
Ligne ley de mutation - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Ligne ley de mutation - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur (Rare) Ligne ley de mutation - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur (Rare)


Impression française

  • Ligne ley de mutation
  • Enchantement
  • Si la Ligne ley de mutation est dans votre main de départ, vous pouvez l'avoir sur le champ de bataille au début de la partie.
    Vous pouvez payer wubrg à la place du coût de mana des sorts que vous lancez.
  • La vie prospère dans Hantebois, mais elle obéit à ses propres lois, à l'écart de l'ordre naturel.

Impression anglaise

  • Leyline of Mutation
  • Enchantment
  • If Leyline of Mutation is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.
    You may pay wubrg rather than pay the mana cost for spells that you cast.
  • Life thrives in the Hauntwoods, but it follows its own laws, unbound from the natural order.


  • Leyline of Mutation
  • Enchantment
  • If Leyline of Mutation is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.
    You may pay {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} rather than pay the mana cost for spells that you cast.


  • A player's "opening hand" is the hand of cards the player has after all players have taken mulligans. If players have any cards in hand that allow actions to be taken with them from a player's opening hand, the starting player takes all such actions first in any order, followed by each other player in turn order. Then the first turn begins. [0000-00-00]
  • If you cast a spell for another cost "rather than pay" its mana cost, you can't choose to cast it for any other alternative cost. You can, however, pay additional costs. If the spell has any mandatory additional costs, such as that of Abhorrent Oculus, those must be paid to cast the spell. [0000-00-00]
  • If a spell has [0000-00-00]
  • 9/20/2024 [0000-00-00]


  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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