
Wandertale Mentor - Bloomburrow


  • Extension : Bloomburrow - 240/397 (Peu commune) Bloomburrow (Peu commune)
  • Artiste : Jakub Kasper

Impression anglaise

  • Wandertale Mentor
  • Creature — Raccoon Bard
  • Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor. (You expend 4 as you spend your fourth total mana to cast spells during a turn.)
    t: Add r or g.
  • "You've all grown so much since I passed through this burrow last! Let's see, where to begin this story?"
  • 2/2

Impression française

  • Mentor mythinérant
  • Créature : raton-laveur et barde
  • À chaque fois que vous déboursez 4, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Mentor mythinérant. (Vous déboursez 4 au moment où vous dépensez votre quatrième mana au total pour lancer des sorts pendant un tour.)
    t : Ajoutez r ou g.
  • « Vous avez tous tant grandi depuis mon dernier passage dans ce terrier ! Voyons voir, comment débuter cette histoire ? »
  • 2/2


  • Wandertale Mentor
  • Creature — Raccoon Bard
  • Whenever you expend 4, put a +1/+1 counter on Wandertale Mentor.
    {T}: Add {R} or {G}.
  • 2/2


  • Abilities that trigger whenever you “expend N” only trigger when you reach that specific amount of mana spent on casting spells that turn. This can only happen once per turn. For example, if you’ve spent three mana on spells so far this turn and you control a permanent with an ability that triggers “whenever you expend 4,” that ability will trigger the next time you spend at least one mana to cast a spell this turn. It won’t trigger again if you spend another four mana to cast spells later in the turn. [0000-00-00]
  • If the cost to cast a spell is increased, decreased, or changed because of additional or alternative costs, expend counts only the mana you actually spent. [0000-00-00]
  • A permanent with an ability that triggers whenever you “expend N” will see mana you spent to cast spells the turn it enters, including mana you spent before it entered. For example, if you cast Junkblade Bruiser (a creature with a mana value of 5 and an ability that triggers whenever you expend 4) by paying its full cost of five mana, you’ll already have spent four mana on spells before Junkblade Bruiser enters, and therefore its ability that triggers whenever you expend 4 won’t be able to trigger at all that turn. [0000-00-00]


  • NM/MT : non disponible
  • Premium : non disponible


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