
Athréos, voilé d'un linceul - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur Commander

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Athréos, voilé d'un linceul - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur Commander (Rare mythique) Athréos, voilé d'un linceul - Theros Par-delà la Mort (Rare mythique)


Impression française

  • Athréos, voilé d'un linceul
  • Créature-enchantement légendaire : dieu
  • Indestructible
    Tant que votre dévotion au blanc et au noir est inférieure à sept, Athréos n'est pas une créature.
    Au début de votre étape de fin, mettez un marqueur « pièce » sur une autre créature ciblée.
    À chaque fois qu'une créature avec un marqueur « pièce » sur elle meurt ou est mise en exil, renvoyez cette carte sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle.
  • 4/7

Impression anglaise

  • Athreos, Shroud-Veiled
  • Legendary Enchantment Creature — God
  • Indestructible
    As long as your devotion to white and black is less than seven, Athreos isn't a creature.
    At the beginning of your end step, put a coin counter on another target creature.
    Whenever a creature with a coin counter on it dies or is put into exile, return that card to the battlefield under your control.
  • 4/7


  • Athreos, Shroud-Veiled
  • Legendary Enchantment Creature — God
  • Indestructible
    As long as your devotion to white and black is less than seven, Athreos isn't a creature.
    At the beginning of your end step, put a coin counter on another target creature.
    Whenever a creature with a coin counter on it dies or is put into exile, return that card to the battlefield under your control.
  • 4/7


  • If a token with a coin counter on it dies or is exiled, Athreos’s last ability triggers, but won’t return it to the battlefield. [0000-00-00]
  • The creature returns to the battlefield without a coin counter on it. [0000-00-00]
  • If an effect exiles a creature with a coin counter on it and immediately returns it to the battlefield, Athreos’s last ability triggers but will have no effect. If an effect exiles a creature with a coin counter on it and would return it to the battlefield at a later time, Athreos’s last ability will return that card to the battlefield and it won’t be returned later. [0000-00-00]
  • If a creature with a coin counter on it is put into a graveyard or exile but leaves that zone before Athreos’s last ability resolves, that card stays in its new zone, even if that zone is also a graveyard or exile. You don’t return it to the battlefield. [0000-00-00]
  • If Athreos and a creature with a coin counter on it are both put into graveyards and/or exiled at the same time, the other creature will be returned to the battlefield. [0000-00-00]
  • If Athreos somehow gets a coin counter on itself, its last ability will return it when it dies or is exiled. [0000-00-00]
  • If Athreos leaves the battlefield, creatures with coin counters on them keep them. The counters won’t have any meaning or effect unless another Athreos is on the battlefield later. [0000-00-00]
  • If a creature with a coin counter on it stops being a creature, it keeps its coin counter, but Athreos’s last ability won’t trigger when that permanent dies or is exiled unless it’s a creature again by that time. [0000-00-00]
  • If a creature you don’t own has a coin counter on it, that permanent will return to the battlefield under your control when it dies or is exiled while you control Athreos. In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well. If you leave the game, any creatures you control from Athreos’s ability are exiled. [0000-00-00]
  • In a two-player game, if both players control an Athreos when a creature with a coin counter on it dies, the nonactive player (the one whose turn it isn’t) will return the creature under their control. If that happens in a multiplayer game, the nonactive player closest to the right of the player whose turn it is will return the creature under their control. [0000-00-00]
  • Colorless and generic mana symbols ( [0000-00-00]
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  • 1/24/2020 [0000-00-00]
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  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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