1 |
All Is Dust |
Tout n'est que poussière |
Tribal Sorcery - Eldrazi |
2 |
Artisan of Kozilek |
Artisan de Kozilek |
Creature - Eldrazi |
3 |
Eldrazi Conscription |
Conscription eldrazi |
Tribal Enchantment - Eldrazi Aura |
4 |
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn |
Emrakul, Déchirure des Éons |
Legendary Creature - Eldrazi |
5 |
Hand of Emrakul |
Main d'Emrakul |
Creature - Eldrazi |
6 |
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth |
Kozilek, Boucher de la Vérité |
Legendary Creature - Eldrazi |
7 |
It That Betrays |
Lui-qui-trahit |
Creature - Eldrazi |
8 |
Not of This World |
Pas de ce monde |
Tribal Instant - Eldrazi |
9 |
Pathrazer of Ulamog |
Terrasseur d'Ulamog |
Creature - Eldrazi |
10 |
Skittering Invasion |
Invasion jaillissante |
Tribal Sorcery - Eldrazi |
11 |
Spawnsire of Ulamog |
Père-couveur d'Ulamog |
Creature - Eldrazi |
12 |
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre |
Ulamog, l'Épicycle Infini |
Legendary Creature - Eldrazi |
13 |
Ulamog's Crusher |
Écrabouilleur d'Ulamog |
Creature - Eldrazi |
14 |
Affa Guard Hound |
Chien de garde d'Affa |
Creature - Hound |
15 |
Caravan Escort |
Escorte de caravane |
Creature - Human Knight |
16 |
Dawnglare Invoker |
Invocatrice aubegloire |
Creature - Kor Wizard |
17 |
Deathless Angel |
Ange faucheur de mort |
Creature - Angel |
18 |
Demystify |
Démystification |
Instant |
19 |
Eland Umbra |
Ombre d'éland |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Emerge Unscathed |
Sans une égratignure |
Instant |
21 |
Gideon Jura |
Gideon Jura |
Planeswalker - Gideon |
22 |
Glory Seeker |
Chercheur de gloire |
Creature - Human Soldier |
23 |
Guard Duty |
Service de garde |
Enchantment - Aura |
24 |
Harmless Assault |
Assaut inoffensif |
Instant |
25 |
Hedron-Field Purists |
Puristes du champ d'hèdrons |
Creature - Human Cleric |
26 |
Hyena Umbra |
Ombre de hyène |
Enchantment - Aura |
27 |
Ikiral Outrider |
Cavalier d'Ikiral |
Creature - Human Soldier |
28 |
Kabira Vindicator |
Justificateur de Kabira |
Creature - Human Knight |
29 |
Knight of Cliffhaven |
Chevalière d'Havrefalaise |
Creature - Kor Knight |
30 |
Kor Line-Slinger |
Frondeuse de filin kor |
Creature - Kor Scout |
31 |
Kor Spiritdancer |
Danseuse d'esprit kor |
Creature - Kor Wizard |
32 |
Lightmine Field |
Champ de lumemines |
Enchantment |
33 |
Linvala, Keeper of Silence |
Linvala, Gardienne du Silence |
Legendary Creature - Angel |
34 |
Lone Missionary |
Missionnaire solitaire |
Creature - Kor Monk |
35 |
Luminous Wake |
Sillage lumineux |
Enchantment - Aura |
36 |
Makindi Griffin |
Griffon des Makindi |
Creature - Griffin |
37 |
Mammoth Umbra |
Ombre de mammouth |
Enchantment - Aura |
38 |
Near-Death Experience |
Expérience de mort imminente |
Enchantment |
39 |
Nomads' Assembly |
Rassemblement de nomades |
Sorcery |
40 |
Oust |
Évincement |
Sorcery |
41 |
Puncturing Light |
Lumière perforante |
Instant |
42 |
Repel the Darkness |
Repousser les ténèbres |
Instant |
43 |
Smite |
Frappe |
Instant |
44 |
Soul's Attendant |
Suivante de l'âme |
Creature - Human Cleric |
45 |
Soulbound Guardians |
Vigiles aux âmes liées |
Creature - Kor Spirit |
46 |
Stalwart Shield-Bearers |
Vaillants porteurs de bouclier |
Creature - Human Soldier |
47 |
Student of Warfare |
Étudiante de la guerre |
Creature - Human Knight |
48 |
Survival Cache |
Cache de survie |
Sorcery |
49 |
Time of Heroes |
Temps des héros |
Enchantment |
50 |
Totem-Guide Hartebeest |
Bubale guide totémique |
Creature - Antelope |
51 |
Transcendent Master |
Maître transcendant |
Creature - Human Cleric Avatar |
52 |
Umbra Mystic |
Mystique des ombres |
Creature - Human Wizard |
53 |
Wall of Omens |
Mur d'augures |
Creature - Wall |
54 |
Aura Finesse |
Finesse d'aura |
Instant |
55 |
Cast Through Time |
Lancement temporel |
Enchantment |
56 |
Champion's Drake |
Drakôn de champion |
Creature - Drake |
57 |
Coralhelm Commander |
Commandant au casque de corail |
Creature - Merfolk Soldier |
58 |
Crab Umbra |
Ombre de crabe |
Enchantment - Aura |
59 |
Deprive |
Privation |
Instant |
60 |
Distortion Strike |
Frappe de distorsion |
Sorcery |
61 |
Domestication |
Domestication |
Enchantment - Aura |
62 |
Dormant Gomazoa |
Gomazoaires assoupis |
Creature - Jellyfish |
63 |
Drake Umbra |
Ombre de drakôn |
Enchantment - Aura |
64 |
Echo Mage |
Mage d'écho |
Creature - Human Wizard |
65 |
Eel Umbra |
Ombre d'anguille |
Enchantment - Aura |
66 |
Enclave Cryptologist |
Cryptologue de l'Enclave |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
67 |
Fleeting Distraction |
Distraction fugace |
Instant |
68 |
Frostwind Invoker |
Invocateur gêlevent |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
69 |
Gravitational Shift |
Bouleversement gravitationnel |
Enchantment |
70 |
Guard Gomazoa |
Garde gomazoaire |
Creature - Jellyfish |
71 |
Hada Spy Patrol |
Patrouille d'espionnage de Hada |
Creature - Human Rogue |
72 |
Halimar Wavewatch |
Veilleurs des vagues de Halimar |
Creature - Merfolk Soldier |
73 |
Jwari Scuttler |
Coursier jwari |
Creature - Crab |
74 |
Lay Bare |
À nu |
Instant |
75 |
Lighthouse Chronologist |
Chronologue du phare |
Creature - Human Wizard |
76 |
Merfolk Observer |
Observatrice ondine |
Creature - Merfolk Rogue |
77 |
Merfolk Skyscout |
Éclaireur céleste ondin |
Creature - Merfolk Scout |
78 |
Mnemonic Wall |
Mur mnémonique |
Creature - Wall |
79 |
Narcolepsy |
Narcolepsie |
Enchantment - Aura |
80 |
Phantasmal Abomination |
Abomination phantasmatique |
Creature - Illusion |
81 |
Reality Spasm |
Spasme de réalité |
Instant |
82 |
Recurring Insight |
Perspicacité récurrente |
Sorcery |
83 |
Regress |
Régression |
Instant |
84 |
Renegade Doppelganger |
Doppelganger renégat |
Creature - Shapeshifter |
85 |
Sea Gate Oracle |
Oracle de Porte des Mers |
Creature - Human Wizard |
86 |
See Beyond |
Voir plus loin |
Sorcery |
87 |
Shared Discovery |
Découverte partagée |
Sorcery |
88 |
Skywatcher Adept |
Expert gardeciel |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
89 |
Sphinx of Magosi |
Sphinx de Magosi |
Creature - Sphinx |
90 |
Surrakar Spellblade |
Lamesort surrakar |
Creature - Surrakar |
91 |
Training Grounds |
Terrains d'entraînement |
Enchantment |
92 |
Unified Will |
Volonté unifiée |
Instant |
93 |
Venerated Teacher |
Professeur vénéré |
Creature - Human Wizard |
94 |
Arrogant Bloodlord |
Seigneur de sang arrogant |
Creature - Vampire Knight |
95 |
Bala Ged Scorpion |
Scorpion de Bala Ged |
Creature - Scorpion |
96 |
Baneful Omen |
Maudit augure |
Enchantment |
97 |
Bloodrite Invoker |
Invocateur ritesang |
Creature - Vampire Shaman |
98 |
Bloodthrone Vampire |
Vampire du trône de sang |
Creature - Vampire |
99 |
Cadaver Imp |
Diablotin des cadavres |
Creature - Imp |
100 |
Consume the Meek |
Dévorer les humbles |
Instant |
101 |
Consuming Vapors |
Vapeurs dévorantes |
Sorcery |
102 |
Contaminated Ground |
Terre contaminée |
Enchantment - Aura |
103 |
Corpsehatch |
Corpcouvoir |
Sorcery |
104 |
Curse of Wizardry |
Malédiction de sorcellerie |
Enchantment |
105 |
Death Cultist |
Cultiste de la mort |
Creature - Human Wizard |
106 |
Demonic Appetite |
Appétit démoniaque |
Enchantment - Aura |
107 |
Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief |
Drana, chef de sang des Kalastria |
Legendary Creature - Vampire Shaman |
108 |
Dread Drone |
Drone de l'effroi |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
109 |
Escaped Null |
Infécond fuyard |
Creature - Zombie Berserker |
110 |
Essence Feed |
Repas d'essence |
Sorcery |
111 |
Gloomhunter |
Chasse-langueur |
Creature - Bat |
112 |
Guul Draz Assassin |
Assassin de Guul Draz |
Creature - Vampire Assassin |
113 |
Hellcarver Demon |
Démon sculptenfer |
Creature - Demon |
114 |
Induce Despair |
Invitation au désespoir |
Instant |
115 |
Inquisition of Kozilek |
Inquisition de Kozilek |
Sorcery |
116 |
Last Kiss |
Dernier baiser |
Instant |
117 |
Mortician Beetle |
Scarabée tanathologue |
Creature - Insect |
118 |
Nighthaze |
Brumenuit |
Sorcery |
119 |
Nirkana Cutthroat |
Surineur des Nirkana |
Creature - Vampire Warrior |
120 |
Nirkana Revenant |
Revenante des Nirkana |
Creature - Vampire Shade |
121 |
Null Champion |
Champion des inféconds |
Creature - Zombie Warrior |
122 |
Pawn of Ulamog |
Pion d'Ulamog |
Creature - Vampire Shaman |
123 |
Perish the Thought |
N'y pensez même pas ! |
Sorcery |
124 |
Pestilence Demon |
Démon de pestilence |
Creature - Demon |
125 |
Repay in Kind |
À charge de revanche |
Sorcery |
126 |
Shrivel |
Dessiccation |
Sorcery |
127 |
Skeletal Wurm |
Guivre squelettique |
Creature - Skeleton Wurm |
128 |
Suffer the Past |
Subir le passé |
Instant |
129 |
Thought Gorger |
Avaleur de pensées |
Creature - Horror |
130 |
Vendetta |
Vendetta |
Instant |
131 |
Virulent Swipe |
Frappe virulente |
Instant |
132 |
Zof Shade |
Ombre de Zof |
Creature - Shade |
133 |
Zulaport Enforcer |
Argousin de Zulaport |
Creature - Human Warrior |
134 |
Akoum Boulderfoot |
Pied-lourd d'Akoum |
Creature - Giant Warrior |
135 |
Battle Rampart |
Rempart de bataille |
Creature - Wall |
136 |
Battle-Rattle Shaman |
Shamane à crécelle de guerre |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
137 |
Brimstone Mage |
Mage sulfureux |
Creature - Human Shaman |
138 |
Brood Birthing |
Naissance de la progéniture |
Sorcery |
139 |
Conquering Manticore |
Manticore conquérante |
Creature - Manticore |
140 |
Devastating Summons |
Recrutement dévastateur |
Sorcery |
141 |
Disaster Radius |
Rayonnement de désastre |
Sorcery |
142 |
Emrakul's Hatcher |
Couveur d'Emrakul |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
143 |
Explosive Revelation |
Révélation explosive |
Sorcery |
144 |
Fissure Vent |
Conduit de crevasse |
Sorcery |
145 |
Flame Slash |
Balafre de flammes |
Sorcery |
146 |
Forked Bolt |
Éclair fourchu |
Sorcery |
147 |
Goblin Arsonist |
Incendiaire gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
148 |
Goblin Tunneler |
Tunnelier gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Rogue |
149 |
Grotag Siege-Runner |
Coureur de siège grotag |
Creature - Goblin Rogue |
150 |
Heat Ray |
Rayon de chaleur |
Instant |
151 |
Hellion Eruption |
Éruption de monstruosités |
Sorcery |
152 |
Kargan Dragonlord |
Seigneur-dragon kargan |
Creature - Human Warrior |
153 |
Kiln Fiend |
Fielleux du four |
Creature - Elemental Beast |
154 |
Lagac Lizard |
Lagac |
Creature - Lizard |
155 |
Lavafume Invoker |
Invocateur de fumerolle |
Creature - Goblin Shaman |
156 |
Lord of Shatterskull Pass |
Seigneur du Col de Fracassecrâne |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
157 |
Lust for War |
Soif de guerre |
Enchantment - Aura |
158 |
Magmaw |
Magmâche |
Creature - Elemental |
159 |
Ogre Sentry |
Sentinelle ogre |
Creature - Ogre Warrior |
160 |
Rage Nimbus |
Nimbus de rage |
Creature - Elemental |
161 |
Raid Bombardment |
Bombardement d'assaut |
Enchantment |
162 |
Rapacious One |
Lui-qui-est-avide |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
163 |
Soulsurge Elemental |
Élémental déchargeâme |
Creature - Elemental |
164 |
Spawning Breath |
Souffle de prolifération |
Instant |
165 |
Splinter Twin |
Jumeau par scission |
Enchantment - Aura |
166 |
Staggershock |
Ébranlechoc |
Instant |
167 |
Surreal Memoir |
Mémoire surréaliste |
Sorcery |
168 |
Traitorous Instinct |
Instinct perfide |
Sorcery |
169 |
Tuktuk the Explorer |
Tuktuk l'Explorateur |
Legendary Creature - Goblin |
170 |
Valakut Fireboar |
Sanglier de feu de Valakut |
Creature - Elemental Boar |
171 |
Vent Sentinel |
Sentinelle de fumerolle |
Creature - Elemental |
172 |
World at War |
Un monde en guerre |
Sorcery |
173 |
Wrap in Flames |
Enveloppe de flammes |
Sorcery |
174 |
Ancient Stirrings |
Anciens frémissements |
Sorcery |
175 |
Aura Gnarlid |
Gnarlide d'aura |
Creature - Beast |
176 |
Awakening Zone |
Zone d'éveil |
Enchantment |
177 |
Bear Umbra |
Ombre d'ours |
Enchantment - Aura |
178 |
Beastbreaker of Bala Ged |
Dresseur de bêtes de Bala Ged |
Creature - Human Warrior |
179 |
Boar Umbra |
Ombre de sanglier |
Enchantment - Aura |
180 |
Bramblesnap |
Claqueronce |
Creature - Elemental |
181 |
Broodwarden |
Garde de la progéniture |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
182 |
Daggerback Basilisk |
Basilic daguéchine |
Creature - Basilisk |
183 |
Gelatinous Genesis |
Genèse gélatineuse |
Sorcery |
184 |
Gigantomancer |
Gigantomancien |
Creature - Human Shaman |
185 |
Gravity Well |
Puits gravitique |
Enchantment |
186 |
Growth Spasm |
Spasme de croissance |
Sorcery |
187 |
Haze Frog |
Grenouille de brume |
Creature - Frog |
188 |
Irresistible Prey |
Proie irrésistible |
Sorcery |
189 |
Jaddi Lifestrider |
Jaddi enjambe-vie |
Creature - Elemental |
190 |
Joraga Treespeaker |
Oratrice arboricole de Joraga |
Creature - Elf Druid |
191 |
Kazandu Tuskcaller |
Meneuse de pachydermes du Kazandou |
Creature - Human Shaman |
192 |
Khalni Hydra |
Hydre de Khalni |
Creature - Hydra |
193 |
Kozilek's Predator |
Prédateur de Kozilek |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
194 |
Leaf Arrow |
Flèche de feuille |
Instant |
195 |
Living Destiny |
Destinée vivante |
Instant |
196 |
Might of the Masses |
Puissance des masses |
Instant |
197 |
Momentous Fall |
Chute considérable |
Instant |
198 |
Mul Daya Channelers |
Canalisatrices de Mul Daya |
Creature - Elf Druid Shaman |
199 |
Naturalize |
Naturalisation |
Instant |
200 |
Nema Siltlurker |
Nema guetteur de vase |
Creature - Lizard |
201 |
Nest Invader |
Envahisseur de nid |
Creature - Eldrazi Drone |
202 |
Ondu Giant |
Géant du Ondou |
Creature - Giant Druid |
203 |
Overgrown Battlement |
Rempart luxuriant |
Creature - Wall |
204 |
Pelakka Wurm |
Guivre de Pelakka |
Creature - Wurm |
205 |
Prey's Vengeance |
Vengeance de la proie |
Instant |
206 |
Realms Uncharted |
Royaumes inexplorés |
Instant |
207 |
Snake Umbra |
Ombre de serpent |
Enchantment - Aura |
208 |
Spider Umbra |
Ombre d'araignée |
Enchantment - Aura |
209 |
Sporecap Spider |
Araignée sporophore |
Creature - Spider |
210 |
Stomper Cub |
Jeune piétineur |
Creature - Beast |
211 |
Tajuru Preserver |
Préservateur de Tajuru |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
212 |
Vengevine |
Vengeliane |
Creature - Elemental |
213 |
Wildheart Invoker |
Invocatrice au cœur sauvage |
Creature - Elf Shaman |
214 |
Sarkhan the Mad |
Sarkhan le Fou |
Planeswalker - Sarkhan |
215 |
Angelheart Vial |
Fiole de cœur d'ange |
Artifact |
216 |
Dreamstone Hedron |
Hèdron pierre de rêve |
Artifact |
217 |
Enatu Golem |
Golem d'Enatu |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
218 |
Hedron Matrix |
Matrice à hèdrons |
Artifact - Equipment |
219 |
Keening Stone |
Pierre psalmodiante |
Artifact |
220 |
Ogre's Cleaver |
Hachoir de l'ogre |
Artifact - Equipment |
221 |
Pennon Blade |
Lame à pennon |
Artifact - Equipment |
222 |
Prophetic Prism |
Prisme prophétique |
Artifact |
223 |
Reinforced Bulwark |
Agger renforcé |
Artifact Creature - Wall |
224 |
Runed Servitor |
Valet serti de runes |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
225 |
Sphinx-Bone Wand |
Baguette d'os de sphinx |
Artifact |
226 |
Warmonger's Chariot |
Chariot du belliciste |
Artifact - Equipment |
227 |
Eldrazi Temple |
Temple eldrazi |
Land |
228 |
Evolving Wilds |
Étendues sauvages en évolution |
Land |
229 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
230 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
231 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
232 |
Plains |
Plaine |
Basic Land - Plains |
233 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
234 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
235 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
236 |
Island |
Île |
Basic Land - Island |
237 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
238 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
239 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
240 |
Swamp |
Marais |
Basic Land - Swamp |
241 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
242 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
243 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
244 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
245 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
246 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
247 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |
248 |
Forest |
Forêt |
Basic Land - Forest |