1 |
Abeyance |
Suspens |
Instant |
2 |
Alabaster Dragon |
Dragon d'albâtre |
Creature - Dragon |
3 |
Alms |
Aumône |
Enchantment |
4 |
Angelic Renewal |
Renouvellement angélique |
Enchantment |
5 |
Ardent Militia |
Milice ardente |
Creature - Human Soldier |
6 |
Argivian Find |
Trouvaille argiviane |
Instant |
7 |
Aura of Silence |
Aura de silence |
Enchantment |
8 |
Benalish Infantry |
Infanterie bénaliane |
Creature - Human Soldier |
9 |
Benalish Knight |
Chevalier bénalian |
Creature - Human Knight |
10 |
Benalish Missionary |
Missionnaire bénalian |
Creature - Human Cleric |
11 |
Debt of Loyalty |
Dette de loyauté |
Instant |
12 |
Duskrider Falcon |
Faucon crépusculaire |
Creature - Bird |
13 |
Empyrial Armor |
Armure empyrée |
Enchantment - Aura |
14 |
Foriysian Brigade |
Brigade foriysiane |
Creature - Human Soldier |
15 |
Gerrard's Wisdom |
Sagesse selon Gerrard |
Sorcery |
16 |
Guided Strike |
Frappe précise |
Instant |
17 |
Heavy Ballista |
Baliste lourde |
Creature - Human Soldier |
18 |
Inner Sanctum |
Saint des saints |
Enchantment |
19 |
Kithkin Armor |
Armure sangamie |
Enchantment - Aura |
20 |
Master of Arms |
Maître d'armes |
Creature - Human Soldier |
21 |
Mistmoon Griffin |
Griffon de la Brumelune |
Creature - Griffin |
22 |
Peacekeeper |
Garante de la paix |
Creature - Human |
23 |
Revered Unicorn |
Licorne révérée |
Creature - Unicorn |
24 |
Serenity |
Sérénité |
Enchantment |
25 |
Serra's Blessing |
Bénédiction selon Serra |
Enchantment |
26 |
Soul Shepherd |
Berger des âmes |
Creature - Human Cleric |
27 |
Southern Paladin |
Paladin du Sud |
Creature - Human Knight |
28 |
Tariff |
Tarif |
Sorcery |
29 |
Volunteer Reserves |
Volontaires réservistes |
Creature - Human Soldier |
30 |
Abduction |
Rapt |
Enchantment - Aura |
31 |
Abjure |
Abjuration |
Instant |
32 |
Ancestral Knowledge |
Connaissance ancestrale |
Enchantment |
33 |
Apathy |
Apathie |
Enchantment - Aura |
34 |
Argivian Restoration |
Restauration argiviane |
Sorcery |
35 |
Avizoa |
Avizoa |
Creature - Jellyfish |
36 |
Cloud Djinn |
Djinn des nuages |
Creature - Djinn |
37 |
Disrupt |
Perturbation |
Instant |
38 |
Ertai's Familiar |
Familier d'Ertaï |
Creature - Illusion |
39 |
Flux |
Flux |
Sorcery |
40 |
Fog Elemental |
Élémental de brouillard |
Creature - Elemental |
41 |
Mana Chains |
Chaînes de mana |
Enchantment - Aura |
42 |
Manta Ray |
Raie manta |
Creature - Fish |
43 |
Merfolk Traders |
Marchands ondins |
Creature - Merfolk |
44 |
Noble Benefactor |
Noble bienfaiteur |
Creature - Human Cleric |
45 |
Ophidian |
Ophidien |
Creature - Snake |
46 |
Paradigm Shift |
Changement de paradigme |
Sorcery |
47 |
Pendrell Mists |
Brumes de Peindrell |
Enchantment |
48 |
Phantom Warrior |
Guerrier fantomatique |
Creature - Illusion Warrior |
49 |
Phantom Wings |
Ailes fantomatiques |
Enchantment - Aura |
50 |
Psychic Vortex |
Vortex psychique |
Enchantment |
51 |
Relearn |
Révisions |
Sorcery |
52 |
Sage Owl |
Hibou savant |
Creature - Bird |
53 |
Teferi's Veil |
Voile de Téfeiri |
Enchantment |
54 |
Timid Drake |
Drakôn fuyard |
Creature - Drake |
55 |
Tolarian Drake |
Drakôn de Tolaria |
Creature - Drake |
56 |
Tolarian Entrancer |
Enjôleur tolarian |
Creature - Human Wizard |
57 |
Tolarian Serpent |
Serpent de mer de Tolaria |
Creature - Serpent |
58 |
Vodalian Illusionist |
Illusionniste vodalian |
Creature - Merfolk Wizard |
59 |
Abyssal Gatekeeper |
Gardien de la porte des abysses |
Creature - Horror |
60 |
Agonizing Memories |
Affres du souvenir |
Sorcery |
61 |
Barrow Ghoul |
Goule des tumulus |
Creature - Zombie |
62 |
Bone Dancer |
Ostéodanseur |
Creature - Zombie |
63 |
Buried Alive |
Enterré vivant |
Sorcery |
64 |
Circling Vultures |
Vautours tournoyants |
Creature - Bird |
65 |
Coils of the Medusa |
Chevelure de la Méduse |
Enchantment - Aura |
66 |
Doomsday |
Jour du jugement dernier |
Sorcery |
67 |
Fatal Blow |
Coup fatal |
Instant |
68 |
Festering Evil |
Mal putrescent |
Enchantment |
69 |
Fledgling Djinn |
Djinn juvénile |
Creature - Djinn |
70 |
Gallowbraid |
Tressegibet |
Legendary Creature - Horror |
71 |
Haunting Misery |
Douleur obsédante |
Sorcery |
72 |
Hidden Horror |
Horreur cachée |
Creature - Horror |
73 |
Infernal Tribute |
Hommage infernal |
Enchantment |
74 |
Mischievous Poltergeist |
Poltergeist malicieux |
Creature - Spirit |
75 |
Morinfen |
Morínfên |
Legendary Creature - Horror |
76 |
Necratog |
Nécratog |
Creature - Atog |
77 |
Odylic Wraith |
Apparition d'Hypnos |
Creature - Wraith |
78 |
Razortooth Rats |
Rats aux dents tranchantes |
Creature - Rat |
79 |
Shadow Rider |
Cavalier de l'ombre |
Creature - Zombie Knight |
80 |
Shattered Crypt |
Crypte fracassée |
Sorcery |
81 |
Spinning Darkness |
Obscurité tourbillonnante |
Instant |
82 |
Strands of Night |
Filins de la nuit |
Enchantment |
83 |
Tendrils of Despair |
Vrilles du désespoir |
Sorcery |
84 |
Urborg Justice |
Justice d'Urborg |
Instant |
85 |
Urborg Stalker |
Pisteur d'Urborg |
Creature - Horror |
86 |
Wave of Terror |
Vague de terreur |
Enchantment |
87 |
Zombie Scavengers |
Zombies nécrophages |
Creature - Zombie |
88 |
Aether Flash |
Flash d'Aether |
Enchantment |
89 |
Betrothed of Fire |
Fiancé du feu |
Enchantment - Aura |
90 |
Bloodrock Cyclops |
Cyclope de Rochesang |
Creature - Cyclops |
91 |
Bogardan Firefiend |
Fiellefeu bogardéân |
Creature - Elemental Spirit |
92 |
Boiling Blood |
Sang chaud |
Instant |
93 |
Cinder Giant |
Géant des cendres |
Creature - Giant |
94 |
Cinder Wall |
Mur de cendres |
Creature - Wall |
95 |
Cone of Flame |
Cône de flammes |
Sorcery |
96 |
Desperate Gambit |
Gambit désespéré |
Instant |
97 |
Dwarven Berserker |
Berserker nain |
Creature - Dwarf Berserker |
98 |
Dwarven Thaumaturgist |
Thaumaturge nain |
Creature - Dwarf Shaman |
99 |
Fervor |
Ferveur |
Enchantment |
100 |
Fire Whip |
Fouet de feu |
Enchantment - Aura |
101 |
Firestorm |
Orage de feu |
Instant |
102 |
Fit of Rage |
Accès de rage |
Sorcery |
103 |
Goblin Bomb |
Bombe gobeline |
Enchantment |
104 |
Goblin Grenadiers |
Grenadiers gobelins |
Creature - Goblin |
105 |
Goblin Vandal |
Vandale gobelin |
Creature - Goblin Rogue |
106 |
Heart of Bogardan |
Cœur du Bogardân |
Enchantment |
107 |
Heat Stroke |
Coup de chaleur |
Enchantment |
108 |
Hurloon Shaman |
Shamane de l'Hurloon |
Creature - Minotaur Shaman |
109 |
Lava Hounds |
Chiens de lave |
Creature - Hound |
110 |
Lava Storm |
Tempête de lave |
Instant |
111 |
Maraxus of Keld |
Maraxus de Keld |
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior |
112 |
Orcish Settlers |
Colons orques |
Creature - Orc |
113 |
Roc Hatchling |
Oisillon rokh |
Creature - Bird |
114 |
Sawtooth Ogre |
Ogre à dents pointues |
Creature - Ogre |
115 |
Thunderbolt |
Éclair foudroyant |
Instant |
116 |
Thundermare |
Cheval de foudre |
Creature - Elemental Horse |
117 |
Aboroth |
Aboroth |
Creature - Elemental |
118 |
Arctic Wolves |
Loups arctiques |
Creature - Wolf |
119 |
Barishi |
Barishi |
Creature - Elemental |
120 |
Blossoming Wreath |
Couronne de fleurs |
Instant |
121 |
Briar Shield |
Bouclier de ronces |
Enchantment - Aura |
122 |
Call of the Wild |
Appel de la forêt |
Enchantment |
123 |
Choking Vines |
Vignes étrangleuses |
Instant |
124 |
Dense Foliage |
Feuillage dense |
Enchantment |
125 |
Downdraft |
Courants descendants |
Enchantment |
126 |
Fallow Wurm |
Guivre des jachères |
Creature - Wurm |
127 |
Familiar Ground |
Terrain familier |
Enchantment |
128 |
Fungus Elemental |
Élémental de fongus |
Creature - Fungus Elemental |
129 |
Gaea's Blessing |
Bénédiction selon Gaia |
Sorcery |
130 |
Harvest Wurm |
Guivre des moissons |
Creature - Wurm |
131 |
Liege of the Hollows |
Féal des arbres creux |
Creature - Spirit |
132 |
Llanowar Behemoth |
Béhémoth de Llanowar |
Creature - Elemental |
133 |
Llanowar Druid |
Druide de Llanowar |
Creature - Elf Druid |
134 |
Llanowar Sentinel |
Sentinelle de Llanowar |
Creature - Elf |
135 |
Mwonvuli Ooze |
Limon de la Mwônvouli |
Creature - Ooze |
136 |
Nature's Kiss |
Baiser de la nature |
Enchantment - Aura |
137 |
Nature's Resurgence |
Renouveau de la nature |
Sorcery |
138 |
Redwood Treefolk |
Sylvins de Boisrouge |
Creature - Treefolk |
139 |
Rogue Elephant |
Éléphant solitaire |
Creature - Elephant |
140 |
Striped Bears |
Ours tigrés |
Creature - Bear |
141 |
Sylvan Hierophant |
Hiérophante sylvestre |
Creature - Human Cleric |
142 |
Tranquil Grove |
Bosquet tranquille |
Enchantment |
143 |
Uktabi Efreet |
Éfrit de l'Ouktabi |
Creature - Efreet |
144 |
Veteran Explorer |
Explorateur émérite |
Creature - Human Soldier Scout |
145 |
Vitalize |
Vitalité |
Instant |
146 |
Bosium Strip |
Ruban de Bœsium |
Artifact |
147 |
Bubble Matrix |
Matrice à bulles |
Artifact |
148 |
Chimeric Sphere |
Sphère-chimère |
Artifact |
149 |
Dingus Staff |
Bâton de dingus |
Artifact |
150 |
Jabari's Banner |
Bannière de Djabari |
Artifact |
151 |
Jangling Automaton |
Automate cliquetant |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
152 |
Mana Web |
Toile de mana |
Artifact |
153 |
Mind Stone |
Pierre de l'esprit |
Artifact |
154 |
Null Rod |
Baguette de cassation |
Artifact |
155 |
Phyrexian Furnace |
Fourneau phyrexian |
Artifact |
156 |
Serrated Biskelion |
Biskèle barbelé |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
157 |
Steel Golem |
Golem d'acier |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
158 |
Straw Golem |
Golem de paille |
Artifact Creature - Golem |
159 |
Thran Forge |
Forge de Thran |
Artifact |
160 |
Thran Tome |
Grimoire de Thran |
Artifact |
161 |
Touchstone |
Pierre de touche |
Artifact |
162 |
Well of Knowledge |
Puits de connaissance |
Artifact |
163 |
Xanthic Statue |
Statue xanthique |
Artifact |
164 |
Gemstone Mine |
Mine de gemmes |
Land |
165 |
Lotus Vale |
Vallon des lotus |
Land |
166 |
Scorched Ruins |
Ruines dévastées |
Land |
167 |
Winding Canyons |
Canyons serpentants |
Land |