1 |
Angel of Retribution |
Ange du châtiment |
Creature - Angel |
2 |
Aven Trooper |
Troupier avemain |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
3 |
Cleansing Meditation |
Méditation de nettoiement |
Sorcery |
4 |
Equal Treatment |
Traitement égalitaire |
Instant |
5 |
Floating Shield |
Bouclier flottant |
Enchantment - Aura |
6 |
Frantic Purification |
Purification effrénée |
Instant |
7 |
Hypochondria |
Hypochondrie |
Enchantment |
8 |
Major Teroh |
Major Téroh |
Legendary Creature - Bird Soldier |
9 |
Militant Monk |
Moine militant |
Creature - Human Monk Cleric |
10 |
Morningtide |
Soleil levant |
Sorcery |
11 |
Mystic Familiar |
Familier mystique |
Creature - Bird |
12 |
Pay No Heed |
Sans tenir compte |
Instant |
13 |
Possessed Nomad |
Nomade possédé |
Creature - Human Nomad Horror |
14 |
Reborn Hero |
Héros revenu à la vie |
Creature - Human Soldier |
15 |
Spirit Flare |
Flamboiement spirituel |
Instant |
16 |
Stern Judge |
Juge sévère |
Creature - Human Cleric |
17 |
Strength of Isolation |
Force de l'isolation |
Enchantment - Aura |
18 |
Teroh's Faithful |
Fidèle de Téroh |
Creature - Human Cleric |
19 |
Teroh's Vanguard |
Avant-garde de Téroh |
Creature - Human Nomad |
20 |
Transcendence |
Transcendance |
Enchantment |
21 |
Vengeful Dreams |
Rêves vengeurs |
Instant |
22 |
Alter Reality |
Altération de la réalité |
Instant |
23 |
Ambassador Laquatus |
Ambassadeur Laquatus |
Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
24 |
Aquamoeba |
Aquamibe |
Creature - Elemental Beast |
25 |
Balshan Collaborator |
Collaborateur balshanique |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
26 |
Breakthrough |
Découverte |
Sorcery |
27 |
Cephalid Aristocrat |
Aristocrate céphalide |
Creature - Cephalid |
28 |
Cephalid Illusionist |
Illusionniste céphalide |
Creature - Cephalid Wizard |
29 |
Cephalid Sage |
Sage céphalide |
Creature - Cephalid |
30 |
Cephalid Snitch |
Mouchard céphalide |
Creature - Cephalid Wizard |
31 |
Cephalid Vandal |
Vandale céphalide |
Creature - Cephalid Rogue |
32 |
Churning Eddy |
Remous tournoyants |
Sorcery |
33 |
Circular Logic |
Logique circulaire |
Instant |
34 |
Compulsion |
Compulsion |
Enchantment |
35 |
Coral Net |
Filet de corail |
Enchantment - Aura |
36 |
Deep Analysis |
Analyse en profondeur |
Sorcery |
37 |
False Memories |
Faux souvenirs |
Instant |
38 |
Ghostly Wings |
Ailes évanescentes |
Enchantment - Aura |
39 |
Hydromorph Guardian |
Vigile hydromorphe |
Creature - Elemental |
40 |
Hydromorph Gull |
Goéland hydromorphe |
Creature - Elemental Bird |
41 |
Liquify |
Liquéfaction |
Instant |
42 |
Llawan, Cephalid Empress |
Llawan, impératrice céphalide |
Legendary Creature - Cephalid |
43 |
Obsessive Search |
Fouille obsessionnelle |
Instant |
44 |
Plagiarize |
Plagiat |
Instant |
45 |
Possessed Aven |
Avemain possédé |
Creature - Bird Soldier Horror |
46 |
Retraced Image |
Image retracée |
Sorcery |
47 |
Skywing Aven |
Avemain ailes de ciel |
Creature - Bird Soldier |
48 |
Stupefying Touch |
Toucher de stupéfaction |
Enchantment - Aura |
49 |
Turbulent Dreams |
Rêves turbulents |
Sorcery |
50 |
Boneshard Slasher |
Celui aux os qui balafrent |
Creature - Horror |
51 |
Cabal Ritual |
Messe de la Coterie |
Instant |
52 |
Cabal Surgeon |
Chirurgienne de la Coterie |
Creature - Human Minion |
53 |
Cabal Torturer |
Tortionnaire de la Coterie |
Creature - Human Minion |
54 |
Carrion Rats |
Rats charognards |
Creature - Rat |
55 |
Carrion Wurm |
Guivre charognarde |
Creature - Zombie Wurm |
56 |
Chainer, Dementia Master |
Chaines, maître des démences |
Legendary Creature - Human Minion |
57 |
Chainer's Edict |
Édit de Chaînes |
Sorcery |
58 |
Crippling Fatigue |
Fatigue profonde |
Sorcery |
59 |
Dawn of the Dead |
Aube des morts |
Enchantment |
60 |
Faceless Butcher |
Boucher sans visage |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
61 |
Gloomdrifter |
Languisseur à la dérive |
Creature - Zombie Minion |
62 |
Gravegouger |
Évideur de tombes |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
63 |
Grotesque Hybrid |
Hybride grotesque |
Creature - Zombie |
64 |
Hypnox |
Hypnox |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
65 |
Ichorid |
Ichoride |
Creature - Horror |
66 |
Insidious Dreams |
Rêves insidieux |
Instant |
67 |
Laquatus's Champion |
Champion de Laquatus |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
68 |
Last Laugh |
Rira bien qui rira le dernier |
Enchantment |
69 |
Mesmeric Fiend |
Fielleux mesmérien |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
70 |
Mind Sludge |
Vase cérébrale |
Sorcery |
71 |
Mortal Combat |
Combat mortel |
Enchantment |
72 |
Mortiphobia |
Nécrophobie |
Enchantment |
73 |
Mutilate |
Mutilation |
Sorcery |
74 |
Nantuko Shade |
Ombre Nantuko |
Creature - Insect Shade |
75 |
Organ Grinder |
Broyeur d'organes |
Creature - Zombie |
76 |
Psychotic Haze |
Brume psychotique |
Instant |
77 |
Putrid Imp |
Diablotin putride |
Creature - Zombie Imp |
78 |
Rancid Earth |
Terre rance |
Sorcery |
79 |
Restless Dreams |
Rêves agités |
Sorcery |
80 |
Sengir Vampire |
Vampire sengien |
Creature - Vampire |
81 |
Shade's Form |
Forme de l'ombre |
Enchantment - Aura |
82 |
Shambling Swarm |
Nuée chavirante |
Creature - Horror |
83 |
Sickening Dreams |
Rêves maladifs |
Sorcery |
84 |
Slithery Stalker |
Pisteur rampant |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
85 |
Soul Scourge |
Plaie des âmes |
Creature - Nightmare Horror |
86 |
Strength of Lunacy |
Force de la démence |
Enchantment - Aura |
87 |
Unhinge |
Rendre dingue |
Sorcery |
88 |
Waste Away |
Dépérissement |
Instant |
89 |
Zombie Trailblazer |
Zombie pionnier |
Creature - Zombie Scout |
90 |
Accelerate |
Accéleration |
Instant |
91 |
Balthor the Stout |
Balthor le robuste |
Legendary Creature - Dwarf Barbarian |
92 |
Barbarian Outcast |
Barbare réprouvé |
Creature - Human Barbarian Beast |
93 |
Crackling Club |
Massue crépitante |
Enchantment - Aura |
94 |
Crazed Firecat |
Chatfeu affolé |
Creature - Elemental Cat |
95 |
Devastating Dreams |
Rêves dévastateurs |
Sorcery |
96 |
Enslaved Dwarf |
Naine en esclavage |
Creature - Dwarf |
97 |
Fiery Temper |
Tempérament fougueux |
Instant |
98 |
Flaming Gambit |
Jouer avec le feu |
Instant |
99 |
Flash of Defiance |
Lueur de défi |
Sorcery |
100 |
Grim Lavamancer |
Sinistre lavamancien |
Creature - Human Wizard |
101 |
Hell-Bent Raider |
Pillard acharné |
Creature - Human Barbarian |
102 |
Kamahl's Sledge |
Frappe-devant de Kamahl |
Sorcery |
103 |
Longhorn Firebeast |
Bêtefeu à longues cornes |
Creature - Elemental Ox Beast |
104 |
Overmaster |
Domination suprême |
Sorcery |
105 |
Pardic Arsonist |
Incendiaire pardique |
Creature - Human Barbarian |
106 |
Pardic Collaborator |
Collaborateur pardique |
Creature - Human Barbarian |
107 |
Pardic Lancer |
Lancier pardique |
Creature - Human Barbarian |
108 |
Petradon |
Pétradon |
Creature - Nightmare Beast |
109 |
Petravark |
Pétravark |
Creature - Nightmare Beast |
110 |
Pitchstone Wall |
Mur d'asphalte |
Creature - Wall |
111 |
Possessed Barbarian |
Barbare possédé |
Creature - Human Barbarian Horror |
112 |
Pyromania |
Pyromanie |
Enchantment |
113 |
Radiate |
Rayonnement |
Instant |
114 |
Skullscorch |
Brûlecrâne |
Sorcery |
115 |
Sonic Seizure |
Attaque sonique |
Instant |
116 |
Temporary Insanity |
Démence passagère |
Instant |
117 |
Violent Eruption |
Éruption violente |
Instant |
118 |
Acorn Harvest |
Glandée |
Sorcery |
119 |
Anurid Scavenger |
Anouride nécrophage |
Creature - Frog Beast |
120 |
Arrogant Wurm |
Guivre arrogante |
Creature - Wurm |
121 |
Basking Rootwalla |
Agame pèlerin |
Creature - Lizard |
122 |
Centaur Chieftain |
Chef de clan centaure |
Creature - Centaur |
123 |
Centaur Veteran |
Vétéran centaure |
Creature - Centaur |
124 |
Dwell on the Past |
Vivre dans le passé |
Sorcery |
125 |
Far Wanderings |
Errances lointaines |
Sorcery |
126 |
Gurzigost |
Gurzigost |
Creature - Beast |
127 |
Insist |
Insistance |
Sorcery |
128 |
Invigorating Falls |
Chutes revigorantes |
Sorcery |
129 |
Krosan Constrictor |
Serpent constrictor krosian |
Creature - Snake |
130 |
Krosan Restorer |
Restauratrice krosiane |
Creature - Human Druid |
131 |
Nantuko Blightcutter |
Tranche-fléau nantuko |
Creature - Insect Druid |
132 |
Nantuko Calmer |
Calmeur nantuko |
Creature - Insect Druid |
133 |
Nantuko Cultivator |
Cultivateur Nantuko |
Creature - Insect Druid |
134 |
Narcissism |
Narcissisme |
Enchantment |
135 |
Nostalgic Dreams |
Rêves nostalgiques |
Sorcery |
136 |
Parallel Evolution |
Evolution parallèle |
Sorcery |
137 |
Possessed Centaur |
Centaure possédé |
Creature - Centaur Horror |
138 |
Seton's Scout |
Éclaireur de Selton |
Creature - Centaur Druid Scout Archer |
139 |
Cabal Coffers |
Coffres de la Coterie |
Land |
140 |
Tainted Field |
Champ souillé |
Land |
141 |
Tainted Isle |
Île souillée |
Land |
142 |
Tainted Peak |
Pic souillé |
Land |
143 |
Tainted Wood |
Bois souillé |
Land |