1 |
Aegis Angel |
Ange de l'égide |
Creature - Angel |
2 |
Alabaster Mage |
Mage de l'albâtre |
Creature - Human Wizard |
3 |
Angelic Destiny |
Destinée angélique |
Enchantment - Aura |
4 |
Angel's Mercy |
Miséricorde des anges |
Instant |
5 |
Arbalest Elite |
Arbalestrier d'élite |
Creature - Human Archer |
6 |
Archon of Justice |
Archonte de la justice |
Creature - Archon |
7 |
Armored Warhorse |
Destrier cuirassé |
Creature - Horse |
8 |
Assault Griffin |
Griffon d'assaut |
Creature - Griffin |
9 |
Auramancer |
Auramancienne |
Creature - Human Wizard |
10 |
Benalish Veteran |
Vétéran bénalian |
Creature - Human Soldier |
11 |
Celestial Purge |
Épuration céleste |
Instant |
12 |
Day of Judgment |
Jour de condamnation |
Sorcery |
13 |
Demystify |
Démystification |
Instant |
14 |
Divine Favor |
Faveur divine |
Enchantment - Aura |
15 |
Elite Vanguard |
Avant-garde d'élite |
Creature - Human Soldier |
16 |
Gideon Jura |
Gideon Jura |
Planeswalker - Gideon |
17 |
Gideon's Avenger |
Vengeur de Gideon |
Creature - Human Soldier |
18 |
Gideon's Lawkeeper |
Gardeloi de Gideon |
Creature - Human Soldier |
19 |
Grand Abolisher |
Grand abolisseur |
Creature - Human Cleric |
20 |
Griffin Rider |
Monteuse de griffon |
Creature - Human Knight |
21 |
Griffin Sentinel |
Sentinelle griffon |
Creature - Griffin |
22 |
Guardians' Pledge |
Promesse des gardiens |
Instant |
23 |
Honor of the Pure |
Honneur des purs |
Enchantment |
24 |
Lifelink |
Lien de vie |
Enchantment - Aura |
25 |
Mesa Enchantress |
Enchanteresse de la Mesa |
Creature - Human Druid |
26 |
Mighty Leap |
Sacré saut |
Instant |
27 |
Oblivion Ring |
Cercle de l'oubli |
Enchantment |
28 |
Pacifism |
Pacifisme |
Enchantment - Aura |
29 |
Peregrine Griffin |
Griffon pèlerin |
Creature - Griffin |
30 |
Personal Sanctuary |
Sanctuaire privé |
Enchantment |
31 |
Pride Guardian |
Gardien de la bande |
Creature - Cat Monk |
32 |
Roc Egg |
Œuf de rokh |
Creature - Bird |
33 |
Serra Angel |
Ange de Serra |
Creature - Angel |
34 |
Siege Mastodon |
Mastodonte de siège |
Creature - Elephant |
35 |
Spirit Mantle |
Manteau d'esprits |
Enchantment - Aura |
36 |
Stave Off |
Conjuration |
Instant |
37 |
Stonehorn Dignitary |
Dignitaire cornepierre |
Creature - Rhino Soldier |
38 |
Stormfront Pegasus |
Pégase du front de l'orage |
Creature - Pegasus |
39 |
Sun Titan |
Titan solaire |
Creature - Giant |
40 |
Timely Reinforcements |
Renforts qui tombent à pic |
Sorcery |
41 |
Aether Adept |
Experte de l'Aether |
Creature - Human Wizard |
42 |
Alluring Siren |
Sirène attirante |
Creature - Siren |
43 |
Amphin Cutthroat |
Surineur amphin |
Creature - Salamander Rogue |
44 |
Aven Fleetwing |
Avemain ailevif |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
45 |
Azure Mage |
Mage de l'azur |
Creature - Human Wizard |
46 |
Belltower Sphinx |
Sphinx de beffroi |
Creature - Sphinx |
47 |
Cancel |
Révocation |
Instant |
48 |
Chasm Drake |
Drakôn des gorges |
Creature - Drake |
49 |
Coral Merfolk |
Ondin des coraux |
Creature - Merfolk |
50 |
Divination |
Divination |
Sorcery |
51 |
Djinn of Wishes |
Djinn aux souhaits |
Creature - Djinn |
52 |
Flashfreeze |
Gel immédiat |
Instant |
53 |
Flight |
Vol |
Enchantment - Aura |
54 |
Frost Breath |
Souffle de givre |
Instant |
55 |
Frost Titan |
Titan de givre |
Creature - Giant |
56 |
Harbor Serpent |
Serpent portuaire |
Creature - Serpent |
57 |
Ice Cage |
Cage de glace |
Enchantment - Aura |
58 |
Jace, Memory Adept |
Jace, expert en mémoire |
Planeswalker - Jace |
59 |
Jace's Archivist |
Archiviste de Jace |
Creature - Vedalken Wizard |
60 |
Jace's Erasure |
Effacement selon Jace |
Enchantment |
61 |
Levitation |
Lévitation |
Enchantment |
62 |
Lord of the Unreal |
Seigneur de l'irréel |
Creature - Human Wizard |
63 |
Mana Leak |
Fuite de mana |
Instant |
64 |
Master Thief |
Maître voleur |
Creature - Human Rogue |
65 |
Merfolk Looter |
Détrousseur ondin |
Creature - Merfolk Rogue |
66 |
Merfolk Mesmerist |
Mesmériste ondine |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
67 |
Mind Control |
Contrôle mental |
Enchantment - Aura |
68 |
Mind Unbound |
Esprit libéré |
Enchantment |
69 |
Negate |
Négation |
Instant |
70 |
Phantasmal Bear |
Ours phantasmatique |
Creature - Bear Illusion |
71 |
Phantasmal Dragon |
Dragon phantasmatique |
Creature - Dragon Illusion |
72 |
Phantasmal Image |
Image phantasmatique |
Creature - Illusion |
73 |
Ponder |
Contemplation |
Sorcery |
74 |
Redirect |
Redirection |
Instant |
75 |
Skywinder Drake |
Drakôn porteciel |
Creature - Drake |
76 |
Sphinx of Uthuun |
Sphinx d'Uthuün |
Creature - Sphinx |
77 |
Time Reversal |
Inversion temporelle |
Sorcery |
78 |
Turn to Frog |
Transformation en grenouille |
Instant |
79 |
Unsummon |
Désinvocation |
Instant |
80 |
Visions of Beyond |
Visions de l'au-delà |
Instant |
81 |
Blood Seeker |
Chercheur de sang |
Creature - Vampire Shaman |
82 |
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth |
Seigneur de sang de Vaäsgoth |
Creature - Vampire Warrior |
83 |
Bloodrage Vampire |
Vampire à la rage de sang |
Creature - Vampire |
84 |
Brink of Disaster |
Au bord du désastre |
Enchantment - Aura |
85 |
Call to the Grave |
Appel à la tombe |
Enchantment |
86 |
Cemetery Reaper |
Faucheur des cimetières |
Creature - Zombie |
87 |
Child of Night |
Enfant de la nuit |
Creature - Vampire |
88 |
Consume Spirit |
Absorption de l'esprit |
Sorcery |
89 |
Dark Favor |
Obscure faveur |
Enchantment - Aura |
90 |
Deathmark |
Mortemarque |
Sorcery |
91 |
Devouring Swarm |
Essaim dévorant |
Creature - Insect |
92 |
Diabolic Tutor |
Précepteur démoniaque |
Sorcery |
93 |
Disentomb |
Défouissage |
Sorcery |
94 |
Distress |
Détresse |
Sorcery |
95 |
Doom Blade |
Lame du destin |
Instant |
96 |
Drifting Shade |
Ombre à la dérive |
Creature - Shade |
97 |
Duskhunter Bat |
Chauve-souris du crépuscule |
Creature - Bat |
98 |
Grave Titan |
Titan des tombes |
Creature - Giant |
99 |
Gravedigger |
Fossoyeur |
Creature - Zombie |
100 |
Hideous Visage |
Visage hideux |
Sorcery |
101 |
Mind Rot |
Pourrissement cérébral |
Sorcery |
102 |
Monomania |
Monomanie |
Sorcery |
103 |
Onyx Mage |
Mage de l'onyx |
Creature - Human Wizard |
104 |
Reassembling Skeleton |
Squelette réassemblable |
Creature - Skeleton Warrior |
105 |
Royal Assassin |
Assassin royal |
Creature - Human Assassin |
106 |
Rune-Scarred Demon |
Démon scarifié de runes |
Creature - Demon |
107 |
Sengir Vampire |
Vampire sengien |
Creature - Vampire |
108 |
Smallpox |
Variole |
Sorcery |
109 |
Sorin Markov |
Sorin Markov |
Planeswalker - Sorin |
110 |
Sorin's Thirst |
Soif de Sorin |
Instant |
111 |
Sorin's Vengeance |
Vengeance selon Sorin |
Sorcery |
112 |
Sutured Ghoul |
Goule suturée |
Creature - Zombie |
113 |
Taste of Blood |
Goût du sang |
Sorcery |
114 |
Tormented Soul |
Âme tourmentée |
Creature - Spirit |
115 |
Vampire Outcasts |
Proscrits vampires |
Creature - Vampire |
116 |
Vengeful Pharaoh |
Pharaon vengeur |
Creature - Zombie |
117 |
Warpath Ghoul |
Goule sur le sentier de la guerre |
Creature - Zombie |
118 |
Wring Flesh |
Essorage de chair |
Instant |
119 |
Zombie Goliath |
Goliath zombie |
Creature - Zombie Giant |
120 |
Zombie Infestation |
Infestation de zombies |
Enchantment |
121 |
Act of Treason |
Acte de trahison |
Sorcery |
122 |
Blood Ogre |
Ogre de sang |
Creature - Ogre Warrior |
123 |
Bonebreaker Giant |
Géant kassos |
Creature - Giant |
124 |
Chandra, the Firebrand |
Chandra, le brandon |
Planeswalker - Chandra |
125 |
Chandra's Outrage |
Dernier outrage de Chandra |
Instant |
126 |
Chandra's Phoenix |
Phénix de Chandra |
Creature - Phoenix |
127 |
Circle of Flame |
Cercle de flammes |
Enchantment |
128 |
Combust |
Combustion |
Instant |
129 |
Crimson Mage |
Mage du pourpre |
Creature - Human Shaman |
130 |
Fiery Hellhound |
Cerbère ardent |
Creature - Elemental Hound |
131 |
Fireball |
Boule de feu |
Sorcery |
132 |
Firebreathing |
Souffle ardent |
Enchantment - Aura |
133 |
Flameblast Dragon |
Dragon à la salve de flammes |
Creature - Dragon |
134 |
Fling |
Jet |
Instant |
135 |
Furyborn Hellkite |
Escouflenfer né de la furie |
Creature - Dragon |
136 |
Goblin Arsonist |
Incendiaire gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
137 |
Goblin Bangchuckers |
Lance-boum gobelins |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
138 |
Goblin Chieftain |
Chef de clan gobelin |
Creature - Goblin |
139 |
Goblin Fireslinger |
Frondeur au feu gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
140 |
Goblin Grenade |
Grenade gobeline |
Sorcery |
141 |
Goblin Piker |
Piquier gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Warrior |
142 |
Goblin Tunneler |
Tunnelier gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Rogue |
143 |
Goblin War Paint |
Peinture de guerre gobeline |
Enchantment - Aura |
144 |
Gorehorn Minotaurs |
Minotaures corneboyaux |
Creature - Minotaur Warrior |
145 |
Grim Lavamancer |
Sinistre lavamancien |
Creature - Human Wizard |
146 |
Incinerate |
Incinération |
Instant |
147 |
Inferno Titan |
Titan de la fournaise |
Creature - Giant |
148 |
Lava Axe |
Hache de lave |
Sorcery |
149 |
Lightning Elemental |
Élémental d'éclair |
Creature - Elemental |
150 |
Manabarbs |
Barbelures de mana |
Enchantment |
151 |
Manic Vandal |
Vandale maniaque |
Creature - Human Warrior |
152 |
Reverberate |
Réverbérer |
Instant |
153 |
Scrambleverse |
Mêlunivers |
Sorcery |
154 |
Shock |
Choc |
Instant |
155 |
Slaughter Cry |
Cri de massacre |
Instant |
156 |
Stormblood Berserker |
Berserker sangorage |
Creature - Human Berserker |
157 |
Tectonic Rift |
Faille tectonique |
Sorcery |
158 |
Volcanic Dragon |
Dragon des volcans |
Creature - Dragon |
159 |
Wall of Torches |
Mur de torches |
Creature - Wall |
160 |
Warstorm Surge |
Déferlement de l'orage de guerre |
Enchantment |
161 |
Acidic Slime |
Boue acide |
Creature - Ooze |
162 |
Arachnus Spinner |
Fileuse arachnus |
Creature - Spider |
163 |
Arachnus Web |
Toile d'arachnus |
Enchantment - Aura |
164 |
Autumn's Veil |
Voile de l'automne |
Instant |
165 |
Birds of Paradise |
Oiseaux de paradis |
Creature - Bird |
166 |
Bountiful Harvest |
Récolte généreuse |
Sorcery |
167 |
Brindle Boar |
Sanglier moucheté |
Creature - Boar |
168 |
Carnage Wurm |
Guivre du carnage |
Creature - Wurm |
169 |
Cudgel Troll |
Troll à la trique |
Creature - Troll |
170 |
Doubling Chant |
Chant de dédoublement |
Sorcery |
171 |
Dungrove Elder |
Doyen de Brunbosquet |
Creature - Treefolk |
172 |
Elvish Archdruid |
Archidruide elfe |
Creature - Elf Druid |
173 |
Fog |
Brouillard |
Instant |
174 |
Garruk, Primal Hunter |
Garruk, chasseur primordial |
Planeswalker - Garruk |
175 |
Garruk's Companion |
Compagnon de Garruk |
Creature - Beast |
176 |
Garruk's Horde |
Horde de Garruk |
Creature - Beast |
177 |
Giant Spider |
Araignée géante |
Creature - Spider |
178 |
Gladecover Scout |
Éclaireuse des clairières |
Creature - Elf Scout |
179 |
Greater Basilisk |
Grand basilic |
Creature - Basilisk |
180 |
Hunter's Insight |
Perspicacité du chasseur |
Instant |
181 |
Jade Mage |
Mage du jade |
Creature - Human Shaman |
182 |
Llanowar Elves |
Elfes de Llanowar |
Creature - Elf Druid |
183 |
Lure |
Leurre |
Enchantment - Aura |
184 |
Lurking Crocodile |
Crocodile en maraude |
Creature - Crocodile |
185 |
Naturalize |
Naturalisation |
Instant |
186 |
Overrun |
Envahissement |
Sorcery |
187 |
Plummet |
Tomber à pic |
Instant |
188 |
Primeval Titan |
Titan primitif |
Creature - Giant |
189 |
Primordial Hydra |
Hydre primordiale |
Creature - Hydra |
190 |
Rampant Growth |
Croissance luxuriante |
Sorcery |
191 |
Reclaim |
Récupération |
Instant |
192 |
Rites of Flourishing |
Sacres de l'abondance |
Enchantment |
193 |
Runeclaw Bear |
Ours runegriffe |
Creature - Bear |
194 |
Sacred Wolf |
Loup sacré |
Creature - Wolf |
195 |
Skinshifter |
Changepeau |
Creature - Human Shaman |
196 |
Stampeding Rhino |
Ruée de rhinocéros |
Creature - Rhino |
197 |
Stingerfling Spider |
Araignée lance-dard |
Creature - Spider |
198 |
Titanic Growth |
Croissance titanesque |
Instant |
199 |
Trollhide |
Peau de troll |
Enchantment - Aura |
200 |
Vastwood Gorger |
Avaleur de Vastebois |
Creature - Wurm |
201 |
Adaptive Automaton |
Automate évolutif |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
202 |
Angel's Feather |
Plume d'ange |
Artifact |
203 |
Crown of Empires |
Couronne d'empires |
Artifact |
204 |
Crumbling Colossus |
Colosse croulant |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
205 |
Demon's Horn |
Corne de démon |
Artifact |
206 |
Dragon's Claw |
Griffe du dragon |
Artifact |
207 |
Druidic Satchel |
Sacoche druidique |
Artifact |
208 |
Elixir of Immortality |
Élixir d'immortalité |
Artifact |
209 |
Greatsword |
Espadon |
Artifact - Equipment |
210 |
Kite Shield |
Bouclier normand |
Artifact - Equipment |
211 |
Kraken's Eye |
Œil du kraken |
Artifact |
212 |
Manalith |
Manalithe |
Artifact |
213 |
Pentavus |
Pentavus |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
214 |
Quicksilver Amulet |
Amulette de vif-argent |
Artifact |
215 |
Rusted Sentinel |
Sentinelle rouillée |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
216 |
Scepter of Empires |
Sceptre d'empires |
Artifact |
217 |
Solemn Simulacrum |
Simulacre solennel |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
218 |
Sundial of the Infinite |
Cadran solaire de l'Infini |
Artifact |
219 |
Swiftfoot Boots |
Bottes de piedagile |
Artifact - Equipment |
220 |
Thran Golem |
Golem thran |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
221 |
Throne of Empires |
Trône d'empires |
Artifact |
222 |
Worldslayer |
Pourfendeur de monde |
Artifact - Equipment |
223 |
Wurm's Tooth |
Dent de la guivre |
Artifact |
224 |
Buried Ruin |
Ruine ensevelie |
Land |
225 |
Dragonskull Summit |
Sommet du Crânedragon |
Land |
226 |
Drowned Catacomb |
Catacombes noyées |
Land |
227 |
Glacial Fortress |
Forteresse glaciaire |
Land |
228 |
Rootbound Crag |
Mont enraciné |
Land |
229 |
Sunpetal Grove |
Bosquet de Solpétal |
Land |
230 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
231 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
232 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
233 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
234 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
235 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
236 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
237 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
238 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
239 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
240 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
241 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
242 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
243 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
244 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
245 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
246 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
247 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
248 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
249 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |