3 life instead.
It can make a player lose 0, 1, or 3 life, but never 4. [2004-10-04]
One permanent that is both white and green will cause the player to be affected by the lose 3 life portion. [2004-10-04]
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