1 |
Act of Heroism |
Acte héroïque |
Instant |
2 |
Akroma, Angel of Wrath |
Akroma, ange de la Colère |
Legendary Creature - Angel |
3 |
Akroma's Vengeance |
Vengeance selon Akroma |
Sorcery |
4 |
Angelic Page |
Page angélique |
Creature - Angel Spirit |
5 |
Armageddon |
Armaguedon |
Sorcery |
6 |
Auramancer |
Auramancienne |
Creature - Human Wizard |
7 |
Cloudshift |
Changenuage |
Instant |
8 |
Congregate |
Assemblée des fidèles |
Instant |
9 |
Darien, King of Kjeldor |
Darien, roi du Kjeldor |
Legendary Creature - Human Soldier |
10 |
Dauntless Cathar |
Cathare intrépide |
Creature - Human Soldier |
11 |
Decree of Justice |
Décret de justice |
Sorcery |
12 |
Disenchant |
Désenchantement |
Instant |
13 |
Fencing Ace |
As de l'escrime |
Creature - Human Soldier |
14 |
Fiend Hunter |
Chasseur de fielleux |
Creature - Human Cleric |
15 |
Geist of the Moors |
Geist des landes |
Creature - Spirit |
16 |
Gods Willing |
À la grâce des dieux |
Instant |
17 |
Griffin Protector |
Protecteur griffon |
Creature - Griffin |
18 |
Karona's Zealot |
Zélateur de Karona |
Creature - Human Cleric |
19 |
Knight of the Skyward Eye |
Chevalier de l'Œil tourné vers le Ciel |
Creature - Human Knight |
20 |
Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" |
Kongming, « Dragon endormi » |
Legendary Creature - Human Advisor |
21 |
Kor Firewalker |
Marcheur de feu kor |
Creature - Kor Soldier |
22 |
Loyal Sentry |
Sentinelle loyale |
Creature - Human Soldier |
23 |
Luminarch Ascension |
Ascension du luminarque |
Enchantment |
24 |
Lunarch Mantle |
Manteau du lunarque |
Enchantment - Aura |
25 |
Noble Templar |
Noble templier |
Creature - Human Cleric Soldier |
26 |
Nyx-Fleece Ram |
Bélier à toison de Nyx |
Enchantment Creature - Sheep |
27 |
Ordeal of Heliod |
Épreuve d'Héliode |
Enchantment - Aura |
28 |
Pacifism |
Pacifisme |
Enchantment - Aura |
29 |
Path of Peace |
Chemin de paix |
Sorcery |
30 |
Promise of Bunrei |
Promesse du bunrei |
Enchantment |
31 |
Renewed Faith |
Foi renouvelée |
Instant |
32 |
Rest in Peace |
Repose en paix |
Enchantment |
33 |
Savannah Lions |
Lions des savanes |
Creature - Cat |
34 |
Squadron Hawk |
Faucon d'escadron |
Creature - Bird |
35 |
Swords to Plowshares |
Retour au pays |
Instant |
36 |
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben |
Thalia, vigile de Thraben |
Legendary Creature - Human Soldier |
37 |
Urbis Protector |
Protecteur de l'Urbis |
Creature - Human Cleric |
38 |
Valor in Akros |
Valeur d'Akros |
Enchantment |
39 |
Whitemane Lion |
Lion à crinière blanche |
Creature - Cat |
40 |
Accumulated Knowledge |
Connaissance accumulée |
Instant |
41 |
Arcane Denial |
Déni des arcanes |
Instant |
42 |
Bident of Thassa |
Bident de Thassa |
Legendary Enchantment Artifact |
43 |
Blue Elemental Blast |
Salve élémentaire bleue |
Instant |
44 |
Blue Sun's Zenith |
Zénith de Bleusoleil |
Instant |
45 |
Borrowing 100,000 Arrows |
Emprunt de 100 000 flèches |
Sorcery |
46 |
Brainstorm |
Remue-méninges |
Instant |
47 |
Brine Elemental |
Élémental des embruns |
Creature - Elemental |
48 |
Choking Tethers |
Chaînes étrangleuses |
Instant |
49 |
Coralhelm Guide |
Guide de Casque de corail |
Creature - Merfolk Scout Ally |
50 |
Counterspell |
Contresort |
Instant |
51 |
Court Hussar |
Hussard de la cour |
Creature - Vedalken Knight |
52 |
Curiosity |
Curiosité |
Enchantment - Aura |
53 |
Cursecatcher |
Attrapeur de malédictions |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
54 |
Dragon's Eye Savants |
Savants de l'Œil du dragon |
Creature - Human Wizard |
55 |
Exclude |
Exclusion |
Instant |
56 |
Fathom Seer |
Voyante des fonds marins |
Creature - Illusion |
57 |
Flash |
Flash |
Instant |
58 |
Freed from the Real |
Libéré du réel |
Enchantment - Aura |
59 |
Genju of the Falls |
Genju des cascades |
Enchantment - Aura |
60 |
Ghost Ship |
Navire fantôme |
Creature - Spirit |
61 |
Horseshoe Crab |
Limule |
Creature - Crab |
62 |
Jace, the Mind Sculptor |
Jace, le sculpteur de l'esprit |
Planeswalker - Jace |
63 |
Jalira, Master Polymorphist |
Jalira, maîtresse polymorphiste |
Legendary Creature - Human Wizard |
64 |
Man-o'-War |
Physalie |
Creature - Jellyfish |
65 |
Merfolk Looter |
Détrousseur ondin |
Creature - Merfolk Rogue |
66 |
Murder of Crows |
Volée de corneilles |
Creature - Bird |
67 |
Mystic of the Hidden Way |
Mystique de la Voie secrète |
Creature - Human Monk |
68 |
Pact of Negation |
Pacte de négation |
Instant |
69 |
Phantasmal Bear |
Ours phantasmatique |
Creature - Bear Illusion |
70 |
Reef Worm |
Ver de récif |
Creature - Worm |
71 |
Retraction Helix |
Hélice de rétractation |
Instant |
72 |
Shoreline Ranger |
Ranger des côtes |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
73 |
Sift |
Tamis |
Sorcery |
74 |
Totally Lost |
Complètement perdu |
Instant |
75 |
Twisted Image |
Image perverse |
Instant |
76 |
Vendilion Clique |
Clique Vendilion |
Legendary Creature - Faerie Wizard |
77 |
Vesuvan Shapeshifter |
Changeforme vésuvéen |
Creature - Shapeshifter |
78 |
Willbender |
Plieur de volonté |
Creature - Human Wizard |
79 |
Ancient Craving |
Passion pour l'antique |
Sorcery |
80 |
Bloodhunter Bat |
Chauve-souris chassesang |
Creature - Bat |
81 |
Caustic Tar |
Goudron caustique |
Enchantment - Aura |
82 |
Dark Ritual |
Messe noire |
Instant |
83 |
Deadly Designs |
Enchantment |
84 |
Death's-Head Buzzard |
Buse tête de mort |
Creature - Bird |
85 |
Diabolic Edict |
Édit diabolique |
Instant |
86 |
Dirge of Dread |
Hymne d'effroi |
Sorcery |
87 |
Disfigure |
Défiguration |
Instant |
88 |
Doomsday |
Jour du jugement dernier |
Sorcery |
89 |
Dusk Legion Zealot |
Zélateur de la Légion du crépuscule |
Creature - Vampire Soldier |
90 |
Erg Raiders |
Pillards de l'erg |
Creature - Human Warrior |
91 |
Fallen Angel |
Ange déchu |
Creature - Angel |
92 |
Hell's Caretaker |
Concierge de l'enfer |
Creature - Horror |
93 |
Horror of the Broken Lands |
Horreur des terres brisées |
Creature - Horror |
94 |
Ihsan's Shade |
L'Ombre d'Ihssân |
Legendary Creature - Shade Knight |
95 |
Laquatus's Champion |
Champion de Laquatus |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
96 |
Living Death |
Mort vivante |
Sorcery |
97 |
Mesmeric Fiend |
Fielleux mesmérien |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
98 |
Murder |
Homicide |
Instant |
99 |
Nezumi Cutthroat |
Surineur nezumi |
Creature - Rat Warrior |
100 |
Phyrexian Ghoul |
Goule phyrexiane |
Creature - Zombie |
101 |
Phyrexian Obliterator |
Oblitérateur phyrexian |
Creature - Horror |
102 |
Plague Wind |
Vent de peste |
Sorcery |
103 |
Ratcatcher |
Chasseur de rats |
Creature - Ogre Rogue |
104 |
Ravenous Chupacabra |
Chupacabra vorace |
Creature - Beast Horror |
105 |
Relentless Rats |
Rats implacables |
Creature - Rat |
106 |
Returned Phalanx |
Phalange reparue |
Creature - Zombie Soldier |
107 |
Ruthless Ripper |
Éventreuse impitoyable |
Creature - Human Assassin |
108 |
Street Wraith |
Apparition des rues |
Creature - Wraith |
109 |
Supernatural Stamina |
Vigueur surnaturelle |
Instant |
110 |
Triskaidekaphobia |
Triskaïdékaphobie |
Enchantment |
111 |
Twisted Abomination |
Abomination perverse |
Creature - Zombie Mutant |
112 |
Undead Gladiator |
Gladiateur mort-vivant |
Creature - Zombie Barbarian |
113 |
Unearth |
Sortir de terre |
Sorcery |
114 |
Vampire Lacerator |
Lacérateur vampire |
Creature - Vampire Warrior |
115 |
Will-o'-the-Wisp |
Feu follet |
Creature - Spirit |
116 |
Zombify |
Zombification |
Sorcery |
117 |
Zulaport Cutthroat |
Surineur de Zulaport |
Creature - Human Rogue Ally |
118 |
Act of Treason |
Acte de trahison |
Sorcery |
119 |
Akroma, Angel of Fury |
Akroma, ange de la Fureur |
Legendary Creature - Angel |
120 |
Balduvian Horde |
Horde balduviane |
Creature - Human Barbarian |
121 |
Ball Lightning |
Boule fulgurante |
Creature - Elemental |
122 |
Blood Moon |
Lune de sang |
Enchantment |
123 |
Browbeat |
Rudoiement |
Sorcery |
124 |
Chandra's Outrage |
Dernier outrage de Chandra |
Instant |
125 |
Chartooth Cougar |
Couguar cendredent |
Creature - Cat Beast |
126 |
Cinder Storm |
Sorcery |
127 |
Crimson Mage |
Mage du pourpre |
Creature - Human Shaman |
128 |
Eidolon of the Great Revel |
Eidôlon de la Grande célébration |
Enchantment Creature - Spirit |
129 |
Enthralling Victor |
Vainqueur charismatique |
Creature - Human Warrior |
130 |
Fortune Thief |
Voleuse de fortune |
Creature - Human Rogue |
131 |
Frenzied Goblin |
Gobelin hystérique |
Creature - Goblin Berserker |
132 |
Genju of the Spires |
Genju des cimes |
Enchantment - Aura |
133 |
Goblin War Drums |
Tambours de guerre gobelins |
Enchantment |
134 |
Hordeling Outburst |
Surgissement de hordelins |
Sorcery |
135 |
Humble Defector |
Humble défecteur |
Creature - Human Rogue |
136 |
Imperial Recruiter |
Recruteur impérial |
Creature - Human Advisor |
137 |
Ire Shaman |
Shamane d'ire |
Creature - Orc Shaman |
138 |
Izzet Chemister |
Chimiste d'Izzet |
Creature - Goblin Wizard |
139 |
Jackal Pup |
Bébé chacal |
Creature - Hound |
140 |
Kindle |
Embrasement |
Instant |
141 |
Lightning Bolt |
Foudre |
Instant |
142 |
Magus of the Wheel |
Mage de la Roue |
Creature - Human Wizard |
143 |
Mogg Flunkies |
Moggs bas-de-plafond |
Creature - Goblin |
144 |
Pillage |
Pillage |
Sorcery |
145 |
Pyre Hound |
Chien du bûcher |
Creature - Elemental Hound |
146 |
Pyroclasm |
Pyroclasme |
Sorcery |
147 |
Red Elemental Blast |
Salve élémentaire rouge |
Instant |
148 |
Simian Spirit Guide |
Guide spirituel simiesque |
Creature - Ape Spirit |
149 |
Skeletonize |
Squelettification |
Instant |
150 |
Skirk Commando |
Commando skirkien |
Creature - Goblin |
151 |
Soulbright Flamekin |
Sangpyre clairâme |
Creature - Elemental Shaman |
152 |
Spikeshot Goblin |
Gobelin pointecoup |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
153 |
Thresher Lizard |
Lézard batteur |
Creature - Lizard |
154 |
Trumpet Blast |
Sonnerie de trompe |
Instant |
155 |
Uncaged Fury |
Fureur déchaînée |
Instant |
156 |
Zada, Hedron Grinder |
Zada, broyeuse d'hèdron |
Legendary Creature - Goblin Ally |
157 |
Ainok Survivalist |
Survivaliste aïnok |
Creature - Hound Shaman |
158 |
Ambassador Oak |
Ambassadeur chêne |
Creature - Treefolk Warrior |
159 |
Ancient Stirrings |
Anciens frémissements |
Sorcery |
160 |
Arbor Elf |
Elfe de la charmille |
Creature - Elf Druid |
161 |
Azusa, Lost but Seeking |
Azusa, égarée mais en quête |
Legendary Creature - Human Monk |
162 |
Broodhatch Nantuko |
Nantuko de la couvée |
Creature - Insect Druid |
163 |
Colossal Dreadmaw |
Gueuleffroi colossal |
Creature - Dinosaur |
164 |
Courser of Kruphix |
Coursière de Kruphix |
Enchantment Creature - Centaur |
165 |
Cultivate |
Culture |
Sorcery |
166 |
Echoing Courage |
Courage résonnant |
Instant |
167 |
Elvish Aberration |
Aberration elfe |
Creature - Elf Mutant |
168 |
Elvish Piper |
Joueuse de flûte elfe |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
169 |
Ember Weaver |
Tisseuse de braises |
Creature - Spider |
170 |
Epic Confrontation |
Affrontement épique |
Sorcery |
171 |
Fierce Empath |
Empathe farouche |
Creature - Elf |
172 |
Giant Growth |
Croissance gigantesque |
Instant |
173 |
Invigorate |
Revigoration |
Instant |
174 |
Iwamori of the Open Fist |
Iwamori du poing ouvert |
Legendary Creature - Human Monk |
175 |
Kavu Climber |
Kavru grimpeur |
Creature - Kavu |
176 |
Kavu Predator |
Prédateur kavru |
Creature - Kavu |
177 |
Krosan Colossus |
Colosse krosian |
Creature - Beast |
178 |
Krosan Tusker |
Terrocorne krosian |
Creature - Boar Beast |
179 |
Living Wish |
Souhait vivant |
Sorcery |
180 |
Lull |
Accalmie |
Instant |
181 |
Master of the Wild Hunt |
Maître de la vénerie sauvage |
Creature - Human Shaman |
182 |
Nettle Sentinel |
Sentinelle des orties |
Creature - Elf Warrior |
183 |
Plummet |
Tomber à pic |
Instant |
184 |
Presence of Gond |
Présence de Gond |
Enchantment - Aura |
185 |
Protean Hulk |
Carcasse protéenne |
Creature - Beast |
186 |
Rancor |
Rancœur |
Enchantment - Aura |
187 |
Regrowth |
Réapparition |
Sorcery |
188 |
Stampede Driver |
Conducteur de la ruée |
Creature - Human Spellshaper |
189 |
Summoner's Pact |
Pacte de l'invocateur |
Instant |
190 |
Timberpack Wolf |
Loup de la meute des forêts |
Creature - Wolf |
191 |
Tree of Redemption |
Arbre de la rédemption |
Creature - Plant |
192 |
Utopia Sprawl |
Étendue de l'utopie |
Enchantment - Aura |
193 |
Vessel of Nascency |
Urne de naissance |
Enchantment |
194 |
Wildheart Invoker |
Invocatrice au cœur sauvage |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
195 |
Woolly Loxodon |
Loxodon laineux |
Creature - Elephant Warrior |
196 |
Animar, Soul of Elements |
Animar, Âme des éléments |
Legendary Creature - Elemental |
197 |
Baloth Null |
Baloth infécond |
Creature - Zombie Beast |
198 |
Blightning |
Éclair de flétrissement |
Sorcery |
199 |
Boros Charm |
Charme de Boros |
Instant |
200 |
Brion Stoutarm |
Brion Bonbras |
Legendary Creature - Giant Warrior |
201 |
Cloudblazer |
Défricheuse des nuages |
Creature - Human Scout |
202 |
Conflux |
Confluence |
Sorcery |
203 |
Eladamri's Call |
Appel d'Éladämri |
Instant |
204 |
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight |
Gisela, lame d'Ornuit |
Legendary Creature - Angel |
205 |
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden |
Grenzo, garde du donjon |
Legendary Creature - Goblin Rogue |
206 |
Hanna, Ship's Navigator |
Hanna la navigatrice |
Legendary Creature - Human Artificer |
207 |
Lorescale Coatl |
Coatl aux écailles de sapience |
Creature - Snake |
208 |
Mystic Snake |
Serpent mystique |
Creature - Snake |
209 |
Nicol Bolas |
Nicol Bolas |
Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon |
210 |
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind |
Niv-Mizzet, le Cérébropyre |
Legendary Creature - Dragon Wizard |
211 |
Notion Thief |
Voleur de notion |
Creature - Human Rogue |
212 |
Pernicious Deed |
Action pernicieuse |
Enchantment |
213 |
Pillory of the Sleepless |
Pilori des éveillés |
Enchantment - Aura |
214 |
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher |
Prossh, pillard céleste de Kher |
Legendary Creature - Dragon |
215 |
Quicksilver Dagger |
Dague de vif-argent |
Enchantment - Aura |
216 |
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed |
Ruric Thar, l'insoumis |
Legendary Creature - Ogre Warrior |
217 |
Shadowmage Infiltrator |
Infiltrateur ombremage |
Creature - Human Wizard |
218 |
Stangg |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
219 |
Vindicate |
Justification |
Sorcery |
220 |
Watchwolf |
Loup de garde |
Creature - Wolf |
221 |
Assembly-Worker |
Ouvrier spécialisé |
Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker |
222 |
Chalice of the Void |
Calice du vide |
Artifact |
223 |
Coalition Relic |
Relique de la Coalition |
Artifact |
224 |
Ensnaring Bridge |
Piègepont |
Artifact |
225 |
Heavy Arbalest |
Arbaleste lourde |
Artifact - Equipment |
226 |
Nihil Spellbomb |
Bombe à sortilèges d'annihilation |
Artifact |
227 |
Perilous Myr |
Myr périlleux |
Artifact Creature - Myr |
228 |
Primal Clay |
Argile primordiale |
Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter |
229 |
Prophetic Prism |
Prisme prophétique |
Artifact |
230 |
Sai of the Shinobi |
Sai du shinobi |
Artifact - Equipment |
231 |
Self-Assembler |
Auto-assembleur |
Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker |
232 |
Strionic Resonator |
Résonateur strionique |
Artifact |
233 |
Sundering Titan |
Titan morceleur |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
234 |
Swiftfoot Boots |
Bottes de piedagile |
Artifact - Equipment |
235 |
Treasure Keeper |
Gardien du trésor |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
236 |
Ash Barrens |
Landes cendreuses |
Land |
237 |
Cascade Bluffs |
Saillies de la cascade |
Land |
238 |
Fetid Heath |
Lande fétide |
Land |
239 |
Flooded Grove |
Bosquet inondé |
Land |
240 |
Haunted Fengraf |
Paludgraf hanté |
Land |
241 |
Mikokoro, Center of the Sea |
Mikokoro, Centre de la mer |
Legendary Land |
242 |
Mishra's Factory |
Usine de Mishra |
Land |
243 |
Myriad Landscape |
Paysage myriadaire |
Land |
244 |
Pendelhaven |
Pendelhavre |
Legendary Land |
245 |
Quicksand |
Sables mouvants |
Land |
246 |
Rishadan Port |
Port rishadan |
Land |
247 |
Rugged Prairie |
Prairie rocailleuse |
Land |
248 |
Twilight Mire |
Fondrière crépusculaire |
Land |
249 |
Zoetic Cavern |
Caverne zoécite |
Land |