
Férocidonte déchaîné - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur Commander

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Férocidonte déchaîné - Mornebrune : la Maison de l’horreur Commander (Rare) Férocidonte déchaîné - Ixalan (Rare)


Impression française

  • Férocidonte déchaîné
  • Créature : dinosaure
  • Menace
    Les joueurs ne peuvent pas gagner de points de vie.
    À chaque fois qu'une autre créature arrive, le Férocidonte déchaîné inflige 1 blessure au contrôleur de cette créature.
  • Tous les raptors sont agressifs, mais les férocidontes semblent savourer les souffrances de leur proie.
  • 3/3

Impression anglaise

  • Rampaging Ferocidon
  • Creature — Dinosaur
  • Menace
    Players can't gain life.
    Whenever another creature enters, Rampaging Ferocidon deals 1 damage to that creature's controller.
  • All raptors are aggressive, but ferocidons seem to enjoy their prey's pain.
  • 3/3


  • Rampaging Ferocidon
  • Creature - Dinosaur
  • Menace
    Players can't gain life.
    Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, Rampaging Ferocidon deals 1 damage to that creature's controller.
  • 3/3


  • Spells and abilities that cause players to gain life still resolve while Rampaging Ferocidon is on the battlefield. No player will gain life, but any other effects of that spell or ability will happen. [2017-09-29]
  • If an effect says to set a player’s life total to a number that’s higher than the player’s current life total while Rampaging Ferocidon is on the battlefield, the player’s life total doesn’t change. [2017-09-29]
  • Rampaging Ferocidon’s last ability triggers whenever any player has a creature enter the battlefield, including you. [2017-09-29]
  • If another creature enters the battlefield at the same time as Rampaging Ferocidon, its last ability triggers. [2017-09-29]


  • NM/MT : ~1,00 € Cote stable
  • Premium : ~2,00 € Cote stable


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