1 |
Abu Ja'far |
Creature - Human |
2 |
Army of Allah |
Instant |
3 |
Army of Allah |
Instant |
4 |
Camel |
Creature - Camel |
5 |
Eye for an Eye |
Œil pour œil |
Instant |
6 |
Jihad |
Enchantment |
7 |
King Suleiman |
Creature - Human |
8 |
Moorish Cavalry |
Cavalerie maure |
Creature - Human Knight |
9 |
Moorish Cavalry |
Cavalerie maure |
Creature - Human Knight |
10 |
Piety |
Piété |
Instant |
11 |
Piety |
Piété |
Instant |
12 |
Repentant Blacksmith |
Forgeron repenti |
Creature - Human |
13 |
Shahrazad |
Sorcery |
14 |
War Elephant |
Creature - Elephant |
15 |
War Elephant |
Creature - Elephant |
16 |
Dandân |
Dandân |
Creature - Fish |
17 |
Fishliver Oil |
Huile de foie de morue |
Enchantment - Aura |
18 |
Fishliver Oil |
Huile de foie de morue |
Enchantment - Aura |
19 |
Flying Men |
Hommes volants |
Creature - Human |
20 |
Giant Tortoise |
Tortue marine géante |
Creature - Turtle |
21 |
Giant Tortoise |
Tortue marine géante |
Creature - Turtle |
22 |
Island Fish Jasconius |
Île-poisson Seyidna Yûnûs |
Creature - Fish |
23 |
Merchant Ship |
Creature - Human |
24 |
Old Man of the Sea |
Creature - Djinn |
25 |
Serendib Djinn |
Creature - Djinn |
26 |
Serendib Efreet |
Éfrit de Serendib |
Creature - Efreet |
27 |
Sindbad |
Sindbad |
Creature - Human |
28 |
Unstable Mutation |
Mutation instable |
Enchantment - Aura |
29 |
Cuombajj Witches |
Envoûteuses de Cuombajj |
Creature - Human Wizard |
30 |
El-Hajjâj |
El-Hajjâj |
Creature - Human Wizard |
31 |
Erg Raiders |
Pillards de l'erg |
Creature - Human Warrior |
32 |
Erg Raiders |
Pillards de l'erg |
Creature - Human Warrior |
33 |
Guardian Beast |
Creature - Beast |
34 |
Hasran Ogress |
Creature - Ogre |
35 |
Hasran Ogress |
Creature - Ogre |
36 |
Junun Efreet |
Éfrit djunúnide |
Creature - Efreet |
37 |
Juzam Djinn |
Creature - Djinn |
38 |
Khabal Ghoul |
Creature - Zombie |
39 |
Oubliette |
Oubliette |
Enchantment |
40 |
Oubliette |
Oubliette |
Enchantment |
41 |
Sorceress Queen |
Reine sorcière |
Creature - Human Wizard |
42 |
Stone-Throwing Devils |
Creature - Devil |
43 |
Stone-Throwing Devils |
Creature - Devil |
44 |
Aladdin |
Creature - Human Rogue |
45 |
Ali Baba |
Ali Baba |
Creature - Human Rogue |
46 |
Ali from Cairo |
Creature - Human |
47 |
Bird Maiden |
Dame-oiselle |
Creature - Human Bird |
48 |
Bird Maiden |
Dame-oiselle |
Creature - Human Bird |
49 |
Desert Nomads |
Creature - Human Nomad |
50 |
Hurr Jackal |
Chacal d'Hurr |
Creature - Hound |
51 |
Kird Ape |
Gorille beringeï |
Creature - Ape |
52 |
Magnetic Mountain |
Montagne magnétique |
Enchantment |
53 |
Mijae Djinn |
Djinn mijaëne |
Creature - Djinn |
54 |
Rukh Egg |
Œuf de rukh |
Creature - Bird |
55 |
Rukh Egg |
Œuf de rukh |
Creature - Bird |
56 |
Ydwen Efreet |
Creature - Efreet |
57 |
Cyclone |
Enchantment |
58 |
Desert Twister |
Tornade du désert |
Sorcery |
59 |
Drop of Honey |
Enchantment |
60 |
Erhnam Djinn |
Djinn erhnamite |
Creature - Djinn |
61 |
Ghazban Ogre |
Ogre du Ghazbán |
Creature - Ogre |
62 |
Ifh-Biff Efreet |
Creature - Efreet |
63 |
Metamorphosis |
Sorcery |
64 |
Nafs Asp |
Vipère haje |
Creature - Snake |
65 |
Nafs Asp |
Vipère haje |
Creature - Snake |
66 |
Sandstorm |
Tempête de sable |
Instant |
67 |
Singing Tree |
Creature - Plant |
68 |
Wyluli Wolf |
Loup de Wylouli |
Creature - Wolf |
69 |
Wyluli Wolf |
Loup de Wylouli |
Creature - Wolf |
70 |
Aladdin's Lamp |
Lampe d'Aladdin |
Artifact |
71 |
Aladdin's Ring |
Anneau d'Aladdin |
Artifact |
72 |
Bottle of Suleiman |
Bouteille de Salomon |
Artifact |
73 |
Brass Man |
Homme d'airain |
Artifact Creature - Construct |
74 |
City in a Bottle |
Artifact |
75 |
Dancing Scimitar |
Cimeterre dansant |
Artifact Creature - Spirit |
76 |
Ebony Horse |
Cheval d'ébène |
Artifact |
77 |
Flying Carpet |
Tapis volant |
Artifact |
78 |
Jandor's Ring |
Anneau de Jouder |
Artifact |
79 |
Jandor's Saddlebags |
Fontes de Jouder |
Artifact |
80 |
Jeweled Bird |
Artifact |
81 |
Pyramids |
Artifact |
82 |
Ring of Ma'ruf |
Artifact |
83 |
Sandals of Abdallah |
Artifact |
84 |
Bazaar of Baghdad |
Land |
85 |
City of Brass |
Cité d'airain |
Land |
86 |
Desert |
Désert |
Land - Desert |
87 |
Diamond Valley |
Land |
88 |
Elephant Graveyard |
Land |
89 |
Island of Wak-Wak |
Land |
90 |
Library of Alexandria |
Land |
91 |
Mountain |
Montagne |
Basic Land - Mountain |
92 |
Oasis |
Oasis |
Land |