
Battle-Rattle Shaman - Magic: The Gathering Foundations

  • Toutes les impressions
  • Battle-Rattle Shaman - Foundations Jumpstart (Commune) Battle-Rattle Shaman - Magic: The Gathering Foundations (Peu commune) Battle-Rattle Shaman - Double Masters (Commune) Battle-Rattle Shaman - Core Set 2021 (Peu commune) Battle-Rattle Shaman - Iconic Masters (Commune) Battle-Rattle Shaman - Modern Masters 2017 Edition (Commune) Battle-Rattle Shaman - Rise of the Eldrazi (Commune)


Impression anglaise

  • Battle-Rattle Shaman
  • Creature — Goblin Shaman
  • At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may have target creature get +2/+0 until end of turn.
  • A few moments of her rattle's infuriating clattering is enough to provoke even lifelong pacifists into a howling, violent rage.
  • 2/2

Impression française

  • Shamane à crécelle de guerre
  • Créature : gobelin et shamane
  • Au début du combat pendant votre tour, vous pouvez faire qu'une créature ciblée gagne +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.
  • En quelques instants, les cliquetis horripilants de sa crécelle peuvent induire une rage sanguinaire même chez de fervents pacifistes.
  • 2/2


  • Battle-Rattle Shaman
  • Creature - Goblin Shaman
  • At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may have target creature get +2/+0 until end of turn.
  • 2/2


  • This ability triggers when the beginning of combat step starts during each of your turns. It resolves before you declare attackers. [2010-06-15]
  • If a spell or ability (such as World at War) causes your turn to have multiple combat phases, this ability triggers during each of them. [2010-06-15]


  • NM/MT : ~-0,10 € Cote en augmentation
  • Premium : ~-0,10 € Cote stable


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